I tried to use it last night on an official race BUT ... I couldn't ....
I found that the car telemetry does not work sometimes. The app seems to be very particular as to when it is started: before the race? before choosing a car? on the lobby? It seems to work 1 out of 5 times for me. It would be great if you could turn it on whenever and it just worked.
Also I did notice an increase in temp on my laptop when using this app.
Quick suggestion ... why not limiting the races by time instead of laps .... 5 laps of Aston GP is good but 5 laps of Aston cadet is a demolition derby waiting to happen ...
If you set Airio to do say ... 15 min races the number of laps would be adjusted ... and I think 15 min for a race is a good length ...
I know right now the size of the window is fixed but it would be great if it could be adjusted like a regular window or if at least there were options for a few standard resolutions.
This would be very useful for people using it in alternate monitors like a PSP which has a resolution of 480*272 ... or if it were to run on the same monitor as LFS but on a smaller window.
I may have found a glitch but it is not easy to replicate.
Sometimes when running on multiplayer mode the list of connections does not display the right number of T's .... let me explain. Say there are 12 people connected and 10 are on track with takeover enabled but only 2 or 3 T's appeared.
I have to say most of this is already covered by LFS Relax but therer are some interesting additions. The info on others' pitstops is great! and the organization and display of info is very attractive (at least from the screenshots).
There is one thing that I have not seen anywhere and that is give the abilty to an external app presumably on someone else's computer to set the pitstop options remotely (fuel added, change tyres etc) this would be AWSOME for endurance races.