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S2 licensed
Quote from NightEye :Isn't this what F12 does? Just set "repair damage" to "no".

If you make any changes to setup, "repair damage" will be automatically set as "yes", and can't be undone unless you remove the changes you've done.
S2 licensed
Quote from Aid :i also have no problems with patch everything works good. the only thing i've had is this annoying pitstop bug (not related to test patches...) why fgs my pitcrew repaired my suspension damage when i only stopped to do +1deg on front wing...(and of course repairs were set to "no") this frequently ruins league races... i loose 20s for unnecessary repairs... and 20s means race is gone:/

When you change setup your car is automatically repaired. It's not a bug.

Scawen, Z13's working fine on Windows 7 RC (7100).
S2 licensed
Quote from John5200 :not almost...

I didn't think that was possible.

Has the trial for the record finished already? There's about 24 people on the chat at the moment.
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :I think he was referring to Windows 7 nuking your mp3s - Warning: Windows 7 beta could corrupt your MP3s

If so, there's no need to worry. This bug's been fixed on the beta's first day out, and it was downloaded by Windows on Windows Update during the installation (it's the last step of windows installation: update on the internet) even before you could start windows for the first time, so it definitely wasn't a problem for people who let windows update.
S2 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :One place that annoys me; Wal-Mart. That place is weird!!! It always has weird people EVERYWHERE, and they have some pretty weird stuff there. Wal-Mart is like where people like to kill time there; it sometime's even creeps me out when I am walking in there. Also, everytime I go in, there are always screaming kids!:irked: It's mindboggling. :eye-poppi

I don't have any problems with Wal-Mart here. People always seem to be willing to help, and I haven't seen any weirdos as well. I also like Sam's Club. But I usually go to another supermarket which has wider range of products.
S2 licensed
Quote from [Sativa] :The background images on menus, is not showed correctly in my wide resolution (1360x768)

is it a bug? i think it happened because my resolution, but i'm not sure

Any options or correction for it?


Lynce's background images only work on 4:3 resolutions because they were created on that resolution. There could be 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions at some time, but it's not confirmed and as far as I know it's not in development.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Simplier fix - use browser instead of Internet Exploder.

I wouldn't be bothered to fix it if I didn't need IE. I use Opera for everything, but since Steam uses IE as its browser I need IE working to watch youtube videos and browse through flash websites in my games.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :So I guess you got it

0K = 0 degrees Kelvin = - 273 degrees Celcius = absolutely zero

You can't use "degrees" with Kelvin because it is a absolute scale. (0K, not 0°K)

I laughed out loud with the joke when I'd first seen it
S2 licensed
For people who can't install Flash Player on Internet Explorer 8 (for whatever reason it is), I've found a way to make it work:

My problem was IE8 wouldn't install or download Flash Player (but Opera installed it correctly), so I downloaded the Manual Flash Player Installer for IE, installed it and it worked.
S2 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :Actually one things come to my mind.
When it comes to downloading i think it would be good to allow download the whole pack apart from the music cuz music weight 58 Mb and I never listen to it anyway(prefer radio in winamp ) so its only lengthen time required to DL.
For me its like 20 minutes more to Dl.

Here you go:

The Revolution Pack installer (NO MUSIC) (93,9MB) (link is working)

I finished the installer but I can't upload it now since I'm not at home, I'm going to upload it as soon as I get back home (some hours from now).
I'm home now, installer uploaded.
Last edited by Velociround, . Reason : lol I typed "video uploaded" instead of "installer uploaded" :D
S2 licensed
In my opinion the blue and yellow flag both should be removed (for cruise). Also, I like the idea of removing lap times too, as well as removing the pit lane speed limit, because I think they're not useful for cruising.
Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
Anyone else having problems to install Macromedia Flash on IE8 after installing Windows 7 RC?
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Aargh, megaupload is so slow lately.

Had to wait 5 min or even more so i could get my code and enter it ... ... 1128912&postcount=144

Mirrors are hosted on badongo.
S2 licensed
After 20 minutes refreshing the page, and after seeing plenty of repeated ads, I've chosen the ones I like most:

First place, the LFS Serbia one

Second place, the LFS Estonia one

But the best one is actually this one:

Just kidding. I don't like this blue-ish tone.
S2 licensed
Quote from TigerClw :I am really wondering how long are the devs going to keep everybody waiting (bout 5 monts now) It will be probabbly another 5 until there might be a bit of chance to see the Scirocco. Or at leas a new patch with some sensable improvments. If there will ever be such a thing anytime soon.

P.S. I am 90% sure that anything is going to happen in the near future. Sure home i`m wrong though.


/unsubscribes from thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :It would have been serious win if he hadnt claimed to have gauged the guys eyes out, as it stands, not a masterpiece but good effort.

Actually I thought that was the best part (and creepiest one) of the video.
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Rainmeter + HUD Vision skin

Thanks a lot!

New desktop.

(By the way, do you know any of these cool gadgets that work with Windows Media Player? I don't quite like winamp really and I'm used to WMP already. For instance, I closed something on winamp I didn't know what it was and I can't get it to open anymore I've just installed it to use the gadget anyway)
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Creepy stuff....

Really, really creepy
Quick request: need a LFS Shift LOGO (please help)
S2 licensed
Well this may look like a very weird request but I need a LFS: Shift LOGO. Could anyone do this for me please? I tried, but I failed hard and I don't have photoshop here.
All I need is someone to make the background of this picture transparent and only keep the "NFS Shift" logo on it. Then, change "Need" to "Live".

Please give it your best try

Thank you in advance.
S2 licensed
I wonder why all "George Bush" texts are bold...

Ok, it wasn't funny at all.
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Mine.

I simply LOVE this kind of windows gadgets, where did you get them?
S2 licensed
Quote from rc10racer :ermmmm you could get it from about 2 weeks ago, installed it could not tell the difference from 7000 so i got rid off it, for anyone who has got the RC you might wanna check this feature out. ... ackage-installer-download

This thread is not about leaked torrent downloads for Windows 7 RC, it's about the official Windows 7 RC download and keys directly from Microsoft, which will be available broadly on May 5 as far as us Beta-testers were informed. Or do you know any other official way to get it (apart from MSDN and TechNet Plus)?

By the way, thanks for sharing this virtual machine, it's amazing
S2 licensed
"As with the Beta, the Windows 7 RC Customer Preview Program is a broad public program that offers the RC free to anyone who wants to download it."

It'll be available to download from May 5 (PST) to "at least through June 30, 2009,"

People who download the Windows 7 RC will be able to use it for free until [not publicaly announced].

This page that went up early says the RC will be available until June 1, 2010.
The Beta will be available until August 1, 2009.
S2 licensed
There are plenty of changes, and you can check all of them out here:
I've read through most of them and it sounds good.
Anyway, since it's not-finished software, it's always good to have everything up-to-date to assure everything is working.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod

That fixed my problem, thanks

I don't have any problems with HD videos on Opera. Runs pretty smoothly.