I guess I'm the only person here who actually prefers the new layout to the old one... it's much better, simpler and they have fixed some bugs of the old layout. I really like it. And there were some things I didn't know of before taking the page tour, which I also liked.
Hi there! I thought about making a new thread because this one is kind of old, but I'd rather post in a existing thread, shouldn't I?
Does anyone still have any Spotify invite? I have found it in a media player apps area downloaded the N95 Spotify app but it does require a account to start using, and since I don't have one and also can't register I can't use their app. Actually I thought it was just another mobile music player, but now it seems it's more than that (last.fm lookalike?).
Thanks in advance.
PS: They have fixed the registration loop which was used to bypass invitation.
Just to add to this statement:
There's a program called SuperPI which makes the computer able to calculate up to 32 million PI characters in about 20 minutes (depending on processor). It's even used to test how well the processor performs.
You have REALLY got me scared.
It was the second thing I noticed. At first, I saw his face, and then noticed something strange down there. When I looked at it and I was socked. That's disgusting.
This is the Raw Screenshots Thread. (unedited)
Which means: pics they must be taken (printscreen, fraps or any way you want to take them) and then uploaded here. If you open it with paint and write something funny in it, that's also editing. Adding contrast or changing brightness is also editing, thus making it not raw anymore. And those edited pics should go here: edited pics.
But that doesn't mean you should post 4MB bitmap pics. So, I suppose the only thing you are allowed to do is change pic resolution (so that it doesn't ridiculously stretch the forum's layout, for instance a 2560x1600 pic) or compress them using jpg (without editing anything! just open it and save again jpg without touching the pic).
I'm on my Nokia N95 (opera mobile) and even though I knew exactly where my mouse was (since I could see the browser's and pic's both mouses one right beside the other) I did try to move it thought I knew it wouldn't work, I thought I wouldn't lose anything by trying.
BTW, I only have Opera and Windows Live Messenger open ATM, still my PC is using 1,62GB out of 4GB RAM. The more RAM I have, the more windows will use (but it's about the same percentage of memory in use).
Yes, that's exactly what they did. And now it seems they're going to make Ibiza's map a bit more detailed and bigger, thus bigger than the previous Oahu island.
It's a program that allows you to use hidden player models (the ones without proper "racing clothes", just normal everyday clothes and very low-poly models)
WOW. Just WOW. That's really, really impressive! Amazing work, keep it up! I love it. Playing on Kyoto will be a blast with such great skies and reflections!
And while I do agree with your notes about these early tests, the results are already impressive. Can't wait for final!
Wow, I've actually been there! That was something really historic, they have even kept the train there. If you go to that place now it'll still be there, "exactly" as it was when the accident happened. It's great for tourists, they get a great amount of money yearly just by telling the tourists about the crash. They have also created a big store there (which uses the whole building on the left of the picture).
I should have taken some pictures, it would come in handy right now.