Lynce, I think I've already said that plenty of times, but I can't stop saying because it's the truth: your videos are incredible, and your work looks great.
I'm looking forward to this next video.
But I beg to differ it's a small black bluetooth device, it doesn't flash, it's discrete and I talk normally to people (on the cellphone) while I'm using it, like I would talk to anyone who's in front of me.
It also makes me feel safe to use the cellphone on the street, since I don't have to actually take the phone to do anything, and robbers in my country probably have no idea what is a bluetooth earpiece... besides, if my bluetooth earpice got stolen, I wouldn't care, but if my mobile phone got stolen, I'd go nuts.
The only thing I dislike in using them is: they burn the cellphone batteries, specially while listening to music. It goes down quite quickly and makes me want to charge it every night fearing it would get discharged the next day. (e.g.: start the day (5am) with 100% battery, and at night after using it a lot and listening to music, the value would get down to 40% (10pm)).
I completely agree with the space etiquette from a urinal to the other.
I have one! And I use it everywhere I go, it's really very useful for me: I can both listen to music and make/receive calls without having to take my cellphone from wherever I had put it.
I can confirm the Shift + U bug.
It happens at exactly any value higher than 100.0FPS, and doesn't happen with Vsync on because vsync limits fps to 60 (my display is 60Hz).
Also, the higher the FPS, the most it flickers. at about 101FPS (approximately) it flickers every once in a while, but at 130FPS it flickers quite quickly.
Now, about the other bug (choosing limit to 100FPS and only get 92FPS), I can confirm it too on Windows XP Professional 32Bits. However, when I choose the maximum frame rate to 100 on Windows 7 (RC Build 7100), I have exactly 100.0 FPS at all times. So, I don't know what causes this, and I would indeed say it's a old "bug" because it's been a few patches since that happens.
Note: choosing to limit fps to 90 on Windows 7 will limit it to exactly 90.9FPS.
Car: XRT
When ABS kicks in, I can see it on the tires (F9 - they get orange) and I can feel it on the virtual wheel since it shakes and so on (I drive with mouse by the way), but it doesn't show up on the dash board anymore (nor in the HUD), as they used to in older patches.
I don't know if it's a bug or if it was supposed to be like that, I think it's fine as it is now, even though it made me think I had ABS off for a while.
The new HUD is simply amazing - I can't wait (I mean, I can, but I'm excited) to see them implemented on the car dash boards.
Being able to open the options (Shift + O) while in Shift + U is really great - I always wanted to do that.
I love that it's not possible to turn on and off the headlights and taillights: thanks!
I couldn't find the pit speed limits on the HUD... it seems as it doesn't show up unless the arrow shows up as well, I'm going to try that in a few moments.
And now rallycross is fun again, since I can see the smoke through the windscreen and it really feels alive! Thanks a lot.
By the way, there's absolutely no FPS change for me, I have exactly the same fps as before (at least I didn't notice any fps changes since I use fps limiter on 90fps), and shadow rendering method doesn't change fps at all for me as well.
Q9550 2.83GHz, 3GB RAM DDR2 800MHz, 9800GT 512MB
(all tests were made on XRT and Kyoto, plus a bit of rallycross, I didn't have time to play around on other tracks etc)
As I said, not in Brazil. But also as I mentioned, LFS S3 will cost exactly the same thing as any other game sold here (BRL $100), just as S2 did a few years ago. It's all the same price, it seems to never change (BRL $100). It will just cost more for people who purchased S2 some years ago, because they've already paid 100 bucks and now are going to spend 34 bucks more, but anyone who just purchases S3 from scratch right now will only pay BRL $100.
I'm not ranting at all, I'm just pointing something out. When I got to know S3 was going to be sold with only the new track, the first thought that instantly came into my mind was "I've got to purchase it". When I read Scawen's post saying it would also contain a new car, I thought "wonderful, first a laser scanned track and now it's getting even better".
Yes (actually BRL $34,00), totalizing BRL $134,00, but just for those who have already purchased S2. Anyone who didn't have any Stage of the game before and will just get S3 today would only pay BRL $100,00, which is the same we paid for S2 a few years ago, and also the same price of any other game in the national market.
I'd even pay more for a album with proper and correct dynamics. I know they should already sell their songs with proper dynamics, but we can't do anything if they don't, can we? Paying more for a version with dynamics would be, let's say, the fastest way to get out of the trouble of the loudness war.
I'd recommend running 16xAF. That's what I always select for every game I have on my computer (if it doesn't allow AF16x, I force it on the drivers), and it doesn't affect performance at all, but gives a huge quality gain in displaying textures, specially at longer range.
- I hate it, but I can't do anything about it, so, meh. I'd rather have them "original" (by that I mean "not having loudness"), but I still think I can't do anything about it.
- Of course I do. There's a huge difference in sound quality.
- No, actually I think very few don't, at least nowadays. Maybe a few years ago they didn't have, though.
- Not really.
Even media players have options to reproduce the songs adding up loudness in the run, but since all songs (or most of them) already have them, the effect you can enable on media players is not noticeable anymore.
I don't have time to read the rest of the thread, I'm still on that page (13 out of 18) so I'll just reply to this post, save the page and read the remaining pages later.
4 years ago, all (computer) games used to cost 30 dollars in Brazil. All of them. It didn't matter if it was new or old, produced by small/indie or big companies, all games used to cost 30 dollars (which used to be BRL $100). The only games that cost more were console games (now these would get very random prices! From BRL $100 to BRL $350). Since dollar is getting weaker (or Real is getting stronger, I don't now), computer games may cost more dollars nowadays, BUT because of different and newer exchange rates, they still cost the same price in Real: $100. Practically all newest released games in Brazil cost this same price. Only very few cost more than that (about 5 out of 100 released games, which would be R$125 or R$115), but they are usually special editions (such as black box for NFS), and very few people would purchase these games if they didn't come with any bonuses because they think it's ridiculously expensive. Actually, we can even pay much less for the games if getting them off places that sell them in dollars (such as Steam. I usually save 30 to 40% by purchasing games in dollar when compared to Real, even if they're not off on Steam itself. Now, if they're off, I can get even more discount ).
Anyway. About 4 years ago, LFS S2 would cost almost BRL $100 (GBP $24). Nowadays, again because of different exchange rates, GBP $36 will still cost BRL $103, which is about right.
Well, you asked what games we got for USD $30. Now I suppose you already have the answer: all of them
The conclusion I can take off this is, well, no matter how much it costs in dollars, euros or British pounds, we Brazilians will always pay BRL $100 for it if we get them on most of this country's stores, or we can save money by purchasing them in dollars.