I can run it pretty well on both Windows XP and Windows 7.... I haven't had any problems with GTA IV since I first installed it on my PC
It was just like - install, open, play... it works!
And it runs much faster on Windows 7 when compared to Windows XP on my computer.
São Paulo is a difficult city to drive on but it's not the worst, definitely. Traffic there is just "a bit" slow depending on which part of the city you are driving, and rush hour is extended.
I often give up going somewhere because it would take too long. (i.e.: more than 5 hours stuck on traffic).
But in my opinion, Porto Alegre is definitely the most confusing city to drive on, from all the cities I've already been. Even taxi drivers don't know the correct way to get to any place - they go across bus areas, take shortcuts and don't stop on traffic lights. After a crazy and wild ride, you'd get to the place you want to go. I had a city map, but even with it I was completely unable to go to most of the places, so I just called a taxi and followed his car.
It was the humans who wrote all existant bibles and everything.. so why bother reading and following it? It's just not worth the time it takes. Even if I had a second full life free to waste, I wouldn't follow any religion or belive in any god.
Their boycott forum has only 150 registered members
And that doesn't mean all of them want to boycott... What a great boycott
I don't know what this fuss is all about. Valve is the only corporation I've ever seen giving free content. Team Fortress 2: they always give free downloadable content, new weapons, achievements, maps, etc. Even HL1 and CS 1.6 still get updates, even if only fixes. Have you seen the FEAR 2 DLC? You have to pay for it. GTA IV DLC? You have to pay for it. TDU DLC? You have to pay for it. NFS DLC? You have to pay for it.
I've already mentioned games from FIVE different companies, and Valve is the only one of them to give free downloadable content. What is all this fuss about?
On their interview, Valve said they "INTEND" to create free content. They didn't promise it. They didn't say they were actually going to do that. Plans can change, things can change. We are living a world crisis, haven't you noticed?
It looks very realistic, even crashes and so on.
Kind of difficult to play with mouse though (I can't handle acceleration so good when tyres start to get hot).
Playing with 19 AIs looks like the end of the world. So much fun.
I hope someone makes a modded server for it...
Training with AIs is only useful if you want to improve your avoiding collision skills.
Tech Support: "Ok Bob, let's press the control and escape keys at the same time. That brings up a task list in the middle of the screen. Now type the letter 'P' to bring up the Program Manager."
It's indeed veery fun. Specially when all of the survivors go to the same room, put plenty of objects in front of a door and get stuck there with a lot of zombies trying to make their way in and kill everyone.
Well, do you remember the GRID trailers everyone though were renders? They were not.
The first part of this trailer though seem to be a render, but everything else I believe it's real game footage.
I was just going to post it... I'M AMAZED! I love Left 4 Dead, and when I refreshed the Steam Store right now and I'd seen "Left 4 Dead 2", WOW, just wow!
Why does it remove antialiasing? I have the same graphics card as you (9800GT) and it doesn't remove antialiasing here... just look at the pics and you'll notice they still have AA