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Quote from Bose321 :Lies.

Quote from Bose321 :I just have. Quad SLi gives a maximum of 32x AA.

Quote from Bose321 :It doesn't work like that...

Quote from Bose321 :How useless.

It's still true. And it does work like that. And it is AA 64xQ. And ATi doesn't have it.
S2 licensed

nVidia 4-way-SLI
4 Graphics card connected together in SLI. Each of them provides 16xQ antialiasing. You end up with AA 64xQ.

S2 licensed
Welcome back, Velociround [logout] Ratio: 3.220 Uploaded: 31.15 GB Downloaded: 9.67 GB
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :[...]
I really don't like Multiplayer games all that much.


Actually, I usually prefer to play the Singleplayer modes. I don't mind if a game doesn't have Multiplayer, specially if it has a good and involving storyline or something on singleplayer that is good enough to entertain me. I don't go play online if I'm bored of the Singleplayer modes, so it doesn't really matter for me. I am easily entertained by good physics, graphics and great/innovative gameplay. If a game has at least two of the above, it sure will get me addicted to it. But as for the gameplay, making something new doesn't exactly means it is any good. It has to be creative, innovative, new AND good. Has anyone here already played Penumbra? Now that is gameplay! I really feel like really I'm in the game. Graphics are pretty good too.

In my opinion, the importance order of what I mentioned above is as follows: gameplay > physics > graphics. All of them are important, but there are combinations on which a game can survive without some of these items. Games that have only good graphics and nothing else do get me entertained for some time, but a very short time as I proceed through the game and see there's nothing else in the game. Games that have good physics usually attract me more, even if it doesn't have good graphics, plus, if it has a good and fun gameplay, I don't even mind physics being bad or arcade. But graphics should be at least acceptable by then .

Quote from Inouva :/others

I like lose time in the game watching the details , or things like that, usualy i play 3 or 4 times the same lvl , cuz i lose too much time watching the details , buildings , sky , effects , sounds , things like that

Me too. I love details. That's one of the reasons GTA IV is so addicting to me.
S2 licensed
Quote from BastianB :downloadet the pc version and its pretty fun! thinking bout buying the full version..
do you think its worth it, anyone got it yet?

I have it on Steam, and I'd say it's definitely worth it. I wanted to purchase this game since I had first seen it, but I didn't have money at that time. I waited.... and then Steam brought me a complete pack with 5 full games including Trials 2 Second Edition, for the same price of one game! I obviously purchased it . It's very fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :fixed

Pics seem to be very good indeed, but... is there any resolution higher than 240x135?
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :Added tons of pics on first post.

It asks for a password...
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Really? Hope this helps

Yes . It helped.

Quote :Score: 2586 o3Marks
Submitted by Velociround @ July 27 2009, 1:54 am

App Version: oZone3D.Net_FurMark_v1.7.0_Build_Jul 3 2009_at_09:19:42

Renderer: NVIDIA G92-200
Number of Active GPUs: 1
Graphics Drivers: 7-14-2009
GPU Temperatures (start/end):46°C / 56°C

Bench Duration: 60 sec.
Resolution: 1280 x 1024
MSAA samples: 0
Window Mode: fullscreen

CPU: PentiumR Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz
CPU Speed: 2500 MHz
Operating System: Windows Server 2007 ver.6.1 build 7100 No Service Pack ... 8637555f1b09832ecd9e92d57

Wow, it really heats up the graphics card! I checked the GPU temperatures before starting, it was 39°C. I did a quick test but forgot to save the results, and had to run it again. My graphics card had never went any higher than 45°C, even after hours playing any game (GTA IV, Crysis, doesn't matter which game), but now, after two quick tests, it went up to 56°C! :scared:
Maybe it needs some cleaning as well, it's starting to get too much dust .

Edit: Come on people, we all need to run the benchmark at the exact same settings in order to compare our results... if some people run in a different resolution or add up some MSAA, we just can't compare the scores! I just opened the program and ran it as it was, I didn't change anything.

Now on native monitor resolution:
Quote :Score: 2452 o3Marks
Submitted by Velociround @ July 27 2009, 2:08 am

App Version: oZone3D.Net_FurMark_v1.7.0_Build_Jul 3 2009_at_09:19:42

Renderer: NVIDIA G92-200
Number of Active GPUs: 1
Graphics Drivers: 7-14-2009
GPU Temperatures (start/end):44°C / 55°C

Bench Duration: 60 sec.
Resolution: 1680 x 1050
MSAA samples: 0
Window Mode: fullscreen

CPU: PentiumR Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz
CPU Speed: 2500 MHz
Operating System: Windows Server 2007 ver.6.1 build 7100 No Service Pack ... 0df328194150bd9ae8aa45ee4

Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Well, making trailer with side view is as dumb as showing off how cute car looks in crash in car advertisement.
S2 licensed
That's what happens when I click the "Download" button...
Clutch - The Game
S2 licensed
Well... after so many racing games with single and weird names (GRID, FUEL, DiRT, Shift), and trying to take part in the zombie fashion that has been present in recent games such as Left 4 Dead and many others (Penumbra, STALKER, Zombie Panic etc), as well as the demolition series from FlatOut and Burnout, Targem Games is now, after mixing all of this up, proud to present you their new game: CLUTCH.

Clutch is a zombie-apocalypse-themed-arcade-futuristic-destruction-racing-game that looks like FlatOut, handles like Carmagedom, has as much blood as FEAR and as much nitrous oxide as the Burnout series. Featuring some city tracks and arenas that resemble Destruction Derby 2 and FlatOut2, ability to free roam through it like Grand Theft Auto, stunting areas that are just like Crashday, futuristic tracks as the ones from Motorhead, and artwork and soundtrack almost identical to Rock and Roll Racing, Clutch is a very diversified game for all kind of people and different preferences.

The game features plenty of carmagedom-stylized cars, and allows customizability, just like Need for Speed. You can change body kits, boosters, front guards, skins, colors, etc. Clutch offers a complete city open for exploration (sandbox style), a storyline with 20 story missions and 6 modes of racing and combat.

The game was released 2nd June 2009 and is available to purchase through STEAM and some other stores.

Clutch trailer
S2 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :messenger is miranda.

After 2 hours trying, I gave up and decided to ask. How do I install themes and change everything on Miranda just as you did? I tried doing it but looks like a complete mess. I've installed mydetails plugin (not unicode) and modern client list plugin (unicode) but it looks like shit, and is very buggy.

I have the latest version of Miranda.

How can I change Miranda to make it look like this (or like yours)?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :That's what I hate the most...

I completely agree with that. One of the first elements in Live for Speed that made me instantly love LFS was that I could turn the steering wheel all the way.
S2 licensed
Quote from titanLS :It's an ad for batteries. What would a girl need batteries for if her guy was away?

I got it now! Thanks
S2 licensed
And I still don't get it.
S2 licensed
Quote from pipa :Bit old, but i doubt posted before.

I just don't get it.
By the way, his shirt seems to be pixelated
S2 licensed
Quote from Jazzka :Hello all.
I am consider getting GTA IV but i only have 1gb memory and 8600GT (256) vid card. So would i be able to play it or do i need to buy some more memory to run it at ease?

If your PC is running Windows XP, and depending on your processor, you'll be able to run it with low graphics (everything that requires memory you'll need to put medium or low, maybe one of the settings on high, but only one of them). But things that require processing from the processor, if yours is good, you'll be able to put it maxed out (such as vehicle density and detail distance).
If your PC is running Windows Vista or Windows 7, you'll be required to set everything (except for detail distance and vehicle density) to low, otherwise you won't be able to play properly. This game needs a lot of memory.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Contrast/brightness adjusting doesn't counts as editing.

Actually, any kind of "adjusting" counts as editing. A raw pic must be totally and completely untouched.

Quote from Dictionary :raw (rô)
adj. raw·er, raw·est
Not having been subjected to adjustment, treatment, or analysis.

Quote from XCNuse ::eye-poppi

oooh if LFS had good lighting and shadows!

question, how'd you do that??

I'm using ENBSeries for GTA SA made by Boris Vorontsov.. I've configured it for LFS and tried several settings seeking better results.
S2 licensed
This video isn't funny. But this thread... now that is funny

And indeed, it's lala lala wee/lala lala woo.
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYAPIMP :Why does the Subaru float lol

Actually, it doesn't float. The ground didn't load properly.
S2 licensed
Well, I'm waiting happily and patiently for the next patch, no matter when it gets released.
It was good to read this piece of information though... it gives us some clues on what they are working on. But whatever it is, I'll be happy to get it and play with it on the right time.

Quote from senn :agreed, the whole locked diff thing (especially a locked front diff BLECH)
was concerning....

very interesting points being made here, i'm liking this thread

Was it just me or has anyone else read "I'm licking this thread" ?
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Does anyone else think that Dan should bring back the Friday Afternoon Fun?

I do!
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :How anybody can get the 6'000 feet achievement is beyond me...

Well it's kind of easy actually, all you need is to keep constant and keep at high altitude with a low level of resistance. I achieved the 6'000 feet achievement easily, could do much farther. (on my first try I thought I was supposed to go 6'000 feet flying upward, but after failing hard I just realized I was supposed to go forward lol).
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :These stupid games piss me off, they aren't even that much fun!

anyways.. this is more fun here:

Now that is a fun game! Doesn't take years to complete, has objectives and isn't just like clicking everywhere until something happens like the other game!
Completed it after 26 days.
S2 licensed
Can we get back to pictures?