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S2 licensed
On further review the sounds seem to work (I have to test some more with more cars). how often do the warnings sound? I could not test that.

However I found a few possible glitches ... the sounds nor the spotter work with AI's.

The spotter works on replays but not the sounds.

The sounds stopped working when going from single player mode to multiplayer ...

I'll keep digging.
S2 licensed
just tested ... seems to work fine on info ...

but the sounds dont work for me ... (I would recommend looking at what the pitspotter does on LFSRelax, that is the best I've seen)
S2 licensed
Interesting ... downloading ...

So ... these ideas precede the creation of LFS Relax? ...

I have an idea for you to consider ... will PM ...
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :CoRe Racing has been using a server from Alien Serve (thanks Simon!) for a month now, and the service and server have been great!

Have these servers been used in the LOTA series?
S2 licensed
mmhh how about just using Mozilla Prism .. look it up!
S2 licensed
All great additions to LFSW!

I have one more suggestion. I am trying to find all the demo users from my country to invite them to a championship but It is not easy.

Perhaps adding a filter for the type of license to the LFS Racers Search would be helpful: ... earch&whichTab=racers
S2 licensed
Great thanks!

I'll try to download again.
S2 licensed
Quote from VoiD :That would be realy awesome, but AIRIO doesnt support this... :sorry:

mmhhh Yes it does ... Here's a quote from the Airio Manual ...

Quote :!len [–96÷+96]

This command accepts values from –96 to +96. It is used for setting up race length. Positive values are simply laps to be done. Using zero turns the server into practice mode. Using negative values sets race length in minutes. The race is then for set number of minutes plus one lap. This nice feature uses a little trick: By specifying negative value you in fact set racing for that number of hours, but Airio is checking the elapsed time whenever leader enters new lap and once the total time in minutes is larger than race length in hours, one more lap is added and race is turned into normal one for set number of laps.
  • !len 5 – race length will be set to 5 laps.
  • !len -25 – the race will be for 25 minutes plus one lap, confirmed by race control message at the start.
To switch between races for minutes and laps you must use this command. Specifying simply /laps=5 after race for minutes will not suffice, because Airio must renew last used minute setting just before the race start and it will ignore currently specified number of laps.

S2 licensed
The link on your download page is not working ... can you fix pls. I want this one

http://lfs.thefloatingwidget.n ... AU1_Martinsville75%25.lyt
S2 licensed
I tried to use it last night on an official race BUT ... I couldn't ....

I found that the car telemetry does not work sometimes. The app seems to be very particular as to when it is started: before the race? before choosing a car? on the lobby? It seems to work 1 out of 5 times for me. It would be great if you could turn it on whenever and it just worked.

Also I did notice an increase in temp on my laptop when using this app.
S2 licensed

It does connect for me ...
S2 licensed
Quick suggestion ... why not limiting the races by time instead of laps .... 5 laps of Aston GP is good but 5 laps of Aston cadet is a demolition derby waiting to happen ...

If you set Airio to do say ... 15 min races the number of laps would be adjusted ... and I think 15 min for a race is a good length ...

just my $0.02 ...
S2 licensed
I have a suggestion for the app ...

I know right now the size of the window is fixed but it would be great if it could be adjusted like a regular window or if at least there were options for a few standard resolutions.

This would be very useful for people using it in alternate monitors like a PSP which has a resolution of 480*272 ... or if it were to run on the same monitor as LFS but on a smaller window.

Just a thought.
S2 licensed
If I download the full install and install OVER my current Z25(test patch) version .. would I mess things up?
S2 licensed
Quote from Napalm Candy :I have found a bug.

I was customizing all view (to adapt bezel of monitors with bezel of each car...) and discover a bug in custom view with FBM, only in this car.

I have do a grid with all cars (in the order of the selection list, 1st UF1, last BF1), and add one AI for each car in BL1 track.

After doing all adjustaments, I notice that the custom view for the FBM don't save if you press TAB (to see another car) and when going again to FBM the custom view is the default (only seeing front wheels)

Fresh Patch Z22 installation.

use /view save after doing your changes and BEFORE moving to a different car or a different view.
S2 licensed

Thanks!! Yes I thought of that recently ... and it works.

However I was also wondering if there was a way to embed it as a flash elemente just like you embed a Youtube video.

Anywat Thanks for the tip. I'll use it.
Embedding LFS Remote on Web sites
S2 licensed
Is it possible to embed Remote as a Flash element on a web page?

If not I think it would be great to have that functionality for people to be able to follow the races right on the Leagues' or teams' sites.
S2 licensed
has anyone else noted that the shift alarm does not work on the most recent test patches?
Embedding LFS Remote on Web sites
S2 licensed
Is it possible to embed Remote as a Flash element on a web page?

If not I think it would be great to have that functionality for people to be able to follow the races right on the Leagues' or teams' sites.
Last edited by vicbel, .
S2 licensed
Quote from pik_d :There will be a 'T' for every person in the opposite state as you. If you are on the track then everyone who is spectating or in the pits will have a 'T'; if you are spectating or in the pits then everyone who is on the track will have a 'T'.

So if there are 12 people on the server and 10 of the racing (including you), only the two people not racing will have 'T's.

I was spectating, so there should be 10 T's
S2 licensed
I may have found a glitch but it is not easy to replicate.

Sometimes when running on multiplayer mode the list of connections does not display the right number of T's .... let me explain. Say there are 12 people connected and 10 are on track with takeover enabled but only 2 or 3 T's appeared.

Hope I was clear enough ...
S2 licensed
ok ...

I went directly to the folder of the app and there the old right click "run as admin" did work. and if I do that I can succesfully save the config.

testing now ...
S2 licensed
I tried to run the app as an admin (on Vista) but the option is not there. I'll see if the permissions on the folder works.
S2 licensed

Downloaded ... installed ...

ran ... I entered the insim port in the setup screen BUT when I try to save it dies. The program is closed by windows and that;s it ...

any thoughts?
S2 licensed
Great stuff!!

Downloading ...

I have to say most of this is already covered by LFS Relax but therer are some interesting additions. The info on others' pitstops is great! and the organization and display of info is very attractive (at least from the screenshots).

There is one thing that I have not seen anywhere and that is give the abilty to an external app presumably on someone else's computer to set the pitstop options remotely (fuel added, change tyres etc) this would be AWSOME for endurance races.

Will comment more after testing.