Actually you're right, but some people just can't stand changing tabs every time they want to go to another website.
And by the way, in my opinion things are easier and faster if everything is in the reach of your eyes at the same time. Of course you don't need a web page to do that, but anyway...
Click for full size
Not all browsers have this function. So, at least in my opinion, the googlegooglegooglegoogle website is useful.
Having 4 googles in a single page makes it much easier and faster to work. And you can also choose to browse any page other than google. It really makes searching for several things at the same time much easier and faster.
Having more than that in the same page makes everything a mess. But some people just have too much free time....
"My name is Rodrigo and now I'm going to help you training at your home! I wanna see you training! Up and down! Up and down! [he repeats that several times]
Now we're going to the arms, biceps and triceps, it's now, get ready at your home, now we're going for the arms!
Get ready to the abdominals! Let's go!
Let's go, now the chests! Up and down, up and down!
Everybody with me, train your arms now!
Now the back!
The back!
Relax, relax, relax your muscles!
Do that 30 times a day and you'll be as big as me"
Well, you could also take your mobile phone off your pocket and type in its default (or any other) browser, it's much faster and your phone is probably always on.
I still would never use Chrome OS (apart from trying to install it on mobile phones, just to say "hey a phone runs Chrome OS") anyway.
One of your default waves contains the invites. I think it's the "Invite your friends" one. I have just opened Google Waves for the first time and I have got 8 invites.
Ever thought of just opening Google Chrome or any other browser in your current operational system to do that? It's much easier, faster and makes much more sense than creating a totally new OS just to emulate on virtual PC every once in a while in order to check your websites. Actually in my opinion it would be just nonsense, why would you want to emulate a "OS" (that is just a browser) instead of just opening any web browser on your current to do the same thing?
Guys keep things simple, we don't really need to emulate web browsers running the Linux kernel on a virtual PC on Windows just to check our emails.
Yeah, that's the same thing for the Windows 7 Virtual PC that comes with the Ultimate version. Just put a CD on the drive or choose a .iso image of the OS disc and boot up the Virtual PC, it'll install correctly. I've installed Ubuntu on Microsoft Windows Virtual PC once. Works wonderfully, the only problem is I can't figure out how to make the mouse work on it.
Did you know that the most you rush (and the better you're performing in the game), the game director (which controls the AI) puts more infected in the game to attack you?
Refering to someone as "Preto" would be considered racist in Brazil, since it should only be used to define the black color instead of the black skin color which is "Negro". Spelling is correct though.
Well, not really. Most Brazilians don't have that color. It's only a few that have, and they're called "negros" (or "negras" for women, in Portuguese). It's not racist by the way. It's just a name for the color of the skin: Branco (white) and Negro ("black", is that how you call it in english?). In some parts of the country there are more people with this skin color, but in all places I have lived here I there have been very few people with it. Almost all of my friends (women) where I currently live don't have that skin color.
But it should fit for a joke, though, because it seems everyone outside South America (or even just outside of Brazil) think all Brazilians have that skin color, specially women.
pessoais would be the correct term. "pesoais" is a typo.
And in the last part of the installer, I suggest it should be "Instalador" instead of "Assistente", but it doesn't matter so much, both are right. The only problem is the typo on the agreement.
I have Windows 7 Ultimate and I can easily change the system language at any time, so I tried changing it to all 5 languages I have currently installed, and the installer selected the correct language at all times. Great work
That's so true. I know many people who have downloaded LFS to their Downloads folder, opened the self extracting archive and simply pressed the first button that appeared on the screen as if it were a normal installer, expecting it to install in the correct place and create a uninstall option, just to then find out their download folder (which was already not very organized) was now filled with LFS files, and that they had to figure out which files belong to LFS and which doesn't in order to delete them to then try doing it right the next time with the self extracting archive.
I've also seen some people that even think about changing the extracting location, but only put something like C:\Program Files\ and expect the self-extracting file to create the LFS folder (which it doesn't), thus having their Program Files folder messed up, and again not knowing which files belong to LFS and which don't.
Edit: I for myself when I first downloaded LFS I opened the self extracting archive, noticed that screen with the place to extract the game and I didn't like it because by that time I couldn't know if it was going to first extract the game to then install it or if it would be ready to play right after extracting, and then, trying not to mess anything up, I just thought of it like any other compressed file and chose "Extract it to LFS_PATCH_U folder" on WinRAR.
Right click on the installer, "Extract to Live for Speed", click that, done.
No need to keep the 7z packed version, just the installer one, and anyone can extract it and play without running the installer.