If I load flipcam 3 for example, then enter the menu to change the angle ... then leave the menu and switch to flipcam4 the back to flipcam 3 the changes has not been saved. If I enter /view save right after exiting the menu after making the changes flipcam 3 retains the changes.
That works like a charm. Only one caveat though. When you make changes to any of the 5 views you need to enter /view save in the chat window before changing views otherwise the changes would be lost. Another option is to add that command to one of the scripts that change the views before switching. I have not tried that yet.
Great to see some options for LFS Servers. However I tried to access the iste and I get a server not found error. Is this venture still providing services?
Great idea, very very interesting. One suggestion, put it up on Remote ... could not find it ...
One question how are you going to manage the 105% restriction with the handicapped cars (FZR and FXO)?
I just downloaded all the engine sounds and placed the files int the engine folder but when I load them through shift+A I get this message: "Could not read engine" and then no engine sound is audible. Once you get going you can hear what I think are the gears. any help please ...
Finally updated to the latest version. I have it running smoothly but there is one thing that I can't seem to configure as I want.
I don't want to store any points for now so I have set all the points variables to 0 BUT the Good Lap points won't go away and they are being counted as championship points. What am I missing?
The second format would allow us to open the format directly in XL or other spreadsheet and directly import it into a database (i.e. mySQL) without any parsing necessary.