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S2 licensed
Quote from commandermas :Usually, but if it wouldn't be penalized there would be teams, that could use it to make "faster" pitstops. One drivers joins because there is a driverchange coming. Oh the driver on track disconnects and immediately the new driver goes out with fresh tires and without a second of pitting.

Here is another idea ...

Why not give a 45 sec penalty for disconnects instead of one full lap. With a 45 sec penalty you would eliminate any advantage gained for a disconnect, and it would not be as hard as a full lap (almost 2 min or more for the NGTs).

just my $0.02 ...

EDIT: One more question, what are the details for the Teamspeak server?
Last edited by vicbel, .
S2 licensed
The training server was a wrecker fest when I tried to do some laps today. A shame really.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Shift+i did not do it.
S2 licensed
yes! Me again!

how do you clear the middle-of-the-screen display? I enter #page1 and it comes up fine ... how to clear then?
S2 licensed
How can someone setup a modded server ?
S2 licensed
Couple of questins/suggestions:

1. Are there any commands to raise the yellow flag and perform the other tasks via the chat ($Yellow for example)

2. What is the config item in the file to activate the yellow flag alert? What is the command in-game?

3. What is the command to activate/deactivate the hard core quali in-game?

S2 licensed
Quote from Deutschland2007 :restriction?! I think you got something wrong there. You have to have a laptime in the 105% zone of the current World Record, not 105% restriction.

I meant the 105% filter in terms of times.
S2 licensed
Great idea, very very interesting. One suggestion, put it up on Remote ... could not find it ...
One question how are you going to manage the 105% restriction with the handicapped cars (FZR and FXO)?
Last edited by vicbel, .
S2 licensed
I just downloaded all the engine sounds and placed the files int the engine folder but when I load them through shift+A I get this message: "Could not read engine" and then no engine sound is audible. Once you get going you can hear what I think are the gears. any help please ...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from poster2000 : lo mejor del asunto es que al FZR ya no le tengo miedo

S2 licensed

Espero que haya tenido un excelente dia festejando. Un fuerte abrazo.

S2 licensed
Pensandolo bien, y aunque llevo poco en esto ... me da algo de nostalgia ...

es el fin de una era.
S2 licensed
Felicitaciones Nelson!!

en horabuena y MIL gracias por el foro para Colombia. Ya le encontraremos uso

Ya sabe que cuenta conmigo para lo que necesite.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dan Morgan :Bueno actualizando un poco los equipos que van a representar a AV en las 16 hs, BIT se suma a la competencia en la categoria NGT, queriamos participar en las otras pero ya estaba todo ocupado. Estos son los equipos.

BIT racing AV NGT: auto: xfr
- José Fernandez
- Ignasi Pradas
- Dan Morgan

Brothers In Tracks AV NGT: auto: ufg

- Diego Alcubierre
- Rodolfo Acosta

Jose en XFR en lugar del UFR? ??

Mucha suerte amigos. Me gustaria poder formar un equipo de novatos como yo para hacerles estorbo en la pista
S2 licensed
Quote from Sir San :si haces hotlaps, ponle la bandera de mexico de favor

no jodas!
S2 licensed
Quote from josefm : porque no volver a clasificar?

Aprovechemos el tiempo que el server habria estado en clasi para practicar ...
NAS.CART - Modificaciones al reglamento
S2 licensed
Tambien pueden ver los cambios del reglamento en este post del foro de LFS Colombia.
S2 licensed

Como funciona lo del handicap?
NAS.CART - Anuncios Oficiales
S2 licensed
OJO! al nuevo anuncio oficial con los procedimientos de carrera. ... s-oficiales-t161.htm#1138
NAS.CART - clasificacion primera fecha
S2 licensed
Ya se han enviado los PMs en el foro de LFS Colombia con los detalles del servidor y la clasificación. Los inscritos deben revisar sus PMs en el foro de LFScolombia (
S2 licensed
Finally updated to the latest version. I have it running smoothly but there is one thing that I can't seem to configure as I want.

I don't want to store any points for now so I have set all the points variables to 0 BUT the Good Lap points won't go away and they are being counted as championship points. What am I missing?