I am not sure if this is a bug or not but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Last night I was going online and went in the lobby to look for non-empty public servers because I saw some of my friends were online on LFSW. At first I could not see the server they were on on the list. So I refreshed and then realized that every time I refreshed a different set of servers was coming up without changing the filters; and not just one or two but a different set altogether.
One more shoutout to Scawen to give host/server admins the possibility to limit the amount of gas and/or the type of tyres to use. This would spice up the possibilities in terms of increasing the strategy factor in races.
One small suggestion that would be great for server admins.
It would be awesome if there could be a way to limit the amount of gas people can take on either at the start of the race or during pitstops, in other words limiting the tank capacity to create more strategy possibilities.
Similar to this would be to limit the kinds of tyres that can be used.
I have no idea how hard these would be but I thought it would be worth to throw it out there.
We are trying to run a multi-class event and we have defined custom cars and categories for this but for some reason lap times are not being recorded for some of the cars.
Also, the !cars command is not displaying the custom car definitions.
we use Airio on our League servr although it is not on all the time. We also use a number of in-house insim apps most of which have been developed with Jinsim.
I am using McAfee for AV purposes. When I try to install or use Flipcams it jsut deletes flipcams.exe ... so I'd say it is ultra intrusive. any fix coming?
I used AIRIO on one of our servers for a, AU1 layout but it went kind of crazy. It seemed like it was keeping two different time tables. !top was retrieving alternate sets of data. I could not establish when one or the other would show up but it was very weird .. ideas?
I thought I'd share my current setup to give you more ideas:
As you can see I am only using the field panel from Aonio ... here's why ...
One of the great features of Relax is that you can set the size of the text of the buttons. I found Aonio buttons too small. having bigger buttons lets me see the info quicker.
On the panels for previous and following cars, besides the size of the text I also like I can see the previous lap's time for my opponents.
As for timing and stats I went w/ Relax buttons because I can see all splits for the lap and the colors (that stay) allow me to have a quick idea how my lap is going compared to my pb.
I love Aonio's field panel! the colors on the splits are great to see the progress (or lack of) on opponents. and the pit info is critical for longer races. Also, having it allows me to keep the tyre temp buttons up while still seeing the field. I moved it to the left because on the right it would block the F12 and F11 info critical for longer races.
Hope this helps and spawns more ideas and improvements.