Right now I have 51 tabs open. Even when I'm browsing on my phone I usually have around 16 tabs open. And somehow I usually can't browse at all using less than 8 or 9 tabs. The moment I open the browser it usually already have 6 or 7 tabs open, then I go on opening more and more until I click everything I want to see for the day (there goes 40+ tabs). Then I start reading all of them, one by one and finding whatever I think is useful. If I don't have time to read everything at home, the browser automatically sends the tabs to my phone, and I can continue reading them on the go. If I don't finish reading it on the same day, it will show them to me when I open the browser on the next day...
There's still no ridiculously easy way to steal one's passwords from Opera as there is on other browsers. When the user is browsing the web with Opera, you'll need access to his hard drive to open the wand data and some software to decrypt it. However on other browsers all you have to do is have a very simple script on a website to get all the data the browser deliberately fills in without you wanting it to, or someone else using your PC just open the settings and see all your passwords. There's just no comparison between the extra level of security Opera gives its users, whereas other browsers just fill in all of their data on every field they find.
Yes, still waiting for a beta key from Atari. I hope they don't take too long, though, because this is the only thing that holds me from installing the game...
I guess they still have a hardcore mode that is unlocked at some point at the game. (as had TDU).
I find it very funny that I downloaded the beta at 1060KB/s but don't have any key to install it, whereas many of you guys that do have the beta keys are complaining to get lower than 30KB/s rates.
Opera doesn't. It won't show you any passwords you have saved, it just allows you to fill them in when you are on a website and after you press a button. It doesn't go on filling everything even when you don't want to, thus making it even safer and not possible for malicious code to get your data. Other browsers do have problems with this and it's possible to get their data (FF, I'm looking at you. Chrome too if I'm not mistaken).
Opera was the first browser ever with this feature (Speed Dial, also shows thumbnails of the pages) and it allows up to 25 by default. Up to infinity when changing the browser files. I don't know how to change this on FF that's why I didn't answer that question with something more relevant
A Google Street View Car in Bradford, England, got pulled over by the police. The vehicle's roof-mounted camera captured the moment it is stopped by a marked patrol car Godwin Street in Bradford. Eyewitnesses described how the car entered a 'bus, bicycle, taxi only' lane before it was followed by a police patrol vehicle with sirens blazing. Link 1Link 2
A young Canadian elevator mechanic named Stephanie was trying to sell her car on the internet. She didn't have any photos of her 1978 Lincoln so she decided to use images from Google Street. Link 1Link 2