The order is different in portuguese too: postal-related pasta is "pasta related postal" in portuguese
Portuguese just looks much more natural to say, by that I mean sentences are much shorter. "Massa relacionada aos correios" instead of "postal-related pasta" (yeah, actually most sentences are a lot bigger in portuguese)
And also, "Campeão Mundial" (World Champion).
The order of some things (for instance, adjectives) change in portuguese too: BlueCar. CarroAzul.
You'll be able to play all of Half-Life games in co-op too! And many of its free mods are also able to play co-op, such as HL2: Riot Act and MINERVA: Metastasis. It's definitely worth it. I'm really thinking of purchasing another The Orange Box now, so I can give it to someone else. It's simply amazing IMO. USD $9.99 or £6 for The Orange Box (5 full games), plus a lot of free (full) mods, co-op and many other bonuses .
I told this to one of my friends on Steam yesterday, and 10 minutes later I received a message from STEAM: "Your friend «§» [√] has just purchased The Orange Box".
Anyone who get this game can add me on STEAM so we can play online: Antonio05
This command doesn't increase FPS at all, it just synchronizes the physics and graphics to run together. It's more likely to make you have "lower FPS", but it'll surely make it a lot more playable if the person is having physics bugs in the first place. Again I'll choose Pentium D as a example: imagine a PC with a amazing graphics card but a old processor trying to run Crysis. This PC will run it a lot better with sys_physics_cpu 0 because it'll synchronize frames. It'll make you have lower framerates, but it'll be really a lot better and without any bugs.
Yet the PC on the example above: sys_physics_cpu 1 = explode a house with a grenade and props will fly in slow motion. Get about two explosions at the same time and you'll feel like you're playing a first person shooter on a online game server with 999 ping, because the character will take some time to respond to your commands and will very often skip a few meters depending on how much lag you've got, plus it can get through things and instantly kill yourself in a ridiculous way (such as getting through a car and making it explode with the force of your body just by walking on it lol ).
Another example of a bug that may appear is when throwing heavy objects: when they hit something, instead of breaking that thing (e.g.: a wall, wood barriers or something), the object will suddenly stop and fall delicately. sys_physics_cpu 0 = everything is going to be synchronized, no slow motion, and no single-player character or physics lag, although a bit lower FPS.
Just look at the first 40 seconds of this video and you'll know what I mean:
0:16 - very smooth water (graphics), very laggy boxes (physics). Since water is running much more smooth than physics, resulting FPS will be higher.
0:36 - water and boxes synchronized. "Lower FPS", but much more playable on low-end processors.
Important note: this video was rendered, which means it isn't real time gameplay. That's why there are thousands of boxes in there. The synchronized one takes a lot less time to render and the result is also much better. But that's exactly the same thing that happens on real time gameplay, except that you won't have 30fps with 3 thousand boxes.
But remember, this is for low-end processors. It will only help for mid/high-end processors if you're having any weird physics bug (which is very unlikely).
"Cars vibrating" is a physics bug that only happens if the processor isn't capable of running the game smoothly (graphics card calculates graphics faster than processor does on physics, thus not synchronized), or too low FPS. If you somehow manage to make this game run at very low FPS you'll see all cars simply try to fly, or vibrating with very weird physics. The lower the FPS, the more they'll vibrate. But it can happen on very high FPS too, depending on the game.¹
A computer with a very good graphics card and a Pentium D, for example, may run this game at 90fps and still have the cars vibrating at many times. Sometimes the game may even ignore collisions with other cars and walls: you just get through it like it doesn't exist, even with high FPS.
Here's a video I recorded on my PC now using fraps with FPS limited to 10. It demonstrates perfectly what I'm saying above and shows all of the most common bugs² that may appear. is now available on Youtube.
Note: this exact same bug also happens on most, if not all of Simbin games. All you need is a not good enough processor or low fps (about 20~25fps). And it happens to Crysis too when using default settings. But FPS has to be a lot lower on Crysis: about 6~8fps for a good processor (if you limit the FPS, of course), or about 30fps (not limited) with a terrible processor. If you start running with speed mode on rough terrain, you'll randomly die because your legs got through the ground or because you made it through something else. But it can be fixed on Crysis by using a console command that synchronizes it. sys_physics_CPU 0. The default value is 1, where physics have an independent framerate.
¹Physics have an independent framerate, so amount of lag depends on CPU. Most of Simbin games, rFactor, Crash Time 2's engine (includes Ferrari Virtual Race), Crysis and some other game uses independent framerate for physics.
Benefits of using independent framerate for physics: FPS almost always stay at higher values. ²Side effects: lag depends on the processor, and very weird bugs may occur, such as ignoring collisions (other cars, walls or anything else, including the ground), vibrating, graphics and physics not synchronized, excessive grip on racing games (thus causing car to suddenly flip on a turn), etc.
Last edited by Velociround, .
Reason : video is now available on Youtube
I played LFS for almost 3 years on a FX5200 128MB, and it never happened to me. Then, a 8600GT 256MB for almost 1 year, and it never happened. And now, on a 9800GT 512MB, this bug hasn't happened too.
Guys, it's 3.2GHz only if you have a Pentium 4...
Look at recommended settings: Processor: AMD(r) Athlon 64 x2 4800+ or Intel(r) Core2 2GHz or better
By the way, I didn't know this game was free, thanks for sharing. I have Crash Time 2 as well, and even though graphics seem to be better on the original game, they are great on Ferrari Virtual Race too, and it's pretty fun to check it out even though brakes are terrible on the keyboard.
Have you tried some coolers (dissipater + fan) for it? They occupy a extra "slot" (not connector, just extra space), but IMO, if you don't have SLI, it's worth it. I have one of the Arctic's and my GPU's temperature used to be 30°C idle (it's 39°C idle now), and 39°C full (it's 45~47°C full now, depending on the game. It's never gotten any higher than 47°C). These VGA coolers are amazing for overclocking, very easy to install and very efficient. Also, they're not noisy at all.
For a comparison: normal temperatures for 9800GT without this VGA Cooling are 54°C idle and about 67°C full. My 9800GT's current temperatures are 39°C idle and 47°C full.
But it won't make a miracle alone, the results depends on how well is your computer ventilated.
Some overclocking graphics card come with it by default.
Mine is the "Accelero S1 Rev.2" one.
Since my case isn't well ventilated, I can't reach those low temperatures results anymore, but if I organize it I'm pretty sure the temperatures can decrease again.
@ velociround - postponing the patch, what? I was just referring to the fact that calling out random dates, that have nothing to do or no influence whatsoever on when we get the patch, is lame.
And I was just joking because every new date posted was later than the one right before it, and since that date was a random speculation of when it would be released, we were basically postponing the patch ...
[/off topic]
have not installed yet one question i have a high res pack installed from lfs database can i just install this over it? or do i have to replace the original lfs files then install?
Yes, you don't need to restore the original files, you can just install it over your current textures. The installers will only replace the textures of the Revolution Pack, and they come with uninstallers in case you want to remove them.
It's cable connection (ADSL or something), not wireless
But I'm wondering what happened to him now, it's been 5 months since he last gone online Maybe it's a problem on his computer or something. But his internet connection is still very bad and most people who use Velox complain a lot about it.
Well, I've been having some problems with my connection lately too (very slow) but I think it's because of a transition they announced they'd do. The former company was sold and the new company is making the transition (it's going to be a lot better than it already was, it seems as we're going to receive better internet connection speeds (from 1.2Mbps to 3Mbps for free, also with the possibility to get 6Mbps, 9Mbps and 12Mbps, as opposed to a maximum of 2Mbps on the other company) and we're also going to receive NET TV Digital (rumours says it'll be full HD, but only time can tell )).
By the way, that's a very nice thing you've done to your neighbor...
Although I've never used it, a friend of mine has it on his house, and believe me, it's terrible. He was supposed to receive a 8Mbps connection but he can't get more than 100KB/s download (when he's lucky, of course). It usually drops to 20kB/s and is very unstable. Every time I create a game server for me and some friends play, everyone that doesn't use VELOX connects perfectly and we play with pings lower than 60ms (some of these people live more than 1,500km from me), but when he joins the server, his ping goes from 300 to 9999ms (it happened twice ), and everyone else's ping goes up to 110~120ms. He lives in a apartment 400m from me
Thanks a lot, I didn't know I could use a pen drive to flash it. It makes it a lot better and easier really.
I restarted the system with the pen drive, quickly went to Q-FLASH and in less than 4 seconds it finished updating. My new BIOS is now F9 version and everything is working perfectly.
Looks like @BIOS hasn't done anything, I think it didn't even start flashing the bios and sent me that message.
I didn't think it would be so easy. It scares me actually
Well, I have a Gigabyte GA-G31M-S2L, default BIOS version is F4.
I don't have any problems with it now but the motherboard didn't detect my processor's speed correctly when I first installed it. It has been set as 1.9Ghz by default, but my processor (E5200) is 2.5GHz. I easily changed it on the bios settings, but I'm going to get a Q9550 soon (maybe June) so I think I would probably need to flash the bios anyway, and decided to try it today.
First I tried to save the files on a floppy to use Q-FLASH on the bios (people say that's the easiest way), but my floppy drive isn't working (it refuses to detect any floppy) and I gave it up.
Then I went to the gigabyte website, downloaded the latest BIOS that is not a beta (G31MS2L.F9), and downloaded @BIOS from the same website, and I tried to flash the bios for a newer one (F9 and F10d) using this program but... it failed... four times...
I have a backup of my original BIOS (F4), but @BIOS failed to flash with it too.
And I'm here now
Kind of... desperate? I don't know.
I didn't restart or shut the PC down after that, and I don't feel like doing that any soon. I really hope it didn't damage anything, but could anyone help? Any advices of what should I do now, how to flash the BIOS, programs you use, etc?
Thank you
And this is the result of several effects combined Notes: SSAO and Indirect Lighting are very high quality effects, and as so they require a lot of video memory and a very good computer to be playable depending on the resolution. Screenshots were taken with in-game AA8x and AF16x. Boris Vorontsov:"The requirements to videomemory size are very high, depends from screen resolution and antialiasing, for example without antialiasing in a mode 1024*768 it cost 64 Mb of videomemory, and for 1280*1024 106 Mb are necessary."
Depth of Field: Also depends on the resolution, and the more discrete it is, the more it will require from the computer.
i didnt tell anyone to do anything[i said should do a suggestion] actually if you read the quote you used from me i said i understand if you cant get a wheel.
those using mouse/kb should be palying on mouse/kb only servers[...]
You've said you understand, but you think there should be separate servers for non-wheel and wheel players... So, the former doesn't have any chances to play anyway?
[...]but with a mouse you can drive the car in a way that you cant with a wheel with a kb youll just be in the way
One can't brake, press gas or use the clutch smoothly with a mouse or a keyboard. It's also not possible to feel the force feedback of the car. People who use mouse also don't know how much they are turning the wheel until they see it on the screen. So that's not much of an advantage, don't you agree? And it gets even worse on the keyboard, regardless of "keyboard help".
About the assists: wheel drivers can use autoclutch or clutch button too, as well as brake help, ABS, TC etc. Besides, they do exist on real life, and since this is a simulator, it should include them too (except for some of them such as brake help, but they are really necessary depending on the controller people use).
About the views again... What do you say about people who have triple displays, so they can see both sides of the car without pressing any buttons? What about TrackIR? And lower/higher FOV than the default? Even though I play with cockpit camera (without the HUD), I don't mind people playing in a different way. If you don't want this to happen, you can always play on servers with "cockpit view: only" or servers that autokick on chase camera (there are servers like that), etc.
yeah sure there are some idiot savants out there that can drive with these things but they are far and few inbetween.
And i also say the developers made it this way.... kinda wierd aint it? a serious sim with kb mouse and chase and wheel views you can use during a race aint to serious IMHO.
ANy time im in a server and see kb stablize,brakehelp,anything like that im staying away from that driver. there should be no brake help[accordingg to the lfs homepage you should do the driving so why all the help to drive?]. My point is these things shouldnt be IMO
. they are there so what can you do .......
I used to keep tapping my mouse buttons to press and release gas and brake smoothly, but I could have bought 4 more S2 licenses with the money I spent getting new mouses because of that, so I prefer using brake help and tapping the buttons less times. Actually "brake help" isn't much of a help too, it just releases brake after the wheel locks and then press it again, repeating this until the tyre stop locking (not something someone would purposely do on a race).
The devs include these options for compatibility, to make the LFS public wider. It's not because I don't have a wheel that I wouldn't like LFS. Back in 2006 I played LFS with keyboard for the whole year, yet managed to have "low" PBs on BL1+XRT combo. (1:26:65 was my PB if I'm not mistaken, and I had constant times). Then I started using mouse and it was a lot better. Although it was easier to get lower times, I never managed to get 1:23 as some other people could (maybe not enough practice).
But if there were no support for mouse or keyboard I would be completely unable to play LFS for a very long time, and would probably forget it completely rather than purchasing a wheel just to play it. Actually, the main reason I managed to bring many of my friends to LFS was because everyone could play on it without changing anything on their PC, specially keyboard and mouse. And even playing with these controllers, LFS was amazing for us back then, we really had A LOT of fun on it.
Sure more poeple can try lfs with kb and mouse but do we really want these people to play on s2 servers on our side door? lol.
This seriously sounds like bullying
A new G25 wheel costs BRL $1,200 on the cheapest shops. It's still too much. This means 3,5 times the minimum wage of the country, or USD $547 / BGP £370 / EUR $419
I don't know how much it costs in your country, but I'm pretty sure it should be a lot cheaper. If it was cheaper here, I'd sure get it too. Meanwhile, I'm going to spend my money with more important things. I can play with mouse, so that's not a problem.
Anyone who plays S2 on keyboard, mouse, gamepad or any other controller has paid the same thing for LFS you and me had, and they have the same right to play it just like anyone else regardless of what they use to play, so I think this point of yours in particular is invalid.
there is a way to filter server side who can join maybe i need to do that like NARA filters out non g25,porsche wheel users. not trying to start a big thing and i thought i said the previous post in a light hearted tone have fun on the track.
Some ponctuation would help that
PS i started on a gamepad [demo] that lasted for about 5 days maybe a week i understood that i needed a wheel to get a full experience and drive properly. I wouldnt buy s2 without a wheel nor would i try to race in s2 with a kb or mouse becuase i know i would just be a hazard. again some people can drive mouse but they are far and few inbetween. and turning lock to lock in .1 seconds does happen to catch oversteer , ive seen some very wierd things with mouse users you CAN[not saying you have to] exploit it to drive in a unnatural way.
It sure is better and more realistic to play with a wheel, and I would undoubtedly play with one if I had it, but for now I can't, so... (shall I make a donate button? )
By the way, my post wasn't intended to be rude (if it seemed rude for you), and I hope the emoticons I used would help making it clear.