You can take a low-resolution image, make a vector out of it, and then make a higher-resolution version. That way you just re-render the vector for whatever resolution you need. Might be difficult for more complicated logos though. I have an actual K&N decal that I got with an air filter. To avoid looking like a chav, I didn't put it on my car. I can scan it in at a high resolution if you want.
It's your brain telling you that you've had enough staring at the monitor for the day. Nausea, headache, fatigue, dry eyes, and some other stuff are all symptoms of eye strain.
Yeah, 18WOS is a pretty good game. Which one have you played? I used to own 18WOS:Hard Trucks but i lost the CD. I'm installing ets right now, hopefully it'll work in Wine.
Old school of course. Muscle cars are something of an era that has ended. It was when a heavy, poor handling, powerful vehicle was considered fun. Much like some of those new AMGs that are like 4500lbs.
It would be cool to have pitch control using the pedals for DJing purposes. You press the gas pedal, the music speeds up. Press the brake pedal, tempo goes down. Gas pedal, temp goes up. Then the wheel is the crossfader. Use the buttons on the wheel to choose which virtual "turntable" you are controlling. Other wheel buttons could be used to store cue points. Seems like a good idea to me.
Just because it's suggested doesn't mean it will be done. If someone were to suggest a huge dragon be put in behind the pits at Blackwood, it's not like the devs have any obligation to include any suggestion.
That is a little different then just sitting behind a computer all day. Sometimes you need a way to contact someone. If you don't have their phone number, or you don't regularly see them, sometimes the internet is the only way to contact them.