Not possible. A camera is just a shitload of tiny light sensors crammed onto a circuit board with color filters over them. It doesn't emit anything so it's not possible for the windshield to reflect it. Unless of course you make your windshield a one-way mirror. Which, still may be penetrable by other kinds of imaging such as x-ray, infrared, etc.
Unless you mean reflect the flash of the camera (if it uses a flash) so that it whites out the image. But at a far distance, and with the curvature of the windshield, that's pretty much impossible also.
Yeah, all the Asians I know have an English name as well. The ones that don't have an English name as well have incredibly easy names to pronounce, such as Yoon, Sung, etc.
Not wanting/caring about pictures of scantily clad women to be posted on an internet forum does not define one's sexuality. You can look at pictures of pit girls all day long and still be homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. On the contrary, albeit a rather extreme example, there are heterosexual men that watch gay porn.