I think you have controls and functionality confused.
All controls like checkbox, button just handle display and user interaction. Such as each time when you click a checkbox it toggles the state.
The controls have no idea what the right answer is and they should not. You should have one or more classes that manage the logic in your application.
Keep display and logic separate. It will save you lots of work later on and stop you writing spagetti code.
Your object are what decides what is and is not the right answer! You should be able to change the form the user interacts with to something else and NOT have to change a single line of your logic code if you are doing it right.
simple test. Go into the control panel for the controller. Put in gear and see if it stays in gear. The button in question should still be lit after you let go of the stick
Just to get back on topic. Hope this does not come across too harsh.
Street racer = c*nt
Sorry to use that word but too many people get killed by these wanabe race driver c*nts who have not yet learnt when their brain is in control and when their cock is the one talking.
To people that think its cool...
Track = safe environment to play. Street = dead people. Stop being stupid c*nts!
Unless your shifter keeps the button pressed while in gear it will not work. I get the feeling your system presses the button as you slot into gear but then it does not lock the stick in place to keep the button pressed.
So you understand what a method is and you understand my code snippet.
How come you are still unable to locate your error in your code?
A method name expected error is normally simple to spot. BTW, it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE here to say what the error is when all you post is (x == 145)
x could be anything and the it is not even a complete statement to be able to even understand the context.
It can be because LFS demands a LOT from the CPU. I need my laptop up on CD cases to get airflow or it does what you say in a few mins.
If you lappy has had some fair use you should get a can of compressed air and blast your laptop internals. Just poke the pipe through a slot and press then watch the cloud of dust come out. Mine overheats less when I have done that recently
If this is just online they could be caused by the fact the USA has cut 2 larges net pipes into the middle east to isolate Iran and others from the world for some reason and the whole net is slower at the moment.
Sorry. I meant the cables cuts we mistakes by boat anchors, nothing to do with USA. 3 cables by mistake in as many days all feeding the middle east, why wouldn't that be an accident
You got a bad server with some morons tbh. I hate people that call restart once they off.
Can't think the number of races I have won in the past because of driver mistakes in other drivers.
Just worry about being consistent at first, not speed. You are far far faster 2 seconds off pace if you don't off compared to being on pace and having an off.
I always laugh at T1 madness and normally hold back slightly because too many people still believe that T1 is the race
Sounds like you have the right attitude for CTRA but also when you find a good server with friendly people remember it. You will soon get a list of 5-10 fav servers where you know you will get a good race.
Please post a replay of you burning a clutch in LFS and the show a vid of you slipping the clutch for the same amount of time at the same RPM.
What controller do you use in LFS btw?
Out of interest have you EVER slipped you clutch at high RPM for a long time IRL? How long and at what RPM? If more then a couple of seconds at 4000+ rpm you WILL have smelt a burnt clutch!
No the clutch is not perfect BUT most people who post what you have assume they drive the SAME in LFS as IRL but when you watch a replay of them in LFS they do not drive realistically at all.
Method name expected means that when the compiler created the error it was expecting a Method Name.
Do you understand what a method name is? If you dont understand something as basic as a method name then GIVE UP NOW because you will NEVER make a programmer. EVER.
It is possible the error is NOT actually on the line the error is given by the compiler. Check all your () {} [] block pairs for a missmatch etc.
Out of interest, did you understand that small console.writeline snippet I posted. If not your understanding of C# is not actually anywhere near where you will be able to do anything useful. It was all VERY VERY basic stuff that you should not even need to look up to understand.
BTW :== is not even a valid operator in C#. Have you beed reading a Pascal manual and got the 2 languages confused?
I have to say that I have not found LFS any harder or more demanding to drive since the patch. That said I have used H pattern and 3 pedals and driven as I would a real car since I started LFS. It always made me slightly slower than others but now its starting to pay off
int i = 1;
string[] word = new string[] { "case", "that", "understand" };
object obj = (object)"In " + word[(int)1m] + " " + word[--i] + " you should " + word[0x1 << 1] + " this ";
Console.WriteLine(obj as string);
BTW: All you posted was "Hello World", the first thing you EVER learn in any language. To prove you have bothered to learn something do something simple like chop a string of words into the separate word dropping the white spaces. You code should work for any string given and return an IEnumarable of the words.
Once you can do something simple like that off your own back people here might be willing to help as it will show you have bothered to learn language basics.
Looking at how RBR tracks are built it is an ideal system to create random tracks with. Watchinjg the track builder vid looks like it could be automated a great deal to generate random tracks.