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Quote from amp88 :Looks quite horrible to me. If you find yourself having lots of nested loops on a regular basis (without good reason!) you're probably doing something wrong.

Well-written code only needs a small amount of commenting. Choosing appropriate function and variable names means you should only need to give a high level comment of what each function does and some lower level explanation when you have something that's tricky or counter-intuitive. Commenting every line of code is a waste of time in the vast majority of cases.

Well, the code wasn't written by me so I commented everything as the loop was a bit complex and the variables didn't make much sense. He used "vetor" that could be anything instead of "tickets" which is what this loop is generating and other variables that didn't look very intuitive. Not even the guy who gave me that knew what anything did or how it worked (I guess he didn't write it after all ). The rest of the program in its current stage has no comments whatsoever. When I write the code myself it's rare that I have to comment something unless it's a bit more complex (like that loop), but then, I always choose obvious variables or at least something that makes sense. The thing is, after having some joint projects with other people on the same codes, I found that commenting a bit more to somewhat more complex or bigger parts is usually better so that they "know what you did there" instead of asking me.

In that case, I believe this loop is important and was a "quite smart" move in a concise code. It writes pseudo-random values of Bingo numbers to tickets (vetor[ind][cont]) where ind is the ticket number, and cont is used to save each of the 13 values of the ticket on the memory. There are also loops to check if the values are over 99 or 0, and/or if they are repeated (which they can't), in which case it generates a new number.

Then, another (separate) loop to print the numbers (I haven't bothered ordering them right now, though) from the vectors on a "DOS-like" interface. And I guess I'll need to make a few more loops to check if the bingo numbers match the ticket numbers. That's what I'm doing right now.
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :@Shadowww

If that's something you did for 8 hours then I imagine you have a good understanding of it so I imagine it wouldn't be complicated at all.

Sort of when we look at chinese writing thinking WTH? And then some chinese person is like "chi wa doo ning wee wahhh ohhh" and they're like "yeah that means "hi how are you" so it's actually probably quite simple

I think anything can be very simple for the people who actually understand it.

For instance, when I see a new code someone has written that looks very clunky and "not understandable", it may look difficult, specially if there are several loops, one inside the other. But when you figure it out, everything makes sense so beautifully that it looks very simple and sometimes very well thought out. For example, someone handed me this piece of code (that's just a fraction of the actual program):

for(cont = 1 ; cont < 6 ; cont++) //inicia contagem das cartelas
for(ind = 0 ; ind < 13 ; ind++) //inicia contagem dos números para cada cartela
vetor[cont][ind] = rand()%100; //define um valor aleatório para determinado número de uma cartela
if(vetor[cont][ind] == 0 || vetor[cont][ind] > 99) //verifica se o número está fora do desejado
vetor[cont][ind] = rand()%100; //se fora do desejado, define outro valor para mesma variável
for(ctrl = 0 ; ctrl < ind ; ctrl++) //inicia verificação de números repetidos na cartela inteira
if(vetor[cont][ind] == vetor[cont][ctrl]) //verifica se o número é repetido
vetor[cont][ind] = rand()%100; //se repetido, define outro valor para mesma variável
ctrl = 0;
if(vetor[cont][ind] == 0 || vetor[cont][ind] > 99) //verifica se o novo valor aleatório está fora do desejado
vetor[cont][ind] = rand()%100; //se estiver fora do desejado, gera outro valor aleatorio

printf("\nCartela %d -> [ ", cont); //começa a imprimir os valores das cartelas pela cartela 'cont'
for(ind = 0 ; ind < 13 ; ind++) //começa a imprimir os números da cartela
printf("%d", vetor[cont][ind]); //imprime o número 'ind' da cartela 'cont'
if(ind == 12) //verifica quando chega ao fim da cartela
printf(" ]\n\n"); //ao chegar no fim, dá dois pulos e inicia impressão da próxima cartela
printf(" - "); //imprime hífen para separar os números da mesma cartela

It did not have these comments, and looked an absolute mess before I tidied everything up. What you see is the result of about one hour to figure out what everything meant and understand his variables and vectors, as well as organizing the code. But after doing it, it looked really very simple and easy to understand. Then, as I always do to my codes, I commented on everything and what exactly each part of the code did so that I could get back to it even after months of not developing the code again.

PS: As this is a joint project, I had to comment on the native language of my project partner, but if I was writing this alone I would have commented in english.
S2 licensed
In Brazil, we don't have this test at all.

We just have to draw some random lines and curves with both hands (one at a time) on some paper while some woman who's giving you these tests put something in front of your eyes so you can't see what you're drawing.

I don't know how you could fail. Maybe if you miss the paper it means you don't have enough coordination to drive a car? The paper is pretty huge, larger than 2 A4 sheets.

They say this test is useful to find out if you can keep driving on the road even after 10 seconds or so of blindness or if you'll crash the car.

There are also other tests such as finding the correct order of numbers and marking them on paper, and matching some different types of triangles. All that while sitting in some kind of class room with paper and pencil.
S2 licensed
Wow, that's so awesome!
I'm very curious about seeing more pictures from this

Anyway... in other news, here's what taking a picture with 50 filters look like: ... od-times-with-bad-filters
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Quote from Rennan Guzzo :Isso significa...

...que ele não existe. Pare de dar bola para o troll, ele faz isso desde 2004. Esse tópico não podia ser mais inútil.

Lembro de um tópico no NFSU2 Brasil (extinto em 2006) onde um menino de 14 anos (anônimo, ninguém sabia a idade dele na época) colocou fotos de um RX-8 com photoshop que tirou da internet e disse que era dele, e tinha acabado de "tunar". Guizinho, que devia ter uns 11 anos (estimativa, pode ser que seja menos), foi pro tópico e disse que ele que é que tinha "tunado" o carro do cara.

Aí postaram a "foto do motor", a pedidos de outras pessoas do fórum. Pegaram uma foto do motor de um Chevette, EM UM Chevette que não era nem da mesma cor do RX-8 (branco, o motor era de um chevette bege), e esperaram que todos fôssemos acreditar.

E a saga continua: "dual core 4GHz", 8800Ultra, core i7, 16GB de RAM, e em uma placa mãe da gigabyte com dois slots pra RAM (mas Guizinho sabe onde comprar esses pentes de 8GB RAM), Logitech G27 (mas se existisse um G29 agora, seria dele. Aliás, acho que o Guizinho já tem um protótipo do G29 instalado com LFS no Force Dynamics 401CR da casa da avó dele. Ele só está esperando chegar mais perto do lançamento para nos contar, porque ainda é segredo, mas promete que tirará fotos. "Quando estiver na sua hora", claro).
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :

AHA! Finally! Someone found a use for the iPad! I'm now purchasing it, I'm really in need of something hard to put my mouse on.

I can smell some dirty minds coming from my comment now THAT's a pun
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Quote from Inouva :You never saw a casting pRon video ?

Nope, no idea what that is. Don't need to link the video as it is pron, though...
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :pervert

An jpg (not gif) pic of some living room with a sofa, a table, a door...
What's in that pic? I just don't get it

Can someone link the video?
S2 licensed
Found this picture on the internet, reminded me of this thread, so I'm posting it here.

By the way, I have just read the "deleted" posts after mine, I lol'd

So, I guess posting here automatically subscribes me back to the thread...
S2 licensed
First image fixed...

Quote from DeadWolfBones :First one's not working.

Did you buy an attachment lens for your phone? I'm confused...

Yes, I bought an attachment lens for my phone

Sorry about the long post:

I'm never going to have money for any DSLR anyway and it's very far from being any kind of priority for me. I won't even be able to carry it around because of size, and won't be able to shoot anything because this place is so dangerous, if anyone sees you with something that looks valuable they're going to try to steal you. People have already tried to steal me four times while I took pictures in the city with my Nokia N8 (one of these times I was taking the landscape pics I posted on previous posts), let alone if they figure I have expensive DSLR cameras... in Brazil, the Nokia N8 costs BRL $1,499.00. That's pretty expensive (in a direct conversion, USD $948).

But I do like and enjoy a lot seeing great photos and taking photos too, so I do what I can with the equipment I have. And I must say I am pretty confident my setup is quite good, better than most point and shoots, with features such as RGB graphs for each color spectrum, manual ISO (quoted from Nokia "up to 1200"), manual exposure, white balance settings, xenon flash, face detection, antishake, custom focus (though not manual), carl zeiss tessar wide angle lens, big 1/1.83″ sensor, 12MP, option for JPG 100% quality (not exactly RAW, but close enough, 11~15MB photos), upload to anywhere right after taking the pic, etc.

I bought a macro lens (1-4cm) and a wider angle one (gives a vignette effect and distorts a little because it is really very wide angle).

I love the pictures you post so much I am trying to find if there are any lens that give a similar effect because it is so gorgeous and awesome! (that's not why I purchased these lens, though, these were just for having some options)

edit: added this pic

It comes with lens protection (on both ends), and an attacher to the phone. It also has a little thingy I don't know the name that you can put on the phone so you'll always have the lens hanging there for when you want to use it.
Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
New lens arrived!

Wide (very, very wide) angle and macro.

It was a bit of a weird purchase because the wide is considerably wider than I wanted and the macro is in a very thin line to get micro.
S2 licensed
Still waiting for my new lenses...

But that didn't stop me from taking some pics (I can't post the other pictures because these people may not actually like photos of themselves being "in the wild" of the internet, you know) and also some nice landscape.

All unedited. And on the last photo, I changed color correction only.
As usual, taken with my Nokia N8.
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :"Chuck Norris dosn't flush the toilet, he scares the SH*T! out of it"

...a youtube comment.

I lol'd

When God said "Let there be light", Chuck Norris said: "say 'Please'"
S2 licensed
S60v3 é passado, assim como s60v5. A plataforma S60v5 é incompatível com Symbian^3 a nível de Hardware, tornando fisicamente impossível usar as atualizações de Symbian^3 no S60v5.

Já o S60v3 já foi atualizado por muitos anos (meu N95 de 2007 recebeu sua última atualização em 2010), e francamente, simplesmente não existe nada que precise ser atualizado nessa plataforma! Ela já atingiu seu potencial máximo quando se trata de atualizações.

S60v5, por outro lado, está distante de atingir seu potencial máximo mas não o fará provavelmente nunca: os aparelhos não tem aceleração gráfica, que é um requisito mínimo para suporte do Symbian^3, além de processadores melhores e o dobro de memória RAM.

Todo esse suporte citado será dado, sim, a todas as versões de Symbian: desde S40 até S60v3, S60v5 e Symbian^3. Entretanto, com exceção de S40 e Symbian^3, as atualizações para as plataformas restantes serão compostas, basicamente, de correções de bugs e aprimoramento no uso de recursos.

As únicas plataformas que terão novidades (inclusive novas features) serão S40 ("conectar o próximo bilhão", mas nada muito tecnológico por serem featurephones) e Symbian^3 (PR 2.0 Anna com mais de 50 novas features, PR 3.0 Belle com um visual completamente novo e mais eficiente, e futuros updates ainda não revelados).

Papai noel e coelho da páscoa não existem, mas as atualizações para Symbian são um fato incontestável. Symbian^3 já recebeu mais de 12 atualizações diferentes, 2 grandes atualizações do sistema (PR1.1 e PR1.2) com aprimoramentos significativos e diversos novos aplicativos da própria Nokia que adicionam nova funcionalidade ao sistema, dos quais se pode destacar Nokia TelaGrande, Nokia SleepingScreen, Nokia Bubbles, Nokia Situations, Nokia WellnessDiary, Nokia Bots, Nokia Diexie (para mercado Chinês), Nokia Reader, dentre outros.

Por mais que isso doa na mente das pessoas que odeiam o Symbian com todas as forças, essa plataforma além de ser a mais eficaz, está bem longe de morta.
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :@ Velociround:

In that pic, are you scheduling sex for that day or what?

In Portuguese, Friday is Sexta (Sexta-feira), so instead of having "Fri" I had "Sex" on the homescreen. This abbreviation is common in Brazil, but even local people make fun of it.
Take a look at my university classes schedule:

Something interesting, too: some laptop stores here abbreviate "notebook" as "NOT" instead of "NOTE", so when I found the sticker in a notebook I could read: "NOT dual-core 2.4ghz". I chuckled.
And whenever you ask them for a notebook with any specification (e.g.: 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD, etc), they search on the database for "not whatever-you-said" to get the results.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I hate AMD. I still use it in my newest Macbook Pro though.

(Quad Core Sandy Bridge i7 is worth dealing with an inferior piece of junk for a GPU!)

+1, except I don't own any Mac of any sort...
I just felt like posting this here... nVidia for the win!
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :On another note... I'm all for everyone expressing their creativity and whatnot, but maybe we ought to have a separate thread for cell phone snapshots?

Talking about "cell phone snapshots"... I just wanted to share this:

Taken with Nokia E7 (not by me).

Well, I guess we're just fine as it is, and very few people post "phone" photos anyway, as most have common sense (and I'm waiting for my new lenses and more free time to go to new places, too).
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :What the hell? I'm talking about that massive engine More like the one in red!!!!

I actually like the girl with red biquinnis better than the other girl. I had not noticed the engine though, just the car...
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S2 licensed
New one... a lot better than before!

The background is a photo I took in one of my favorite restaurants: Outback Steakhouse

The picture on the right, shown above, is the sleeping screen (when the phone is in standby, this screen shuffles some wallpapers, shows battery, profile, date/hour and notifications)

Plenty of changes, and I'm now using the new Nokia Pure font instead of the old Nokia Sans. Nokia Pure Sleeping Screen
Last edited by Velociround, .
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Quote from R.Kolz :A few questions about Fraps, Virtualdub and Windows LIVE Movie Maker:
I´m aware of that I´m not using the most fitted prg´s. here - it´s just what I a kind of got used to. Thanks for your info´s on the subject.

1 - If you can't record at higher than 20fps, it won't make a difference (vSync locks it to your monitor hz, which is usualy 60hz, making it 60fps... personally, I use this setting off)

2 - If you already choose to capture "full" resolution on fraps, by selecting "lossless RGB" the quality difference will not be noticeable (specially if you upload to Youtube). Personally, I've never seen the difference (apart from video size which gets noticeably bigger). Also, may be slower.

3 - I used to to this when I had a FX5200, I would record at half speed then speed up on video editor 2x. For me, there was no quality difference, but the resulting video after that was butter smooth. Good thing that LFS actually samples the sound at the speed you choose, so you don't have to separately record audio and video, and it will always be in sync.

I never managed to save in other formats using VirtualDub so I can't help here.

6 - Movie Maker will most likely get you quality loss, whereas VirtualDub saving in .avi will get you a lossless resulting video (and huge file, too). By default, VirtualDub resulting files are lossless. The best (lossless) quality you can get: record with fraps, render/speed up with VirtualDub. Then edit on your preferred video editor and choose your own compression options (it will not be lossless after that point, but you can't do everything lossless because file sizes are huge!).

A suggestion of great (and easy) video editor is Sony Vegas... there's a 30 day trial on their website if you want to download it. I use it a lot, actually all of my projects/videos/works have been done with Vegas.
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Quote from mamoru :OK, truth be told: I really didn't see that dinosour until they zoomed in

When, all of a sudden, a dinosaur appeared on the screen, I thought: "where did that come from?", I followed till the last picture, saw her at the top of the building, then went back to the first pic and finally saw the dinosaur
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Quote from DeKo :It's a bug, every OS (android, Phone 7 included) store recent location data, the iOS just doesn't delete it. It will after the next update. Who leaves location services on in IOS anyway?

It is not a bug. It is a feature. Apple actually updated their privacy policy after releasing the update that added this feature. It was supposed to be like this. iOS versions before 4.0 do not have this feature.

Disabling location services will NOT stop this feature from working. And there will be no update to disable this as it was a intended update.

The position is updated real time (1 position per second) using cellphone tower triangulation and Wifi positioning. So, the more cell phone towers you have in your city (and wifi hotspots), the more precise your position. (in Brazil you'd have problems trying to figure out the position correctly only by cellphone towers because there places with so few cellphone towers )

(I've read that on Engadget).

By the way, what are you complaining about? I actually wish my phone did that! I'm using a third party app to send my position to an online server every hour (but that includes GPS coordinates and more info), and the iPhone records the approximate position every second by default! pff.
Last edited by Velociround, .
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(fake code for phishing email of supposed "postmail URGENT message for you!!!" I received. I'm not dumb, so I copied the code, inserted on the actual website of the post service in Brazil and it got me nothing)