And when this happened recently my reaction was "Good a load of street racers off the road and this time it was an inocent that killed them!". A taste of their own carnage they feel happy to inflict of the rest of us.
Poor bloke in the car comes round a corner and is blinded and has no outs. Sounds like his passenger died and he got hurt. If you support street racing and drifting this is what you support.
So to recap
Street racer and street drifter. HOPE YOU ALL DIE in a nasty smash WITHOUT hitting an inocent. You deserve it for the risk you put us all in. Harsh but I am sure there are many that feel the same way. We are sick of your SHITE!
Real race teams know the tracks well and configure the suspension travel so it can deal with what they throw at it. People sit and pour over tememetry to make sure the car operates with the best compromise for the track.
In LFS people use setups they are given and it might not be for the track they are on. Of course you will see susspension damage
Sorry but you lost ALL credibility with that second video. Drifting has NO PLACE EVER on a public road. Only an absolute MORON would consider it OK.
If you are into this sort of thing I hope that when you wrap yourself around something (AND YOU WILL) it is NOT a person coming the other way. I would prefer its was something like a tree so that you don't harm/kill anyone else, JUST YOURSELF!
I mean this with REAL convition BTW, sick of these morons on the streets thinking what they are doing is OK, it is NOT.
This is not an attack on drifting on tracks, JUST public roads! When the drift community starts to realise its not ok it will get the credibility is wants, until then more inocent people will CONTINUE to die and the to the public the sport will remain in the gutter. If you can't understand this you ARE part of the problem
Good multi threading requires an overhead to keep in sync and to protect data overwrite etc. So a move to multithread does have an impact on single core users.
Also HT actually has a negative impact sometimes because there is a single shared core so the extra context switching can slow things down.
Yep they should stop all adverts and then just put up the ticket price to compensate
Bathurst is on of the best tracks in the world IMHO, it would not be allowed for safety reason if made now. If this is what is required to keep the high cost spectacle that is the Bathurst 1000 going then why not. Better than PPV to watch the race.
You don't have to buy the shite they try and pump at you. Just step out of the commercial world. I did this years back and have not looked back. Just stop buying branded shite, in reality it is NO better than non-brand stuff you just pay to be a billboard.
The reason you have had loads of grief is simple. When you made you original post the forum would have listed LOADS on threads about the AI.
It is normally GOOD FORM to post in existing threads BECAUSE they carry loads of information on the subject already and what you are posting can draw on that information.
Just starting a new thread on a well thrashed subject which is being worked on at the moment will get you hassle EVERY time.
Patch Y solved the speed problems that the old AI had. They also DO react to you now if you are infront of them, just not from the side yet. They will still ram you if you are well off pace.
Not really. Drifters posted comments like "I am a drifter and I voted no" So I know exactly WHAT I meant, you can try ALL you like to put the words in my mouth you would LIKE me to say
In the end it does not matter what you lot WANT. I can't see you getting it. Scawen is focused on racing. LFS is popular with drifters because of the physics but that does not mean he will add stuff to encourage it
Just look at cruise servers, filtered OUT by default.
You can all bitch as much as you like. You know the reasons why 45degrees wont get in. Every time this topic comes up it goes round and around. Everything that needs to be said has been. I am out of here.
BOTTOM LINE: LFS = race sim and hence the cars in LFS have a bias for racing, NOT drifting. Allowing the options you ask for DOES EFFECT racing, the PRIMARY activity for LFS.
Show me a car tuned for racing that has 45degree lock
Many here want the setup options on the road based cars to be VERY limited and you will probably find this will come. I know many would like the gears for example selected by number of teeth to make setting more realistic.
But currently the huge selection settings are a hangup to pre S1 days when they helped getting the physics right. The huge range of settings are no longer required for the slower cars and hopefully will be limited at some point.
Something like the UF1 for example should have hardly ANY setup options that can be changed.
The GTR cars IRL would NOT be able to have 45 degree AT ALL.
There is just NOT the space under the hood for BIG wheels with a car that sits low and that has a big engine to FIT 45degree lock.
Please do not confuse the GTR cars with a drifters cars, they are VERY VERY different. GTR cars are created with a single purpose in mind. This is the cause of the limitation on steering lock, race cars do not need big lock so the space is used for other things.
The lock USED to be 45degrees for all cars years back but the dev team lowered it to REALISTIC levels for the cars. Drifters fit AFTER MARKET parts to extend the locks. These have not been fitted to the cars.
It has JUST be stated that allowing the lock DOES effect racers, so will probably not happen.
Your best bet is to ask for a specific car for drifters that DOES allow the settings and that DOES not effect racing. Anything else will get HUGE resistance.
Changing the max lock DOES effect racers. It allows people to run lock far far higher that would be possible and hence catch slides they should not be able to catch. This has a NEGATIVE effect on races as people who should have crashed out can catch and recover.
I even started a poll a while back asking if a car aimed a drifters should be added to LFS. A car that allowed extreme setups that drifters want, the right weight distributions and power curves etc. A car that would not effect races and I even explained WHY the car is required and guess what?
Drifters still voted NO in the poll saying "we don't need a drift car, just raise the locks".
Please think about what you ask. The cars in LFS have been through loads of balancing and all are aimed at racers. I am not a fan of drift but DO understand the needs of drifters. Its just a specific car better suits LFS, not changing the cars in a way that DOES EFFECT racers.
The far better way in the end to put off wreckers is a rating system like the chess rating systems.
These sorts of systems start people off at a set point score, say 1000. The start score represents the average driver.
At the end of the race you score is adjusted up/down based on where you place and where you were expected to place due to the other drivers ratings. A DNF would count as everyone else ahead of you so a real big penalty, to make people WANT to finish a race.
This would let server admins set a min rating they will allow to join.
This would temper people T1 and for wreckers, they would soon end up with a rating down in the toilet and would never be able to join a server that was rating locked.
Trouble is noobs would also suffer the same until they became more consistent in their driving.
Its not as easy as that. The tracks need to be built. If all that will happen is that we have loads of rF tracks then BIG BIG -1 for modding. Most of those tracks are conversions of conversions.
We need tracks built and optimised for LFS from the ground up or its just pointless.
Dual core is common and 4 core cpu's starting to hit the market, more than enough power to do what is required. Also if you make your app multi threaded it will scale to use the cores that are available, not the case for the PPU.
Its just pointless for any developer to support PPU's IMHO.
In a years time people will all but forgotten about them
Its NOT about election loss. Bush and Blair should BOTH be locked up. They lied and cheated their way into a war and then tried to sweap the lies under the carpet.
BTW: US is not even a real democracy, votes = money nothing else
Looking at the join dates for many in the thread I assume you don't realise that LFS has credits to unlock cars in S1 days. It was removed as was a bit crap, easy to cheat and on the whole did not fit right for LFS.
I had assumed that the new driving tests would be used to limit which cars could be driven. I.e, you can't drive the car until you pass the test but I get the feel Scawen is waiting for the final AI tweaks to make them more aware before that is turned on.
Needing the tests to drive cars will stop some wreckers in the faster cars as they will need to learn to drive. You will find real resistance to any form of credit system here though. LFS is a sim, not an RPG.
The best system really is just something simple, wrecked car a wait before you can race again.
In the end though, if you do find a moron on your server just BAN them. Does not help demo users as ban is not ban, but that is the limitation of demo.