This has come up sooooo many times and all ideas to "solve" this non-issue have been stupid.
Is this really a problem... Really?
So, someone has copied your skin... oh no. Take it as the complement it is and add your sig/tag in a non visible part of the skin surface so you get the credit if if someone looks in the skin file if that is what you are after.
Nobody is making money from skins and you live in a "take, reuse, mash" world, learn to live with it.
If you don't want you skin copied then DO NOT UPLOAD IT!
What is most striking is all the press Jobs got but OS X and the iPhone both run on BSD Unix and use Object C, both derivatives of work by Ritchie. Yet I only noticed when it was reported on Ars T days later.
Ritchie had a far far bigger impact on IT than Jobs ever had. RIP
For normal TV watching you will not see the difference unless you are on top of your TV as Bob pointed out with his link. I have a 50" full HD plasma and have yet to see any demo where 1080 is really any better than 720. I should have got the 720P screen and saved the extra cash.
For a PC monitor things are different, I have a 24" 1680*1050 pc monitor which I use for development and still want more real estate. Trying to get as much code on screen as possible while readable sat a few feet away is very different than watching TV.
In reality there is not much different between iOS and Droid. Both are great devices.
I would not buy an Apple product but that is because I don't like how they do business and lock their environment etc. They join Sony in my companies to avoid
HTC make great phones even the Wildfire is a good phone. The plus side of Droid for me is developers can write the software they like without fear it will get rejected that that when I plug the phone it it is just like plugging in a thumb drive on your PC.
If you have other Apple stuff the iPhone is the logical choice otherwise you will get far more choice in handset/features with a Droid
Scawen, finally got around to testing the checkpoint stuff.
I created a track with Start, CP1, CP2 and End. All fine.
If I delete CP1 and start the race it gives warning that CP1 not found. You do not get a split if you cross CP2 as it appears to want to detect crossing CP1 first.
I could get around this by always having the 3 on track and then when I want to move one just delete old position and add at new.
With the quick play around I have had I have found it does not always detect crossing the checkpoint. Not sure if I had too close together as all were within 1-200M of each other when I was testing as no wheel at the mo. I was testing with a mini "oval" on Fern Bay on mini loop people always asked to open on that track
Looks like I will not have time for this project for a while so if I am only one asking about dynamic checkpoint placement dont put any priority on it. I could always implement my own checkpoints using other items such as road marking items and collision detection on those for checkpoint processing when I can get back to this.
A quick question on Add/remove autox in the upcoming incompatible.
Will it include the ability to add/remove checkpoints on the track that become checkpoints that must be passed through in a race?
I would like to implement a dynamic checkpoint race where the race is X checkpoints long. A new checkpoints being added when as drivers pass through old checkpoints.
Yep, the checkpoints would be random so every race is different using different corner sequences.
Again with the ability to switch in/out objects and the new 800 item limit in autox it means you could place cones on the corners to "close" off invalid routes but that would make it harder to get to the pits if you needed.
Its only once this is up and running that the fine details are ironed out
I will keep an eye on the test patch to see what that brings up as sounds like there is some dev in this area.
It might cause some crashes until people get used to it but I think this sort of driving makes for better drivers as far harder to get into a rhythm as it is not the same x corners lap after lap in same sequence.
I see a lot of people calling the patch the cruise patch but it opens up many posibilities
It would be good to get one of the following types of control over AutoX objects via in/sim
1) Add/remove via in-sim commands, probably harder to do as need valid X,Y,Z and also less practical to use.
2) Enable/Disable objects in a layout so they appear or not. This allows you to create the master layout first then switch out objects by location/id etc.
The second option is probably the easiest to do, although there are issues to resolve such as if you add/remove checkpoint markers.
The drive behind the request is a different style of race idea I would like to implement and would work well on multi layout tracks. Though I would see what people thought.
The basic concept being.
You start at the normal start line and the first 2 checkpoints are placed.
Each section of track between two layout forks forks is a potential checkpoint location.
When the first person passes through a checkpoint a new one is placed on a checkpoint location off one of the branches at the next split in the track.
The oldest checkpoints removed once all passed through that are still active.
Race length is controled by number of checkpoints.
Makes pit stops interesting as you have to risk waiting for a checkpoint that passes it or take a detor if you get low on gas and cant risk it.
Map would need to show checkpoint locations.
This would need some changes in race rules in LFS but not sure if that would be a large impact, depends on how its done at the mo.
The good thing is it would mix things and cause errors as less flow, you are never sure what corner to set up for until a bit before
I think this will also have a side effect of giving a great set of general use setups because tuned setups for a specific layout would not help.
The rally tracks could bring life back to rally in LFS as well.
Quake too many many hours of my life but Q3A had to be the best thing ID ever created. Most pure focused gameplay, the Street Fighter of the FPS world. All the modern "realistic" stuff lost something on the way, movement and pace has slowed too much.
The quake that hit Japan is between 800 & 15000 times bigger than the 6.3 that recently trashed Christchurch, they were lucky in ways that it was far out to sea. The 7.1 for which I lived within 15km of centre was bad enough, would hate to think what they experienced.
The thing I hate is that when they quote quake size, in this case 8.9, they do not quote if that was Richtor Scale (log10) or Moment Magnitude Scale (log32). Most of the time it is in the new MMS scale. Either wasy this is a massive massive quake that will have shifted the earths axis a slight amount.
Watching that wall of water come in and turn everything in its path into matchwood for 6 miles was not good. Seeing the cars try to outrun it was difficult watching, you knew you were watching death on a large scale.
Now to top it we have 6 reactor cores without cooling and near meltdown. I also know from experience that they will be in for a year+ of after shocks, in this case bigger than what the people of Canterbury have had to live through.
This is a sad sad day that will get far far worse as as days tick on
Good to hear you are ok along with family. The mood is so different this time
It was brutal, where were you for the 7 as out near Darfield that was far worse than what I felt in town for the 6. The 6 was the highest recorded lateral shift in an urban area recorded world wide so I guess we were lucky more of town is not flat.
Have friend in North Bton and he now has water but still no sewerage, like most of the area. See the Govt have now said whole areas will be knocked down and rebuilt elsewhere. 10000 houses to go and 900 buildings in CBD.
The odd thing with this one is I just didn't hear it coming. If they are big you normally hear it, then the rumble starts an then the wobble after. Some of the aftershocks of the 7 sounded like explosions on the plains but the 6 was silent and nothing to boom full force.
I am going to get the drums for the 7 and the 6 as a tattoo to remind me
I live about 50Km from Christchurch near where the 7 hit, hence why Chch got off so light last time. The 6 hit just on the edge of Christchurch hence the massive damage there. There are areas of Chch still without power and water. Telecom has set up centres with free mobiles and internet for those people to contact loved ones.
The phone/net infrastructure has become as vital as most other services these days, so much routes through it so there is always a push to get back up again
Many in the area are battled hardended now. We have lived through 4700+ after shocks since the 7.1, something that will probably supprise a few people.
Here are the stats
F1 = 3
F2 = 2882
F3 = 1594
F4 = 227
F5 = 20
F6 = 1
F7 = 1
Almost every day there are 1+ above 4 so you get more flippant about them, or you would go under. Most in the area dont even react to less than a 4 now. At work we play guess the force before the drums show the size.
More areas are getting power back now but many areas without power and water still. When you have water you cant drink without boiling for 3+ mins.
Would hate to think what would happen to the scum that stole the generators from the phone masts after it hit if the locals got hold of them. Wonder how many trapped people they stopped calling for help?
I was in the west side of town when this hit. The building I was in held up well, unlike the rest of town. Was violent but for me it did not feel as bad as the 7, others who lived in town said it was worse but Chch was further away from the 7 so that is expected as this one was almost in town and only 5Km deep.
Glad I live on the plains this time. This one has crippled town, soooo sad
Looks like the death toll will hit 200-300 in the end once they have pulled through the rubble. 30+% of the CBD will have to be pulled down. Christchurch is just f**ked, only way to put it
After the 7.1 there was a good vibe shortly after, we got off so easy.
This time is so different. Everyone is going up and down mentally. Worst story I have heard to date is the man who had to have both legs cut off above the knees with a pocket knife + hacksaw to get him free and save his life. Can't even imagine and don't want to
LFS on an iOS device. whahahahahahahaha whahahahahahahah
I used a friends iMeh the other day and ridge racer was near impossible, LFS would be just dumb.
Also going iOS means a port into whatever shite language apple forces you into to stop porting to other devices, the risk they will pull your app at any moment and the fact they will demand 30% of your income, your first born and a kidney.
I live on the plains near Christchurch and work in town. I live about 10km from where the 7.1 hit 6 months ago and was in town when the 6.3 hit last week...
Facebook has been a saviour through the quake for many many people in the area.
Social media is a tool. It can be used for inane shite and as meaningful tool. It allowed students to organise and army of workers 15000 strong to help clear the mess etc
Since the 7.1 I have been glad social media exists but I also like to post inane shite as well