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S2 licensed
Video looks great! I'm downloading the high quality now.

Keep up the good work
Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
Quote from rediske :Did you know you could extend Opera's speeddial to this?:

by adding this to your speeddial.ini:

I didn't know. Thanks a lot going to do it now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ovidiu23 :My opinion about this graphic engine: ... /evolutionofcryengine.jpg

Wow... looking at the CryEngine 3 screenshot, it makes it very obvious how much Crytek removed from the game to make it even laggable on the consoles. It looks terrible. They removed plenty of objects, trees, shadow details etc and put a ridiculous amount of contrast in it. (BTW, please notice the CryEngine 3 screenshot was taken on PS3).

This just shows how much better PC is for gaming than consoles. I REALLY hope Crytek makes a decent PC version of the CryEngine 3, because our computers can handle much more than this shitty graphics, otherwise I refuse getting any other game from Crytek.
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :My Logitech MX500 mouse's forward button/mouse gesture right (in Opera) also works as next page/or next something button (in default settings I might add no magic - just automagically chooses the next something). In LFS Forum it's the next newer thread than the current.

Good find, although I already knew that. I'd rather have it to go to the next thread page, I think it'd be more useful. It goes to "next page" in many websites, but some of them just go to "next newest" or "last page". I didn't try to configure it though, it might be possible to choose which action to perform.
S2 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :Heh, noticeable FPS problems in a demo video.

Yes indeed, specially on the falling tree for Playstation3. It clearly showed the shadow wasn't being correctly rendered and also not real time, and it was very slow and laggy. I think the port to consoles is going to make the game less optimized for PC since they'll need to code it for several platforms.

Quote from Bose321 :I hope the consoles don't affect the graphics

Me too. Taking the consoles alone, I think it will most likely alter the graphics depending on the console. It's clearly noticeable the PS3 looks much better (although slower), and the X360 looks just like low resolution textures and less contrast, and still slower (not as much as the PS3 though). But I do hope they don't change the game quality on PC just because the consoles can't handle it.
S2 licensed
Well.. I didn't have time to practice, didn't have time to qualify, didn't have time to make (or download) a setup and almost didn't get to the race (got to the server 8 minutes before qualifying week was over ). I quickly edited RACE_S setup after the qual and couldn't test it before the race. I started on the last position, and on the first lap I braked too hard and my tyres completely locked, which caused my engine to die and then it seems as I've mistakenly engaged reverse, all at the same time. But I managed not to crash or slow down anyone else while I was at it and I kept my car under control.

Regardless, race was great, I really enjoyed it a lot, it was a very interesting and fun challenge

I'm looking forward to the next endurance.

(By the way, I also noticed I was the only person on the whole server to play with keyboard + mouse)
Crytek's CryEngine 3
S2 licensed
CryEngine 3 demo was presented on GDC 2009. The next game will be available for PC, PS3 and Xbox360.

Video (streaming) and some information
HD video stream

Quote from Gamespot :Crytek came to GDC 2009 with a demo of CryENGINE 3. The new engine runs across the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, in a bid to make development cycles cheaper, better, and faster for themselves as well as their licensees. Additionally, the engine will run on future consoles by using simple internal updates, so developers only have to worry about making the game, not porting it. An updated what you see is what you play (WYSIWYP) toolset allows developers to edit in real time across all three supported platforms. CryENGINE 3 contains numerous updates that developers can take advantage of: destructible environments, cloth simulations, hundreds of light sources, a real time soft particle system, real time dynamic global illumination, motion blur, depth of field, natural lighting, soft shadows, and a whole host of additional features.

We came away quite surprised. The demo we saw was running on the Xbox 360, and honestly, the game looked roughly about as good as Crysis with high quality settings. The environments looked stunning with dynamic light sources coming from every single direction and advanced water effects that reacted to gun fire, explosions, and even incoming rain. We're looking forward to seeing what kinds of games developers build on the console with CryENGINE 3.

S2 licensed
Tested twice, just to confirm

It's exactly what I'm paying for (except upload, should be 0.56Mbits, starts at 0.60Mbits but in the end of the upload it goes to 0.37).

I pay BRL R$199 for my connection alone (GBP £60.96, USD $90.31, EUR $67.17, JPY $9,035.19 ).
S2 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :New one for me.

That really, really reminds me of NFS Carbon. I thought it was a wallpaper of the game when I saw the thumbnail.
S2 licensed
The device has been modified - Victims of the Science
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :One of the coolest things I've heard in a while...
...Smells Like Teen Spirit played by an Orchestra. (A freshman orchestra, so it could be better... but still.)

That's amazing.... I love this song, and it sounds very good played by an Orchestra.
I wonder if there's somewhere I can get it better quality
S2 licensed
esse é seu
S2 licensed
Quote from superslider :scavier, my birthday is on April 2nd


Scavier, my birthday is on June 6th

I can wait
Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Old bug there ^^

Follower could not find position Look familiar?

It's when the spectating camera tries to lock to a car, but the car is off the course slighly so the camera doesn't know where the car is in the path - hence the graphic engine cannot figure out which surfaces to occlude.


If it's "old", it's not "test-patch related"
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Lol been there done that.. WHERE ARE MY ****ING SUNGLASES.. oh wait.. oh me head. :doh:

I've once done that with a pen. I was writing something, I got distracted and then I started searching for my pen. It took me about 5 minutes until I asked my friend, "have you seen my pen somewhere?", to which he answered "is it this one in your hand?". :doh:
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :7022 updated to 7068 in two hours here.

Everything went smooth, only Interweb Exploder icon was back on superbar :sadbanana

How did you update to a newer build? Have you gotten the leaked one, or is there a official? If it's the official one, could you please post the link? I'd like to update too
S2 licensed
Today I was going fast with my car on the bridge getting back to broker, when I hit a sidewall, my car went to the air and I landed exactly over a police car. I pressed gas to get out of its roof and kept running. The cop didn't engage pursuit. This is some of the times I regret having clip recorded disabled.
After that, I hit another 2 police cars (with officers inside obviously) and none of them engaged pursuit. Both times I tried to avoid collision, but couldn't.

I love that the cops often kind of think "well that wasn't your fault so I'm not going to pursuit you", and I didn't really choose to land on a police car but I really thought I was going to be chased it was very funny.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Why there isn't name option "iCam"?


I've just filled it. Hope it helps
S2 licensed
1) 12:00 - 16:30 or 21:00 - 2:00, depends on the day
2) 1-7
3) 0-7 (this is some very specific information, isn't it? but I usually play 3 days a week)
S2 licensed
Quote from Juls :No, it can't be. NFS is LFS improved. There was LFS, then MFS and finally NFS. Better graphics, better sound, better physics... all pretended sims like iRacing LFS and others fail to simulate grip.
Only NFS, thanks to it's evolved state-of-the-art physics engine, has the ultimate grip.
Come on... LFS does not even have blur!

Worth quoting

Well, you can put blur in it anyway... :rolleyes:

BTW I personally think LFS is the best racing simulator.
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :Any other theories?

Check these things:
- Is your processor overheating? Does it have enough thermal compound? Is it overclocked and, if so, is it running ok?
- Try reducing your view distance to a lower number (e.g.: 10) because it mostly uses the graphics card and should give you higher FPS.
- I've got a great mod that highers FPS and view distance a lot at the same time, it's really worth it. It increased about 10fps (maybe a bit more) for me with Pentium D and the game looks the same, except view distance goes even farther than before. But I don't know if it allows playing online, so... if you want it, just send me a PM. It's called "farclip", I'm using "farclip 3000" now as I think it's the most realistic one (some others just allow you to see too much farther).


Since patch brought benchmark finally working for me, I decided to give it a try.

Quote from Benchmark Pentium D 2.8GHz :Statistics
Average FPS: 14.22
Duration: 37.91 sec
CPU Usage: 99%
System memory usage: 80%
Video memory usage: 100%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Texture Filter Quality: Highest
View Distance: 1
Detail Distance: 36

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT (Prerelease - WDDM 1.1)
Video Driver version: 181.71
Audio Adapter: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz

File ID: benchmark.cli

Quote from Benchmark E5200 2.5GHz :Statistics
Average FPS: 31.49
Duration: 37.28 sec
CPU Usage: 96%
System memory usage: 91%
Video memory usage: 96%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Texture Filter Quality: Highest
View Distance: 7
Detail Distance: 100

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1)
Video Driver version: 181.71
Audio Adapter: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli

Both tests (Pentium D and E5200) were taken with everything maxed out (read: "Very high", "100", etc), except for view distance (because of farclip).
S2 licensed
Thanks a lot Scavier!
S2 licensed
Quote from Timdpr ::doh:

For fail, see attachment.

S2 licensed
Quote from Lynce :Nice shots Velocirround. Amazing Enbseries.



Wow, that's awesome... I can't even recognize the track anymore
Keep up the good work Lynce

(By the way, "advertising" has just one s )

Quote from G!NhO :when will you release those Bloom settings? (or are they already released? )

It's not released yet because it's under testing, but I can say it's going to require a very good graphics card in order to run some dynamic lighting effects with good FPS. I'm planning to release 2 versions, the first one aiming to best quality and the second one to performance only (which means no dynamic lighting effects).
Last edited by Velociround, . Reason : answer to G!NhO