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S2 licensed
Sorry but I don't speak that language, how do I vote?
I found out the "STEM" button opens up a vote form, but I don't know how to vote.
S2 licensed
I'm really looking forward to seeing the full work. Looks awesome
S2 licensed
I hate it. I think it makes the page look ugly. It's not useful at all. If I want that kind of options I would go to "advanced search". Its only use is taking ~110 pixels wide of the screen which used to be taken by the search results.

It's not like this really pisses me off or something. Actually, I wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for this thread. And it's not like "oh my god half of my screen is lost" either. Specially because I use 1680x1050 as screen resolution... It takes less space than the avatars and profile information on the left side of the LFS Forum posts.
S2 licensed
WOW. I can't believe it! This game is incredibly amazing, and now it's free! I love that! I already have the game and I can't stop playing it but now that it's free I've sent the link for plenty of my friends too.

Portal is just awesome. It's great, simply perfect, and everyone deserves to play it.
S2 licensed

(my cellphone number )
S2 licensed
ok não tenho mais tanta certeza que quero

(Ps: I'm on Nokia N95, this is in the phone's "shift paste" )
S2 licensed
I've stopped playing it after finishing the whole game for the 6th time... but it's so addictive.
I still don't know what's up there, anyway. I wish I had time to try and go there.
S2 licensed
Just look at OP:
Quote :Post all of the STRICTLY un-edited screenshots here.
If you have edited it, post it here:

By "STRICTLY", in UPPER CASE letters, it means: do not edit in ANY way. Contrast is editing. Any pictures posted here should reflect the way you see graphics generated by your PC real-time in the game. You don't play LFS with the added contrast you have edited into the pic so it's not raw anymore.
Changing size (dimensions or kb) and picture format (e.g.: bmp to jpg) is allowed; Bandwidth costs money, and too big pictures mess with the forum layout. Besides, these changes do not affect they way you see how LFS graphics were generated by the pc, which makes it still RAW from the practical point of view.
Last edited by Velociround, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Xedos01 :and ? its only slightly changed... (contrast)

"slightly changed" is NOT raw.
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Been edging a burnout lately at my work but gotta keep shooting. Done a lot of assignments and delivered lot of images lately (though haven't had time to post any stuff) and I can kinda feel the gears turning slowly towards some obscure goal of leaving my real work.

I did feel a bit proud after I obliterated Finland's 2nd biggest newspaper documenting a local team challenge race last Saturday. 150-200 participants in pro- and fun/amateur teams running, cycling and travelling through Tampere finishing challenges and earning points. I was attached to one of the organizers and we drove from point to point checking the action a couple of minutes per challenge.

Here's a small selection from the warm-up and start rush. Portraits, mood, action, the usual. Hope you enjoy!

He's using an Nokia N95!

These are very pretty pictures, by the way. Awesome. I love the way you play with effects and depth of field!
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :A lesson in website design

That reminds me a lot of Microsoft's Kin software.

S2 licensed
Actually, I just love the new youtube player. It looks so much better and cooler than the old, boring one. It actually looks like we are in 2010 now. Much better, slimmer and cleaner.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Not nearly as dirty as apple for serving papers and confiscating equipment from the guy who reviewed the iPhone 4...

Indeed. It was their mistake to let the phone go out of their "so impenetrable and perfect security" and get leaked on gizmodo. Besides, the guy is a journalist that works home and actually needs the equipment they have confiscated. That's bad.

By the way, for me Apple doing that only confirms the prototype is real and not some kind of fake chinese product. So, based on the fact that this phone is most likely going to be released at some time (that is, if they don't make changes after it got leaked), what do you guys think of this new iPhone?

Sent via Nokia N95. I'm not home by the way.
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :why not getting an iTouch for bragging about your ipenis and a cheap phone for calling/texting.... ?

sent by a P4 2.8Ghz

Because it's not very practical having two phones to carry everywhere you go and besides, calling with the poor one would make you look bad even if you had an iTouch.

Sent via my Nokia n95-3 with up to 16gb memory card (right now with 8gb) and unlimited internet.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :It was the same with the Blackberry. It isn't a new concept to brag about your phone with the iPhone.

I would get emails at work from the sales folks and even the emails stated "sent via Blackberry" at the bottom.

Yes, even I used to do that some time ago... every time I posted from a phone I would add to the end of the post: "Posted with Nokia N95".
But I stopped doing that a while ago... nowadays only a moderator would be able to check whether I've posted something from the phone or not since I don't say it (by checking IP's ISP).

ps: I posted this message with Nokia N95. Oh, the irony.
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Might look a bit girlish but meh... Only costed me 25,000,000$

That's cheap! But it definitely looks girlish. And now I'm quoting you, because the last time someone mentioned that, the original post was deleted. LOL at this wristwatch
S2 licensed
Quote from freddyalek90 :I can use a normal minijack-RCA cable, it's just a software limitation.

If there's a software limitation you can't exactly use it, can you?

Quote from freddyalek90 :It comes with normal stereo headphones, the 2G and 3G ones have only the "end call" button, the 3Gs ones have also volume buttons.

The N95 comes with:
- stereo "earplugs" (actually I call them headphones I'm just saying earplugs because some people here seem to notice some difference between them, which I don't. I use a philips in-ear "earplug" (the box actually says headphones)).
- TV-out cable (you don't have to pay for it).
- Bluetooth mono headphone (never mind that thing on the left of the pic, I don't know what it is :razz

Quote from freddyalek90 :I can SSH in my device through wifi, and you don't have a file manager because you don't need it. Jailbreaking it, though, you can have it.

Quote :If you needed that you could jailbreak and download an app that does just that, even with the 2G.

Quote from freddyalek90 :...AND normal bluetooth connectivity through a jailbreak and iBlueNova.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Has via jailbreak.

The "stock" N95 has these features by default (was it you who said a few posts ago that you wanted a phone that had everything built-in? ) and you don't need to jailbreak the phone, which, if I'm not mistaken, voids the phone's warranty.

Quote from freddyalek90 :[pictures]
As you can see they're not so bad.

They're not 5mp either.
About the lens: the N95 has Carl Zeiss Optics Tessar 2.8/5.6 AF lens.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Having a full QWERTY keyboard, and being it very good, you don't need a bluetooth mouse/keyboard.

Unless, of course, you would want to use your phone as a gaming console and play your First Person Shooter iPhone games using mouse and keyboard while the phone is connected to your TV. Video. (he's not playing it on the TV though, but he could if he wanted). Notice: it's not an Nokia-exclusive-n95-only-mouse, it's an logitech mouse. Don't take that seriously lol

Quote from freddyalek90 :Well, I can transfer files through the USB cable and wifi.

A cable and a wifi won't go further than 300 meters. A MMS can be sent worldwide (just as emails, with the difference people get the MMS instantly, whereas by email you need to have a internet connection and check for emails constantly). The iPhone as you just said can transfer files through USB cable and wifi; The N95 can transfer files through USB cable, wifi, bluetooth, infrared, MMS and email, all by default. It can also compress these files (with or without password) in .zip or .rar before sending, and decompress received files.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Why?

To print files, of course. I've done that plenty of times already. By the way, I forgot to mention: You can also use a shared printer from an already set up lan or wifi connection. The phone connects to the LAN and uses the printer normally as if it were a computer. You can see the printing preview on the phone and change printing settings/preferences before printing. It also supports printing to microSD card (which means it creates a file in the microSD which will be read by a printer with card reader capabilities and then printed).

Quote from freddyalek90 :If a mate needs something to be transferred via IR, I think it's his problem, not mine xD

Poor him lol.
In my case it was me that needed his file for a work.

Quote from freddyalek90 :A pic taken at night with ANY phone will be crap.

Whilst that is mostly true, not all phones end up with crap night pictures, and having flash does make a considerable difference, specially if you consider that you just can't take some pictures without flash (because in some places there may not be enough light to even recognize who is the person in the pic).
This is a picture I took at 4: ... I tried to take the pic.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Has. Jailbreak with 2G, from start with 3G/3Gs.

MMS in this case is a "category", the features I'm mentioning about this category are below, and it does not support sending files (other than video(3Gs) and pics (3G)) through MMS, which was what I mentioned.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Again, why?

In this case, you are quoting "file transfer" under "MMS", which is different from the other ones (I could have explained better, sorry. Features are organized by - Category and then [list]Features under category).
And the answer to that question is because I use it a lot. Not everyday, but very often. Otherwise I wouldn't care about this feature.
I use bluetooth file transfer even more (that is, almost everyday). And using another free app you can browse, transfer, edit and manage files via bluetooth in other devices through the N95.

Quote from freddyalek90 :I prefer surfing easily through my touchscreen then continuing to press the "down" button but have Flash Player, thanks. And then, for YouTube videos there is a built-in app. Or you need flash for something else? To be clear, no offence intended xD

If you used your bluetooth mouse, you wouldn't have to keep pressing "down" button, you'd scroll down. (this is much more of a joke than a real argument for having flash player xD)
But really, there are many websites that use flash, not just youtube. Hey, even I have had some flash websites. And I don't know almost anything about flash.

Quote from freddyalek90 :At least Apple DOES support and enhance older products. My old iPhone 2G was born without the scientific calculator, voice memos, the astonishing AppStore, screenshot capabilities, copy/paste, import contact from SIM etc... now it's almost 3 years old and it does have all this.

All of the Nokia N95 have recently received a recent update (21/dec/2009) which made the system use less RAM (about 5MB less RAM usage from the system), boot up and perform faster and at the same time reduce power usage and save battery life. That was after they stopped producing the N95.

Quote from freddyalek90 :You have it where you need it, like for instance when someone calls you, or when playing the iPod.

Quote from freddyalek90 :No applications, but also no viruses.

I don't know any Symbian virus, I haven't had any viruses in my phone either and there are plenty of (free and paid) antivirus applications for S60v3 which should do the job for the people who really think it is necessary. I don't use one and I've never gotten a virus.

Quote from freddyalek90 :With the iPhone it would have took you less actually. The N95 has 33 buttons (am I right?), the iPhone has 4 plus a switcher. I assure you, I had a N70 which, basically, has the same user interface then a N95. I mean, to change the ringtone you have to: Press the "Menu" key, go to "Tools", then "Profiles", then right soft key ("Options") on your profile, then go down to "Personalize", and finally "Ringing tone" (9 seconds for me), whereas with the iPhone you just have to press "Settings", then "Sounds", then "Ringtone" (5s). That's it.

I have already used an iPhone for quite some time (like spending a day with it. It was not mine, by the way), and whilst it didn't do what I wanted it to do, it is indeed very easy to begin messing around. If you give it to a baby, the baby will manage to use it without major problems. However, the phone I used was in Portuguese, and seriously, it has some very weird translations. For instance, I have failed to find the "Settings" app in the phone when I first tried seeking for it. I simply couldn't find it. It was translated to a totally weird name in portuguese which you don't see in any other device. All devices use either "Settings", "Options", "Preferences" or something alike (most common is "Settings"). Apple changed the name to something totally different so that it would takes less space than actually writing "Configurações" (settings) or "Ferramentas" (tools), but they used "Acertos", which is something like "fine-tune". I couldn't find this button at all, I had to ask a friend "where are the settings?" because after 5 minutes seeking for it I didn't find it. The N95 uses "Tools" and "Settings", which is the common one and I had no problems whatsoever finding it since I first purchased the phone.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Because of course you use bluetooth to transfer files every day[...]

I do.

Quote from freddyalek90 :[...], or turn off your TV-set with your phone, not knowing why you didn't bother to use the remote control... Meh.

Not only turn off; all of the normal remote control buttons are available on the N95. But in this case you're right, I only do it when I want to impress some friends. I have heard stories from people who managed to unlock their cars that way, but I haven't managed to do so.

Quote from freddyalek90 :[...]and the other half connecting it through wifi, bluetooth or something because I couldn't have all the music, videos and pics I have on mine.
iPhone: from 8GB to 32GB (plus some 2G with 4GB memory);
N95: 8GB max.

I'm sorry, but this information is wrong.
Apart from the N95 8GB, which is limited to 8GB, all the other N95 which have a MicroSD port support flawlessly up to 16GB class 6 microSD cards (any manufacturer). Also supports microSDHC. I've tested one of these 16GB microSDHC cards myself on my phone when I was going to purchase mine, and the phone not only recognized it but asked me if I wanted to format and give it a name (it was a brand new microSD from the store). But the 8GB one was so much cheaper (like 3 times cheaper) that I decided to take the 8GB card instead. Today I regret having done that. Right now I only have 666MB free on the microSD card.
It's just enough for me, though, and I won't be using more than that any time soon. Actually, I'm "wasting space" just for the sake of it.

Content of my 8GB memory card (666MB free).

- 1542 pics taken with the camera (about 1GB)
- 314 songs (had 350 before. I deleted some I didn't quite like or didn't listen) (2GB)
- 28 640x360p videos downloaded from the internet (2GB)
- 21 videos recorded with the camera
- some torrents downloaded with SymTorrent
- 130 apps/games installed (plenty of symbian games, many n-gage games, quake 2 (I - don't play quake 3) and some other pc games, super nintendo emulator, gameboy advanced emulator, windows 3.1, windows 95 and windows 98), etc... plus their installers (I don't remove any file from the phone, even if I have already installed an app, I keep its installer in the memory card. Well, I even keep the files from plenty of apps which are not installed or I have uninstalled ).
- About 50MB of documents (power point, excel, docx and so on)
- "Downloads" folder with all files I download from the internet (450MB) (unlimited data and Opera Mobile FTW)
- 75MB (SMS + MMS)

PS: holy big post batman! I guess I have overdone my writing quota...

See you guys
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Im currently working on a GTA IV machinima. Im almost done with the whole thing, need to add some details and stuff. I dont know about u guys, but i think that this will be a big one. Ive put alot of effort in this tho, need to work a bit on the story tho. Here's a sneak peek of the ending. It has a sad end ... well, ull see
(There is a onboard player (must have silverlight), or else insert the verify code and "Download")

It's looking really great, and high-quality! I can't wait to see the full machinima.
S2 licensed
Disclaimer: I'll write a big post comparing the N95 to the iPhone. Please, take in mind I do like the iPhone, I love the awesomely responsive multitouch and iPhone's games. I do like the N95 a lot as well and I have a N95 because I tried the iPhone and it doesn't do what I want. I don't like the N97 because it lacks some things the N95 had that made it popular in 2007 in the first place. The N97 is not really good, though. The iPhone is much better than the N97 in my opinion.
[flamesuit]Don't take what I say in a bad way, it's not my intention to be offensive (who knows how people will read my post ) and I'm writing this in a happy tone.[/flamesuit]

If you don't want to read all of this, go to the bottom. I have included a small list of features the iPhone doesn't have, and the N95 does.

Quote from freddyalek90 :(Yes, the N95 was released in March 2007, and the iPhone in June, but then -August- Nokia released the N95 8GB).

I'm talking about the first N95 models (and the N95-3, which is what I have, and supports up to 16GB microSD card. I have a 8GB microSD card). The N95 8GB is also a great phone, with a even bigger screen but doesn't support microSD cards (thus, limited to 8GB). The N95 8GB does exactly the same things as the N95-3, has the same camera design and flash position, exactly same hardware specs and the same RAM. The N95-3 and N95 8GB have 128MB RAM, whereas the N95-1 has 64MB RAM. The first iPhone (and all the other ones, apart from 3Gs) also have 128MB RAM. 3Gs has 256MB RAM.

Just to add, whenever I say something about the N95, I'm talking about the N95-3 and N95 8GB (models with 128MB RAM), because I've never used the 64MB RAM models. Apart from RAM, all the hardware is the same and all apps are compatible between them, so there's no difference.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Firstly, the phones aren't quite comparable, and that picture is quite old... it shows a 1st gen iPhone running iPhone OS 1.0, and it doesn't say what the N95 doesn't have... like for instance the 3.5", 320x480, capacitive multitouch screen, covered with GLASS, or the intuitive user interface, or the gesture-based scrolling and zooming...

Which is not the point of the N95. It wasn't supposed to be a touchscreen phone, and it does not try to be a touchscreen phone, so you can't really compare this. If it were, you could say "hey iPhone's multitouch is better" or something, but it's not. Thus, for not being a touchscreen phone, you can't have gesture-based scrolling or whatever other feature that requires a touch sensitive screen. But you can use the volume controls (or other key of your choice) for that...

Screen: you already mentioned iPhone's, so let's go to N95's: 2,6" (or 2,8" if you consider the 8GB), 320x240.

TV output: Even though the N95's screen res is 320x240, its TV output is 640x480, and also outputs widescreen. You can play up to 640x360p videos, movies or anything else on your 16:9 TV, or 640x480p on your 4:3 TV. But that doesn't mean it doesn't playback videos at higher resolutions; By using other media players (such as CorePlayer, DivX player or UCPlayer) I could open and fully watch 780x480 .avi, .wmv and .divx videos without lag and without converting them for use on the phone; I have directly downloaded them from the internet to the phone and playback on the phone. I haven't tried higher resolutions though, and the default media player won't play higher than 640x480 videos from the tests I made, but does playback very well high bitrates (such as 12mbps and higher).

Quote :When the iPhone first released, one of the gripes was the lack of video output. With the firmware update 1.1.1, Apple seems to have included video output, albeit with their proprietary cables.

[...]iPhone is hooked up, via component cables to a TV directly from the iPhone itself; connecting via the dock does not work. The dock mishap is being fixed by Apple and will eventually be functional.

The Apple proprietary component cables will run you $50, so watch out. ... -apples-component-cables/

All versions of the Nokia N95 come with the Nokia TV-Out cable by default (you don't have to pay extra $50), but you can also use one you probably already have for your cabled TV (in Brazil would be NET, Sky, or something alike), since it uses the same port as the headphones. But you can't do that with your iPhone, which has its own port for TV-Out, and requires the Apple cable.

The N95 also comes with bluetooth mono headphones. The iPhone doesn't come with anything.

Now, talking about bluetooth, the N95 (just as any other normal phone that supports bluetooth should, apart from all of the iPhones) supports file transfer, remote connection and media streaming. N95's bluetooth is 2.0 with A2DP. And to add to that, since the first N95 model it already supported many bluetooth keyboards and bluetooth mouse (not only from Nokia). Not only that, but it also supports more bluetooth devices, such as printers and hands-free. But wait, what if your printer doesn't have bluetooth? There's no problem, you can use a cable on N95's mini USB port to connect it to your printer and print your Office 2007 and 2010 .docx files, Office 2003 and older .doc files, PDF or pictures from all formats. That's it, straight from the phone to the printer. By the way, the phone supports viewing and editing all of Office's (all versions) files, from powerpoint and excel to documents. You can also display powerpoint presentations on a projector directly from the phone.
iPhone - supports opening and editing Office (all versions) files through QuickOffice application.

So, let's say you need a file that's in your work mate's phone. But his phone is quite old and only supports infrared (it has already happened to me)... ok, no problem. The N95 features a infrared port too. And you can use this infrared port as a universal remote control to take control other infrared devices, such as air conditioning, TV, DVD, home theater, VCR, Tuner, SAT, etc. Video.
(TV controls include not only turning on and off, but also volume, channel, numbers, etc. Same thing for other devices).

Quote from freddyalek90 :iPhones now have video out port (well, that has always been there, hidden in the headphone port), MMS messaging, GPS with turn-by-turn directions by TomTom, Navteq, Navigon etc. (3G and 3Gs only, from OS 2.0), auto-focus, 30fps and 640x480 video recording, bluetooth stereo (3Gs only, from OS 3.0). And now it's coming OS 4.0 with added multitasking and other cool stuff.
That said, I have NEVER sent an MMS or tried a video call.

You mean 2009 iPhone 3Gs' only "30fps" video recording? It is not exactly 30FPS. It is up to 30fps. I haven't seen any video recorded from an iPhone 3Gs that actually had 30FPS. The iPhone camera gets lower FPS as illumination decreases, and also lower when you try to focus. I have seen iPhone's videos with 16,3fps, 21fps and so on. N95's camera don't get as influenced by exposition as the iPhone. It will basically stay 30FPS no matter how much lighting you have*. It's 9:25pm right now, I have just recorded a video right now with no lights turned on at all (just my monitor light), and it stood very well with stable 25fps. There was one guy doing some tests, trying out his new iPhone 3Gs inside his home, at about 5pm with all lights turned on, and his iPhone recorded the video at 16fps.

*Unless you purposely choose "Night mode", which makes camera exposure about 5 times bigger, so you'll have like 10~15fps videos depending on lighting, but now showing a lot more details at very dark scenes. However, this mode is not required for recording videos at night. I for one only use it if there is no source of light at all in the place I'm recording a video, which would make the normal mode totally black, but show up well in the night mode.

Quote from freddyalek90 :Then:
(found on the Internet)
Picture taken with N95
Picture taken with iPhone 3Gs
I cannot see much difference, can you? Or can I? Maybe I'm a little biased, but the difference is that the 3Gs' is focused... So, even if it has ONLY 3mp, it's a good camera.

As some other people have already pointed out, this picture was taken with a N80.
Here are some pictures I have taken with my N95-3. I sent them to the PC over bluetooth (which, btw, the iPhone doesn't support) and uploaded the raw pics here:
Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4, Picture 5, Picture 6.

Notice how you can read perfectly every single letter of the NFS Undercover box and how defined the other ones are.
I had to edit this pic because it included the cd-key. I opened it with paint and saved with paint JPG. Still, notice how you can see the details from the printer used to print that cd-key card. (opened, cropped and saved again using Microsft Paint's JPG)

I took this last picture with an N73 (because the N95 had to appear in the pic ).
Nokia N95 and iPhone

N95 can transfer files through bluetooth, wifi, infrared, MMS (yes, not only pics or videos, but any file).
It opens compacted .zip files by default, and with a simple free app you can make it also open, view and decompress .jar, .rar and other formats.
Another thing it has is a built-in File manager, which the iPhone doesn't have.

To sum it all up, here are the features the N95 has and the iPhone doesn't (not even the 3Gs):

- Bluetooth
        - Infrared
        - 5MP camera (iPhone ranges from 2MP to 3.2MP)
            - MMS
              - Flash (Flash Lite 3)
              - File manager
              - Mini USB port

              Features the N95 had since 2007 and the iPhone had to implement years later, through software updates. Some of these features are only available for the newer released iPhones:
                      Quote from freddyalek90 :I mean, the N95 is a good phone. Yes, it CAN surf on the web, it CAN watch youtube videos, it CAN play games... in the same way my Astra 1.2 75bhp CAN do 100mph. If I had a faster car though, I would have gone at the same speed, but with a little bit less effort...

                      And the iPhone CAN'T make good use of bluetooth, CAN'T display flash websites, CAN'T take pictures with camera flash, CAN'T...
                      The N95 not only "does" these things. It does them well.

                      Quote from freddyalek90 :And an iPhone it's easier to use,

                      I agree with you. It may be easier to use when you have never ever used it before, but you'll use the phone everyday, for every task. No matter which phone you choose, you'll always know how to use it. The N95 is not difficult either. Do you know how long it took me to understand all of N95's buttons, from the moment I got it home after purchasing? It took me 1 minute to realize I didn't know how to turn on and ask a friend (I was used to hold the end call button as ON/OFF on my friends' phones), and then about 5 minutes to learn what every button did (by pressing them one at a time and check out ). And you know what? The N95 is my first cellphone. I had never had a cellphone before this one. I didn't even know what T9 was (and it's great, by the way, I write with it almost as fast as I write on the PC).

                      Quote from freddyalek90 :I assure you: if you use an iPhone for a week, you'll never return back to your old phone. That's what I did btw.

                      If I use an iPhone for a week I'll spend the whole day playing games, and I'll need to bring my N95 as well for using the features the iPhone doesn't support.
                      Last edited by Velociround, . Reason : attachment fail
                      S2 licensed
                      Quote from brandons48 :+1 Yeah, looks more like a womens watch to be honest..
                      Tactical Post Deletion = Win.

                      I agree.
                      S2 licensed
                      It's not touchscreen, it does everything that the pic says (and much, much more), and it was released in 2007, before the first iPhone. If I'm not mistaken, it was released even before the first iPhone was revealed.
                      S2 licensed
                      Quote from JPeace :[...]I think, that join date does not change anything, and thinking it does just reflects your arrogance. I for one am not whining about progress, infact im the oposite, like you, fed up of people whining. I chose to respond to your post - however - because you are infact as bad as people who are whining, you are whining about people whining. Which I think you should be brought to realise. Let people whine, thats what people do, you don't have to look at the thread do you? No. So don't[...].

                      I dislike posting short messages like this, but now I feel I have to.
                      I agree with you.
                      S2 licensed
                      Quote from piggy501 :I prefer Apple products. I just do.
                      And no, I'm not a fanboy. I just prefer them over anything else that I have tried. Sure, if I find something better, I'd rather have that, but for now, Apple has my vote.

                      I do like the iPhone a lot, but it doesn't suit my needs for a phone. That's why I don't have one. Maybe if the next iPhone change everything dramatically, and with the addition of multitasking (and plenty other features I actually need), I may consider getting it. Until then, I only see it as a cool gaming platform to play games, and I enjoy the incredibly responsive multitouch a lot. But I don't actually need games neither multitouch.

                      I have a Nokia N95, and my friends who have iPhone usually get pissed off with me because of the things I show them they can't do with their iPhones.

                      To sum up everything I want to say, I'll just post this:

                      That is, the iPhone is a cool phone that has great games and great multitouch capabilities. It just doesn't do what I want.
                      S2 licensed
                      Quote from anttt69 :+1 to richard burns rally also try
                      nkpro & gp legends.

                      I just laugh at people who joined in 2008 & think they have a right to winge about progress. It happens when it happens & thats that.
                      Go find something else to do.

                      I have no idea whether you intended to refer to me with that, but I'm replying to you just because, since my join date shows "2008", I guess I fit the description.

                      I've been playing LFS (as a demo user) since 2005. I have youtube videos posted back then so you can check that out. And I'm not complaining either, in my post above my intention was to show that I'm not as fanboy and incredibly-excited-with-LFS as I used to be. I explain it better on the post, sorry I don't have time to write again. I'm not whining, moaning or whatever, and I still think LFS is great, is the best simulator etc. But I just can't lie: I'm not excited about it as I were before. I can't keep the expectations, which were too high.

                      edit: post count 1234
                      FGED GREDG RDFGDR GSFDG