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Quote from Eclipsed :After 3 days the activity in this thread is somewhat dissapointing. Never expected 50+ votes and active discussions of course,but currently I'm lacking motivation to put any effort here,to be honest. Shrug
I understand that FO8 is a quite difficult car,not between favourites for many,this is why I made the thread - to be sure that this doesn't end into 4-5 car grids in first rounds and cancelled final round.

Sounds like MTDZX-FO!S!, we have already to be used to have no more than 8 racers per round. If more than that, people go mad with " : )" on chat lol.

So, what I attempt to mean is that, yeah... if you run this one, this might be happening. I haven't been on LFS recently, I should really attempt to join more often to RTFR, yet to join this one, where I joined last time for this, is false.
S3 licensed
I thought this was old thread, but unsurprisingly, it wasn't.
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*Firing up some fireworks called "Excellent!"

Round 42, oh yeah... Despite no one managed to gain Legendary title, the race itself was enough one to be called so...


...MR. FLAT OUT! Congratulations!

He didn't led most of the laps, as Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) led 14/30 laps, against Willi's 12. Stats are however irrelevant if the only victory is the thing of matter. Once again he won and this time he literally nailed his strategy and setup, as tires did blow up just after the finish line at turn 1. Absolutely great job, well done.

We do have 2nd finisher, he is Jay From Finland ( LFSW: jh89 ). Fastest man at both sessions, but no chance to get to top. Still, big score for him as well, as bigger points for 1 hour race plus doubled. Greedily and well done!

No other guys did finish. Here is some highlights!

Start Grid and start.

About looking closely Willi's save. Lost control after jump but saved it!

It was somewhat indeed hard to make pitstop. People went too fast at first times, sliding too fast. UM21 did miss twice even.

RedBot ( LFSW: rebot_ ) sadly lost control and "took the wrong route". DNF.

3rd attempt, UM21 finally makes to the pits.

Maybe the most exotic part of the race. People had actually racing against each other, more or less. Jay makes error after jump, but stays on the track.

Now, some crashes. Both drivers managed to continue, till both entered to void, where getting back to track is... pretty much impossible. ( Not shown at this video though. )

And finally, the most shocking part. Gevin retires from the race...


1st time 1 hour race occurred.
Laps Led: Jay, 4 | Gevin, 14 | Willi, 12
!flip commands used: UM21, 7 | T. Soini, 4 | Gevin, 3
8 Drivers did perform @ qualify, but only 6 of them did actually start.
FXO GTR, Formula V8, RB4 GT and FZ50 X were the cars used.
Despite Formula V8 car being tricky, UM21 would had got an actual chance to win the race due pace speed did drastically go slower in some parts and got stable just sub 2 minutes per lap. UM21 however, with original strategy, could have go 1:56 every lap, meaning every lap should have gone perfect, including perfect pitstop. That didn't happen. However, if Gevin would have managed to stay on track, he would had definitely won the race.

Stats and points are updated once you see this text having a hotlink

Thank you for participating this round. Next round will happen this week's thursday, at 16.00 UTC and will contain random combo, but 70% chance to have a layout from earlier rounds. Winner had honor to select number 18, that number will play on role when randomizing the next combo. Stay tuned!
Last edited by UnknownMaster21, .
Can't preview the post if uploading pics
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So, whenever I wanna upload a picture to my post on preview, once it is uploaded, it instantly submits the post.
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So far, things look like this

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This combo is absolutely highest chance so far of no one may finish the race.
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Ugh... Sunday I would say for me.
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Quote from MicroSpecV :Any update? Rofl
Wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting for a layout Fap

As I told

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Ask Bose321...

EDIT: Sorry mate, really, but I am really short handed here. I do not want to touch his work due the methods, also he is being busy and I can tell I am very lucky most of the things implemented to in our server works and requires no major/critical updates.
S3 licensed
Here we go! Combo is now locked at server and laps are doubled.

S3 licensed
As more and more car setups are used from this list, it is time to tell about more of them.

1LX and Formula XR Junior are the only known cars which are set to have restriction of using different tires. 1LX is supposed not have at all Soft tires available and Formula XR Junior is supposed to not have R3 tires in same fashion.

GT4 cars were set to work at first, where no cars could have use any amount of downforce, but because this option is still not available to check, in case someone could cheat, the class was set to work as average from all tracks, where now XF4 is the fastest in straights and FZ4 slowest. In other hand, UF4 alongside with FZ4 are the fastest cars in corners and XF4 slowest. Other two being somewhat between of mentioned cars.

The 1-Class works best on tracks which has long straights and not so many tight corners. Aston Historic is one good example of it.

Standard class, which contains XFG, XRG and UF1, is not valid anymore in command with /cars=STD. Also, /cars=FR would not work either.

GT9 and other minor classes are not widely used anymore, and might get notification of not used anymore.

GTP class is still not tested and is not valid class.

Notice as list is updated since last year, it is often checked this thread in case plausible errors occurs, most likely on new classes.
S3 licensed


Round 41 did not offer this time much dramatic moments. In fact, race was somewhat boring, but we did see two DNF's ( one of them simply gave up ) and we also saw RedBot's great climbing from POS 4 to POS 2. But it was simply not enough, as winner of Round 41 was so OP that he made Grand Slam!

So, winner with grand slam is UM21, who was clearly fastest guy and saw no real threat coming from other racers.

2nd position goes to RedBot ( LFSW: redbot_ ). Great climbing after an erroneous racing line on last hairpin, which did cost several seconds. Had a good fight against Jay from Finland ( LFSW: jh89 ), till Jay made slight mistake and lost control, grinding on wall on S-turn after "Eau Rouge" corner ( which would be really "Radillion", but who cares, this is Aston after all. ) and lost fight by RedBot escaping from him. Podium finish however.

Last finisher is T.Soini ( LFSW: teppari ), who really had no real racing against anybody, but finish is finish!

Not so many highlights, but here they are!

Start Grid

And Pertsa ( LFSW: EzA ) is off at Turn 1. DNF.

After T1

The hotspot was indeed between Jay and RedBot. First latter one took bad line, which he lost there seconds, dropping to 4th position, but he was slowly but surely gaining Jay back, and ultimately overtake happens, with Jay losing control.


UM21's 3rd Grand Slam
Start Grid was interesting, 1 from India and rest were from Finland.
Fastoric was the opening layout in series ( Round 1 )

Stats and points are updated once you see this text linked.

Thank you for participating this round. Next round will be held NOT in this week's Thursday, but on next week's Tuesday. Jay got the honor to select number for random combo generator, which is 112 as selected.

I can tell you now, this combo is insane and BIG POINTS will be received ( required to finish the race of course. ), stay tuned!
Last edited by UnknownMaster21, .
S3 licensed
Combo is now locked on the server ( server was passworded for some reason, sorry about that. Now public )
S3 licensed
Turns out, in real life some of the tires actually loses traction ( not completely ) if very hot temperature gathered.

What I try to say is the mixture of rubber does also make in play!

EDIT: I did write like a captain obvious, but despite tire physics in LFS might be wrong, the experience from it is both wrong and right, more or less.

EDIT: Oops, I did check the dates, I did bump big one, my bad.
Last edited by UnknownMaster21, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Hirochi :Why doesn't the new version have this car?
But all this coating is awesome!
I can't speak English, I don't know how to say...
From which version did the car come from? Can you tell me?

The car is never released due issues of tire physics we have at the moment and it has been planned to release after tire physics are ready.

But, over 9 years, tire physics are still not ready due even more issues.
S3 licensed
Get layout from here:

EDIT: Just noticed my brains have farted in other info section, but don't let it disturb that you lol. ( Sorry )
Last edited by UnknownMaster21, .
S3 licensed



First time we see this one happening, when winner wins the race in winner's choice layout! Gevin ( LFSW: Sandisck ) did surprise us by taking the top from no qualification time and selected NOT the fastest car. GT4 cars were absolutely beast cars for doing laptimes, but as 16 laps was set on race, it turned out as road car was better choice! Gevin was also the only racer in field who made no critical mistakes at any point. Congratulations!

"Silver medal" goes to LLM.Sobis ( LFSW: Sobis ). He selected same car as winner, though Sobis did select FZX in first place. He knew that car might stand a chance to make good result. He was correct! Only one spun out ruined his plausible victory.

3rd place goes to Jay from finland ( LFSW: jh89 ), but was no match against the other two. Too many mistakes caused gap being way too big. Still, could have been worse!

4th place goes to fastest man in both sessions. R. Kardol (LFSW: Rik97 ) selected FZ50 GT4, which was absolutely fast car. Same reason though as Jay, no chance. But at least a finish!

So, only 4/7 did survive. Here is some highlights. ( Better check replay, lots of moments occurred! )

As usual, we start it with start grid and start itself ( now 2 laps! )

First crash at first lap. Jay hits first timer Ma'e/' ( LFSW: Mate2169 ) at grass section, no penalties received. ( So lucky Jay! )

Lap 2 @ T1

Ma'e/' ( LFSW: Mate2169 ) did look like this, unable to continue, DNF.

Rik's FZ4 was fast, but unstable due difficult but fast racing line.

Draft train!

Here is another crash. No good.

Because the incidents, 2 FZX racers and Jay was on top 3, until this happens. Jay have hitted sign @ grass section.

Then, Sobis lost control at next lap, which is also the breaking point. No one could catch Gevin anymore.

Aw man, lost connection with not many laps to go...

Yeah...this time UM21 really *** *** *** ****. *** ** *** *** ***** ***** *** ***** ******, ***** ** *** **** * ****** *** *** *** *** ***** ***** ** ***. ****** **** ** **-*******! ( You really thought browsing race results would be boring? HAH! )


One new guy entered: Ma'e/' ( LFSW: Mate2169 )
Only once !flip command did occur to be used.
Laps Led:
Sobis 4
redbot_ 2 ( First time laps led )
Rik97 1 ( First time lap led )
Sandisck 9

First time winner wins at winner's choice layout. ( In other words, in previous round winner had option to select layout to this round, he won this round as well! )

6 of 7 different cars occurred, only RB4 GT was left off.
Rik97 made first time fastest lap in race.

Stats and points soon updated.

Thank you for participating this round! Next round will be set on next week's Tuesday, and will contain random combo, but there is now 70% bigger chance a layout will be selected from previous rounds. More info will be set on LFS News section as well. Only 10-12 rounds to go!
Last edited by UnknownMaster21, .
S3 licensed
Hard to say, maybe FM FOX Friday or Rony's Tuesday Fun Race. There are also Finnish Rally Event, but the sign up is required and you need to have a facebook account to do sign up.

Then there are several smaller leagues, from easy to pretty difficult.
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46 minutes to go before Q starts. 3 racers @server atm.
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Quote from TheStick :Hi, everyone

Just curious, what is Live For Speed's biggest Racing League?? Smile

Wish you could have asked that question 13 years ago ( haha )

But biggest by mean of what? Amount of racers or amount of value given? Or even bigger skill level = bigger prizes?
S3 licensed
Quote from Huskii :100 x 100 KM slab of various road surfaces in LFS, split it 50/50 to dirt & road.

Up the object limit with this too

YES! Good suggestion!
S3 licensed
Track and cars are now locked at server. Find out a car which suits to you at best!
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