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S2 licensed
Quote from Lynce :I don't understand.

I think he meant he was paying more attention to your textures than to the track, thus inevitably crashing
S2 licensed
Brakestand - Humble Brothers (Hot Pursuit 2)
S2 licensed
Some new ones, The Revolution Pack + ENBSeries.

(I really like taking screenshots 780MB of my LFS folder is only screenshots)
S2 licensed

Quote from batteryy beloved first console, i think its still working

S2 licensed
Thank you all, I understand it now. I have connection between all three computers and they can transfer files and everything, but I don't have a LAN because the IP of all computers is external. Looks like it's impossible to make a LAN server on LFS

I made a quick map of the network:

Some more information:

Everything set as "Obtain a IP adress automatically"

I like the router solution, and it would even increase security on the network, but is there a way to make a LFS LAN server without changing anything (that costs money$) on the network? I just wanted to play a bit, not remake the network and things here are really expensive, this HUB's cost me BRL $120 (USD $55), I don't know how much I'd have to spend on a router.
S2 licensed
My IP when I posted the the thread was if I'm not mistaken, and my current IP is 201.73.xx.xx
Subnet mask seems to be always
S2 licensed
Lynce, I love this pack, your work is simply amazing.
Here are the installers I told you on PM

The Revolution Pack complete installer (148MB) (mirror 1)
- Revolution Void menu music (53,9MB) (mirror 1)
- Reflections:
-- Realistic reflections (4,66MB) (mirror 1)
-- Chameleon iridescent (4,63MB) (mirror 1)
-- Matte painting (4,11MB) (mirror 1)
- Brake discs and calipers:
-- Discs (438KB) (mirror 1)
-- Calipers (261KB) (mirror 1)
- Tyres:
-- Thread patterns (3,34MB) (mirror 1)
-- Sidewalls (709KB) (mirror 1)
- Skies:
-- High resolution skies (52,3MB) (mirror 1)
- Menu backgrounds (2,31MB) (mirror 1)

Uninstallers included! (to restore the original LFS files and remove the mod files)
All files are up-to-date
Please read the License and installation information on the installers.

All links are up and running!
Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
First of all, thanks for the help.
Well, I already knew my IP, but didn't know how to change it.
I went to the TCP/IP protocol and changed my IP to Internet connection stopped working and my PC lost contact with the other computers on the network. Windows 7 automatically started a connection problems troubleshoot and restored previous settings, which made everything work again, except that LFS won't accept my IP.

Is there a solution?
Simple suggestion: transparent DDS for visual damage
S2 licensed
Well.. this suggestion is completely visual, but won't affect performance in any way and would make the damage a bit more realistic without changing much. It doesn't mean it's the top priority of the game, it's just a suggestion.

DDS textures already accept transparency, and the cars already have transparent layers over them (reflections), so, the idea is:
Put a new transparent layer over the reflections with a "car damage" texture. This texture would not appear when the car isn't damaged, but would gradually fade in according to how much car gets damaged (or even better, the game would detect which part is damaged and only these parts would start showing the apropriate part of the damage texture, just like FlatOut).

This texture would be over the reflections texture because it would automatically reduce the reflection of damaged areas and remove completely the reflection on badly damaged areas.

In my opinion, this would have very little to no impact on FPS.

What do you think?
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Interphase - Dr. Feelgood 2003

Seems familiar for me...

Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (D azoo At Night Remix)
S2 licensed

The first PC receives internet connection and transmits it to the others via HUB, which is also how they are connected to each other.
LFS LAN Server - Wrong IP
S2 licensed
I have set up three computers in LAN, I want two of them to be able to play a local game. All computers can already connect each other and I can access and play files from the others computers (and vice-versa). Everything on the network works perfectly (internet, printers, etc). The two computers have all permissions necessary (Windows 7) and both are running LFS patch 0.5Z10 unlocked S2 with my account. I've set up a LAN server on LFS with IP set as "auto", but none of the current IPs I have work with LFS to make the client connect to the server.

I'm using Windows Firewall and LFS is allowed to use local network in both computers (and they work to play online too).

I know there must be a specific LAN IP range for LFS, but I don't have that IP, and I don't know how to change/add a IP. Could someone please help?

I searched for this but none of the threads solved my problem, and most of them were older than 2007.
S2 licensed
New post, to apologize for my last one ... d-shift-gamestar-preview/

Now this is recent news: posted 2 hours ago.

It seems as NFS Shift ain't going to be a simulator...
S2 licensed
Does it work for Brazil?

Even though it won't be useful for me, thanks a lot for sharing this. That's very kind of you
S2 licensed
It's April 7th, ~12am in Brazil...
No need to hurry, the day has just started
S2 licensed
Red.... red.... I love red..... red... looks delicious.... :hypnotize
S2 licensed
Quote from Byku :Why the hell everybody can drive VWS except us, LFS players? It's not fair . Btw. I want Z12 ....

You should have already guessed why by reading this thread...


Edit: there's also the closed beta thing
S2 licensed
Good Luck - Vanessa da mata with Ben Harper

Quote from AMB :Rusty spanner....

I like your new avatar
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast ::doh:

Some people still believe and say there will be a fourth NFS on some brazilian forums so I thought it could be interesting to post here since I found a website talking about it in English. (Brazilian forum about the next NFS - in Portuguese).
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Thats not a bug relaten to Scawen.

That is the way DirectX 8 (and I suposse newer versions also do the same) project the shadow onto the ground, if it hit before a building than the ground you get that bug

Actually this only happens because the track uses the same material for the ground and the roof, and since the ground receives a shadow according to the car's position, also will the roof, because it's the same material. The solution IMO is simple: create a new material for the roof that doesn't render car shadows. (But we would need to download the whole track again on the next patch, which I myself don't see as a problem, although would increase the patch size).

But indeed, it's not TEST-PATCH related.
S2 licensed
Age of Conan

I passed on everything for minimum (except Windows 7), but not for recommended:

Recommended: Core 2 Duo E6600 or equivalent
You Have: 2 processors running - Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz


I passed on everything for minimum and recommended, except OS (Windows 7 build 7000), so it suddenly means my computer is completely unable to run these games

Operating System
Windows XP/Vista
You Have: Microsoft (Build 7000)
S2 licensed ... box-doing-secret-nfs-game

It looks like they're going to release FOUR new NFS titles. The last one seems to be secret, to be futuristic and will follow the storyline of previous NFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :I think that there already was a topic about Cryengine3.

Anyways, this was my 500th post

I searched for it but didn't find any and the auto search didn't bring anything related to this too.
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :

Wow! Is this that keyboard with "LCD keys"? The one you can put images or select custom text and colors for each key, and is also configurable for playing games (so when the game is running the key images automatically change and only the keys used for game controls show up).

This keyboard is simply amazing! (and very, very expensive )

Here's my last purchase:

E5200 2.5GHz until June...
Core 2 Quad coming soon...