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"The trees.... trees...s.... the tress... trees... I see trees.... they're coming at me... and they're fast.... I tried to avoid them but then I crashed into you"
S2 licensed
That's a miracle! After 1 hour reading, I pressed refresh three times now and there are no new posts. Phew!

(people might be reading what they've posted until now before the next posting party starts)

I'm amazed they have made another track for LFS, and, even thought nobody's mentioned we would get it on any LFS update (Maybe never? Not at all? Who said just because they've made this track they're going to give it to us?), I'm very excited to hear about it.

Note: Come on, can't people in the UK take proper pictures? My old Motorla V3 with VGA camera can take better pictures, and not blurry
Anyway I'm very happy to have seen them, even blurry, because it's now confirmed there is Rockingham on LFS now

Edit: just posted this message and there are now 8 more posts for me to read
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S2 licensed
Quote from ForceRunnner :dude mines ****ed up its just really dark no motion blur

Try editing enbseries.ini on notepad and changing these settings to see if you like it this way:


Note: it might reduce FPS
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :A game that considers powersliding round corners, bashing people off as a possible, reasonable method passing is not a game that should ever be considered a racing sim. It's just totally against the rules of racing, in any series at any level.


After advancing in the career and racing some races, I noticed I couldn't get maximum star levels on the races, and I didn't know why, since I raced so cleanly and so on. Then I get to the details of each star of the event...
- Get 600 points
- Get 900 points
- Reach 185KM/h
- Spin 4 opponent cars
- Take off 2 opponent cars without getting out of the track yourself

By the way, I don't have a super computer but my PC is running this game at maximum settings (everything), 1680x1050 AA4x, 65FPS alone in the track, 55FPS on the back of the grid.

Can I mention again I don't have any bugs, crashes, weird graphical problems or anything like that? Just so people notice it's not everyone who is having problems with this game, not that I'm defending shift or something like that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Minimaxman :Am I missing something? Since when was there grass and fences in the middle of BL carpark?

He downloaded a mod that changes the layout objects to grass, buildings, etc and used the objects he downloaded in a layout for car park.
S2 licensed
Quote from BoyGTA :Of course, in a single core cpu, I wouldn't install win7..

I did, and it runs well. Much more enjoyable too.
Athlon XP 1.6GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB HDD.
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Quote from sgt.flippy :When I buy it for my PS3 or Xbox I don't have to worry about it crashing because it's incompatible with my hardware.

So PC is always more shit. That's the exact reason I don't do PC gaming, everytime you buy a game it's a guess if it'll work.

There's not a single game that doesn't run on my PC. GTA IV ran well when I first installed it on the release, before the release of any patches ( I didn't find any bugs. Same thing with all other games.

I don't think it's true that "every time you buy a game it's a guess if it'll work". Everything I ever installed until today has always worked.
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Quote from DavyC412 :this may be a noobish question, but how do i get this to work? ive installed this one and the april one using the .exe installers, but nothing seems to have changed. the menus are different, and the skid sounds are different, but in game it all looks the same, and the engine sounds are all the same? do i need to enable it or something?

For the Revolution Pack April 7th, check your ...\Live For Speed\The_Revolution_Pack_files folder and install the remaining addons (there are several different addons options).

In order to change the car engine sounds in game you need to take a car to the track, press Shift + A and then load the new sounds from the Revolution Pack Aug 28th on all cars.
S2 licensed
Well, apart from the game once removing all buttons while viewing a replay (I had to call task manager to finish process), I've never had a problem with NFS Shift since I first installed it. And I'm not using default graphics options, I always change everything (to maximum) when I first open the game. Oh, and, of course, aside the physics bugs (which are exactly the same as GTR's, GTR2's and GTR Evolution ones).

I like the game, it finally seems to be playable now. BUT: Tuning is terrible, car customization has never got so bad in a NFS, you can't see the interiors or anything you're going to install BEFORE installing it and going to a race, there's no showroom to see your car, vinyl customization now takes much more time and it's also much more restricted than before, which means much more boring to create your own vinyls. Some things are also slower to load than on previous NFS's, i.e: cars take quite a while more to show up when you select them.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :its alright, i already re-installed XP

Now that was fast.
S2 licensed
Some weird guys released a leaked "NFS SHIFT PC - CLONE-DVD" with 13.87GB... out of curiosity, I clicked on the link, just to see the files:
- DVD1.iso
- DVD2.iso
- rzr-gta4.nfo

It's not NFS Shift, it's GTA IV

Quote from DejaVu :I'd rather be able to play it before release, like nearly every other game, and then be able to buy it on release day after i've realised how awesome it is.

Suppose i could always "try" the full game on release like bose is hinting at

I'm going to do the same thing, but I wouldn't if they released a demo before full release
S2 licensed
Quote from BAMBO :Hmm, so their now identifying babies by also adding numbers to their name?

Wait, what?
Belly = abdomen
And she doesn't seem to be pregnant anyway.

Edit: oh, I see what you mean now
Quote from Velociround :in her belly

I meant on her belly...

S2 licensed ... dora-esbelt-431-preto.jpg

She's using Esbelt-431 (that thing in her belly)
S2 licensed
Well, since this is a Clean Joke Thread, I'll post a Dirty Joke just to break the rules.


The elephant fell on the mud.
S2 licensed

Mail code for something I've purchased on the internet... Will receive it tomorrow. I can't wait :hyper:
S2 licensed
Quote from R34GTR :Yo dawg, I herd u like google, so we put a google in ur google so you can search while you search

Hope this hasn't been done

Wow! Now that'll be useful soon!
S2 licensed
Quote from BastianB :the pc version got it release today (atleast where i live)

Are you sure about that? I've looked for it in all gaming stores of the city I know of and none of them had the PC version.
S2 licensed
Quote from Calvinaquino :Mercado Livre sells it for 1000~, Six months ago i was about to buy one =/
But i think ill start low, maybe with the DFP. Or i can wait for the G25 prices to go down, since they released the G27, and it is only 10% better (six buttons but no more sequentian shifter... What they had in mind??)

There's a guy on LFSBR selling it for BRL $849 (USD $468, EUR $320), you could check it out, maybe you can get one:

It costs quite a bunch less if you go to Paraguay and purchase it there, but this guy's asking for R$849 since he goes there to purchase the wheel and brings to Brazil, so he gets a percentage for him over the initial price.

Quote from Speed Soro :and you call me a troll... kid kid,

I have my opinion formed: mouse sux, period. see you around

Yeah, it really seems you've not read my post. Since it seems you ain't going to read it anyway, I'll tell you: I wasn't talking about mouse, but about all controllers separately. And I don't care about your opinion, nor were I trying to change it.

Stop talking about things you don't know about. You, with your total lack of knowledge or caring about giving the right information, said iRacing doesn't allow any controller other than a steering wheel, just to be be laughed at and to be shown there are people who play it with a PS3 controller or joypad. Then again, you, who had previously said iRacing only allows a steering wheel as a controller, started saying iRacing doesn't allow any steering aids for gamepads, "unlike LFS". Information of which you also don't know and you have even SAID you don't know and don't care about what you are saying. And you end it all up calling me a kid...

Now tell me, who's tolling? uh?

Quote from boothy :
Quote from Speed Soro :iRacing has no other option but wheel

Haha, sorry to break it to you but I played iRicing with a joypad

Quote from Speed Soro :Not the simulation, but the immersion. I don't know, and I don't want to know, but I guess iRacing gives not the same "help" to "ps3-controller" drivers, so them will be not confortable with it, different from LFS, and that is the focus of the thread. Read again the first post please.

A good mouse control is a good programming feature, no discussion. But is it good for the simulation idea, that is the focus of the game? I dont think so.

S2 licensed

Let's see who understands this one
Spoiler - click to revealsocket 423
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Quote from Speed Soro :Not the simulation, but the immersion.

He said realism. But who cares about that anyway, it's up for the person who is playing the game if he wants a "bigger immersion" because HE is playing it, not anyone else, and the only thing he can change is his own experience with the simulator. Besides, even for one to decide what he wants, it depends on several factors, such as having enough money to purchase a wheel, having it available to purchase on a store he can get it from, personal preference or option for different/specific controllers, time for playing, and even if he actually cares about that much immersion or if he just wants to play it on his free time and enjoy with his friends. It's not like LFS is a job anyway. Indeed, it's a great simulator, but you can't remove the controller options from the game, and even iRacing allows you to drive with gamepad. So, what are you going to do? Go shout at the iRacing devs because they allow people to drive with joysticks in their game? Start moaning on the forums?

Quote from Speed Soro :I don't know, and I don't want to know, but I guess iRacing gives not the same "help" to "ps3-controller" drivers, so them will be not confortable with it, different from LFS, and that is the focus of the thread. Read again the first post please.

That's your guess. I don't know about iRacing, but Joysticks and Gamepads have no steering aids in LFS I am aware of, I have several of them and in my opinion they are much more difficult to control than mouse, mainly because of the tiny amount you turn in the gamepad and proportionally the steering wheel in the game turns a lot. The steering aid the keyboard had in the pre-S1 days was so efficient it was impossible to lose the control of the car on the track, but that was fixed as soon as the devs noticed it and it's been lowered a few times since then. Nowadays it might be so inefficient that the AIs (which seem to use the same current "aid" of the keyboard) might not regain control of the car once lost and keep spinning side-to-side on the track. And that aid is only available for keyboard, people who play on the keyboard have the option to disable it, and you can just ignore it and leave people who want to drive with it alone.

Besides, since you just don't know anything about it and said you don't care about it anyway (so why are you still discussing it here?), you may be wrong, and iRacing may have a steering aid for gamepad users, as much as it might not.

Quote from Speed Soro :A good mouse control is a good programming feature, no discussion.

No, it's a good skill. The car isn't going to drive itself, there is no driving aid on the mouse, and the only thing the game does is to receive the position information of the mouse on the screen and reproduce it on the steering wheel exactly as the information was received. Nothing else. There's no such thing as a driving aid for mouse. There's no such thing as "programming feature" or anything else that controls your mouse and makes you drive perfectly. It's pure skill. If someone drives well with mouse, he does that because he's GOOD at it, not because there's a "programming feature" helping him. By the way, the current WR holder of the XF GT on Blackwood is a Brazilian and he drove it with Mouse. It means he has skills, enough time for training and has made (or downloaded) a good setup, and if you can't beat it with wheel it's not because of the mouse or the wheel, it's because you, by yourself, just can't do it.
S2 licensed ... cs/Turi%20silva%20417.jpg

By the way, today is 09/09/09
And that font looks like the old LFS logo.
S2 licensed
I've been followed by numbers! Yesterday after a disk cleanup I end up with 66,66 GB free. Also yesterday while downloading a torrent I got 666,6 KB/s download for a while (enough time to press printscreen) and today is 09/09/09!

If I posted this message 10 minutes ago, it would be 1:11am here.
What's next?

EDIT: 1:23am

Last edited by Velociround, .
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Time for some real funnies (I hope)