I was doing a quick clean up on my PC yesterday, specifically on the Velociround (D:/) HDD, and after randomly cleaning up a couple of GB's of files I didn't need anymore, I went to see how many GBs I had free.... just to find this out:
I had no idea as well, I opened the GFWL thingy outside the game and everything but I didn't find anything, that until I started to look for it in the game, and after about 10 minutes searching I found it in "Messages > Send Friend Invite" (a hidden button on the bottom right corner)
I've added you now.
Wow, that was amazing! Actually, it took me a few seconds to realize that was really Live for Speed. I bet that's because of the textures mods and because it's been a long while since I last played with the XFR.
What about we make a deal?
You give up LFS, go away from this forum since you hate everything so much and then give me your steering wheel because you won't play LFS anymore, so you'll sleep well knowing there's one less mouse user in the world, I'll be happy to play with a wheel and everyone else will be happy too!
(I was messing around with keyboard settings and messed up mine, so I didn't have this character and I needed it for what I was doing, so I asked a friend to send it to me and copied it :tilt
Thank you so much, it works now, however I've got a problem when it connects to LFS. I managed to take a screen shot of it.
When the program connects to LFS, it closes itself, leaving this message.
Connected to LFS...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "camlevel.py", line 94, in <module>
pitch, roll = (outsimpack.unpack(outsim.recv(64))[5:7])
socket.error: [Errno 10040] A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself
Does it work in Z15? I'm trying to use it but the application automatically closes saying "There is no input_cfg.txt file".
I can't create it because I don't know how to use configure_joystick.exe, since I don't have a joystick and I don't know which ID to use (it asks for a ID). I play on mouse and keyboard, what can I do?
Why would a licensed user want another licensed account? Don't you think 24 pounds (aka S2 license) is motivation enough for a demo user to try its luck on a skin and see if they can win the competition?
Yes, they're different from Pro Street, but doesn't mean they're any better than it, or than they're not worse than the previously released NFS titles. I have played all NFSs since The Need for Speed released by Road&Track, actually I have most of them installed on my PC right now (apart from NFSC, NFSPS and NFSUC, which I uninstalled because I couldn't stand them).
For me, the worst NFS ever made was Pro Street. Not because of the events, graphics, customization or anything else (even though everything could've been much better), but mainly because of the physics. It's ridiculous. It's neither arcade or simulation, it's a weird combination of boat racing with airplanes, grip where it's not supposed to be and cars not turning when they are supposed to. It's not fun. It's like I'm not driving a car. And the car cameras made it even worse. The soundtrack isn't so bad, but the way they have implemented it in the game made it look terrible. Playing NFS Pro Street gives me headache.
NFS Carbon wasn't that bad, but NFS Undercover screwed things up again, even though it wasn't as bad as Pro Street, EA Games compensated this by adding up plenty of bugs.
NFS Undercover has several graphical and physics bugs. As examples I can say the sun light passing through bridges and completely pixelated shadows as distance goes by... Every shadow's "pixel size" might go up to 32x32 in the track. A friend of mine had taken some pictures of it, and I even uploaded it here, I'll check my attachments to see if I can find it. [edit] Here is it. [/edit] UC's car handling is not as bad as Pro Street, but it's still not fun or any realistic. NFS Carbon's handling is terribly bad too, although Pro Street's physics managed to be a lot worse than both UC and Carbon together.
Actually, I like it. I mean, the new look of NFS. EA Games screwed up when they released three consecutive bad games, one worse than the other: NFS Carbon, NFS ProStreet and NFS Undercover.
Now, the menus of the game look cool, graphics are definitely a lot be better, damage could be better but still seems to be a huge improvement over their last game's damage model, physics seem playable and fun*, the ability to customize the interior gets my interest, and car selection looks good until now, even though there are some cars I'm missing in this game, such as the old Mustang GT.
Not a must buy for me, but unless they do something really stupid to screw everything up again, I'm seriously thinking of getting it. (aka purchasing it)
* Not so much realistic or simulation alike though. But I don't care about ultra simulation realistic handling in a NFS, all I care is about fun and being playable! The three last NFS, specially NFS ProStreet, were not playable at all. Of course I don't like it going too much arcade, but as long as it looks at least "passable" on the physics part, and it's fun, that's ok for me, and until now it does look like that.
Edit: :doh:
I had seen all videos, and when I got to the half of the last video, I paused it. I came here to write this post, sent it and then got back to see the end of that video.
Well.... when I pressed "play", drift mode started. I think I don't need to say anything else.
There's only "Hardware Drivers", and it doesn't allow me to install new drivers, just to modify already installed drivers.
It said "searching for drivers", didn't say anything else and then said "can't enable effects".
I managed to change resolution, though. System > Preferences > Display
Ok, so I downloaded some version of Ubuntu from the official website and I'm trying it out right now. I've already updated it. However, there are plenty of strange things that I just don't get it:
- How come it won't open my nVidia drivers for Ubuntu? File format is .run and it asks me for a program to open it.
- Also, how do I change resolution? My monitor can do up to 1680x1050 but I just can't find anywhere to change resolution from 800x600. Visual effects also don't work. System is running with "None" and I can't enable either "Normal" or "Extra".
I'm posting this from Ubuntu, and, until now, I prefer Windows. Can anyone help me change my mind?