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Quote from zeugnimod :So epic! <3

This was the first I have ever seen or heard of Tool. They are now my favourite band.

Yep, stunning band. All the albums are worth getting. Second only to NIN for me

Some for tool epicness ... gtMCo&feature=related

Quote from Blas89 :Great video right there!

Tool - Forty Six & 2

There is just something about their music
Last edited by Woz, .
S2 licensed
TOOL - Sober

No idea how he is een standing in this show, looks real out of it but great performance
S2 licensed
Just seen Metallica in Christchurch. Glad they didnt cancel after the quake

great show
S2 licensed
Quote from Veinrich :damn cant find it, i got 2 options for the clutch and none of them are auto, if it isnt difficult for you, can you please tell me the exact path in options to change it?
Thank you!\
Edit. i found it

You will still need to lift off the gas when you shift or you will still burn the clutch.

Also if you are in low revs the auto clutch will try and slip longer than a person would try so again can cook the clutch.
S2 licensed

Its been easier today, far less activity. Big boom near us earlier but was just a quick jolt. You hear what sounds like an explosion for that type before the bump.

When it rumbles you panic, not had any of those today.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :That we'd be so lucky, he's still going for council tho so we still may have him around.

Just have a beer fridge in garage as also acts as protective shell

What a great idea for an EQ shelter !

I've now got one in the garage, just check that the alcohol and I both fit inside then roll on the next disaster.

It will probably work in a Tsunami too.

I do recomend a larger standup model so that means a new beer fridge, now, a good accountant and that's a business expense under OSH regulations for workplace safety.

Another great NZ invention.

If you use a chest freezer it works as a boat, you just have to drink the contents then to adjust how it sits in the water.

I am feeling better as less quakes today
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ ::hide: LOL

Whanganui so all we have to deal with is flooding & Laws !

lol, although Laws is meant to stand down soon?

Quote from Racer X NZ :You sound well stocked with essential supplies, I tend to drink mine so I should put a whiskey in the back garden just in case.

Just have a beer fridge in garage as also acts as protective shell

Quote from Racer X NZ :That sand action is frightening, instant quicksand. I expect it doesn't do a lot for the level of the house so it will be interesting to see what happens with rebuilding.

At least EQC covers some of the repair bill, I think 2b nz ( $2.50 US ) may be a bit low looking at the damage.

Your place ok ? ... 1.137231,1.892395&z=9

Yep, place stood up well, so far Can't see any cracks and water supply still functioning well.

Yes, that sand is mad. Seen reports of people running out their house and then being neck deep in quicksand.
People came out of there houses and fell neck deep into quicksand
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Woz - Do you need a Speights airdrop ?

Pretty good shake, apparently we didn't even know that faultline was there ( we have LOTS ! )
The first time that faults moved in 16,000 yrs.

Look on the bright side, Auckland's built on 7 Volcanos as well as fault lines !

It seems most of the damage is in older mainly brick buildings and we were fantasticly lucky that it happened at 4.30 in the morning.

Unfortunately your probably in for more shaking as the fault settles down but it's always worth remembering here that that was plate movement rather than just faultline.

Possibly sleeping with your skidlid on may be safer

Have grog and also Absinthe, 140% proof wormwood spirit, so that takes the edge off but also makes you a little speedy. lol

Where about are you? North/South?

Yep, new unknown fault line. I can't imagine what would have happened if CHCH was busy or the fault had opened over a town

We actually sat in house with cycle helmets on for the first day after we left the car once the sun was up. We are well drilled in void spaces and how to react

As for Auckland, yep the liquifaction that has hit CHCH would be nothing compared to the lava flows they could sufer. 100000 homes in CHCH area are damaged!
S2 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :...

Quote from Crashgate3 :...

While the comic strips are true , once you are in this situation you realise what a great source of info the net is and also that it lets you vent off your mental state to stop going mad.

Just flicking around my normal sites I monitor trying to get normality. Would love to chill and play some games but cant relax for that and need all my senses working. We are still at 60+ after shocks a day that are 3+.

Was meant to be in work today but could not face it after last night. So spend a lot of time watching the drums

Sorry if comes across as anything else. Hope you are never in this situation, but if you are you might understand

Quote from 5haz :Huge natrual disasters always happen all the time, just often the media outlets don't feel it'll make a good story, or the disaster occurs in a far flung region where news gets around slowly.

For example did you hear about the magnitude 7 Earthquakes that hit Vanatu and Eccuador in the first week of August? No neither did I.

Stay safe ladies and gents.

We heard about that down here but as we are on the ring off fire you take interest in it But yep, I understand most news has moved onto the Aussie floods now. They look bad there as well.
Last edited by Woz, .
S2 licensed
North Island just taken a 5+ wallop now. Oh F**K!
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Quote from Chrisuu01 :Dam that's insane that dike looks to have moved like 4+ meters.

Yep, areas of land have moved up to 4M in virt and lateral directions. BTW no dike, only flat land on the plains although now there is a ridge that was never there beore.

We were rocked by a series of 5.2 - 5.4 quakes over night. Slept in the car parked in as safe a spot as could find. Mentally cooked now and low on sleep. Not going to work today so still have not seen the damage in Christchurch first hand yet.

Managed to find CCTV footage of when the big one hit ... p;feature=player_embedded
S2 licensed
Hard to get to fault now. This shows the extent as to what hit us

Lucky that NZ has sparse population in this area, well most of South Island tbh

Will see what Christchurch is like tomorrow as have to go back to work
S2 licensed
Off to see the split in the land. will post some pics when back
What does it feel like to live near ground zero when a 7.1 quake hits
S2 licensed
It feels like being a hamster in a ball in a hungry dogs mouth. (2 days of constant fight/flight reaction and I still sort of have sense of humour )

Given what I experienced I can't believe the region got off with as little damage as it did. No structural damage at mine, couple of houses in the village lost chimney stacks but that is about limit of visible damage here.

From what I have seen on Christchurch they were not as lucky. Not been into town yet as work cancelled for today. At least no recorded deaths.

Point A on the map is groud zero for the 7.1 that hit, Point B is where I live. ... ,1.20575&t=h&z=10

I have seen pics of some areas in the plains where across the fault line there has been 3m lateral movement, to give some scale on the forces involved.

Ground has rumbled like a drum since with constant flow of scale 3-5 quakes, hope we are past the worst. If experts are right we might get a 6 soon, hope they are not right :o
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Actually no. 10.6.4 made performance WORSE. Not to mention on integrated chips it is still unplayable. I'm still on 10.6.3 (which was at release) to keep the good FPS.

There has been game releases in the past though. COD4, Bioshock, and a lot of others. Its just they were never heavily publicised. They did run well as well though.

What name do you use in TF2. I use Woz, I will keep a look out for you and your in game white earbuds
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I do dual boot, hence the specs match identically. I don't get your point.

10.6.4 dropped performance severely. I still run 10.6.3 which has good GPU performance in OSX with Steam games. 10.6.5 is rumoured to fix it, and even give better performance.

Sorry I assumed you meant your PC was a separate pc not dual booted

I am getting the feeling that most of the benchmarks are from just after initial release of steam for Mac. Once Steam games were available on both platforms and the initial benchmarks showed the huge disparity it forced Apples hand.

From what you say it sounds like the have managed to resolve many of the bottlenecks then

I guess before steam there was no real drive for Apple or GPU makers to optimise their code for Mac as there were just not the games for it, or ones that mattered to gamers so here was no direct comparision available between Windows and Mac
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I don't care about your links. In my experience, on both of my Macbook Pro's, Mac and Windows run close enough in performance (about 80FPS in TF2 at 1440x900) that it doesn't matter.

What about if you dual boot windows on your Mac as I doubt your win pc specs match your mac specs?

If your mac performance for steam games is really the same as if you dual booted windows on your mac you must have a magic mac. EVERY benchmark produced by all tech sites show the same pattern of about 50% drop.

Again the drivers might have been tweaked since the steam release and that has narrowed the gap but I expect the difference to take a while to reach parity as OGL also needs some tweaks.
Last edited by Woz, .
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Quote from dawesdust_12 :I have my own benchmarks on my own hardware. OSX runs close enough to Windows for it to not matter. ... al-performance-mac-vs-pc/ ... re-steam-games-on-the-mac

Like I said, I am sure things will improve as people start to optimise but there are many many benchmarks that all say exactly the same... Mac < Win for gaming.
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Quote from dawesdust_12 :Some of your facts are pulled out of your ass.

Not really. Most of the benchmarks that have been done show MacOS 1/2 speed of same Mac running Windows. Also as others stated people bitching on the forums about not being about to get decent FPS on Mac OS.

That said I believe much is that Apple and the GFX card makers have never bothered to optimise in the same way as Windows as Mac has never been a serious games platform until Steam changed the game.

We will prob see more work in that area narrow the gap but currently believe they are the same if you want. Facts are facts but believe what you want
S2 licensed
Nice toys BUT business practices make MS look like nice people.

Apple are on my "no buy" list for the way they operate. When Steve "Do as I say" Jobs is not in charge this might change

Only other company on there is Sony after their CD DRM root kit cover up after they were caught red handed.

S2 licensed
GPL based for me.

I like licences where people can't take all your work then close the source to rip you off.
S2 licensed
Sigh. I knew once Valve had ported the source engine to MacOS that this would happen. For Mac fans here are some facts.

1) Valve have deep pockets and lots of devs and big customer base.
2) Source engine comes from and is influenced by iD engines which supported OGL etc from the out set.
3) The Valve games running native on Macs in OGL still only get 1/2 framerate of Windows!
4) Apple and hardward makers never bothered to optimize for games as there were no games.
5) I doubt LFS was designed for anything apart from DirectX
6) There is only 1 developer to do the port.
7) Macs are less than 10% of PC market how many would buy LFS?
8) The port is a LOT of work.

Just get over it and dual boot!
S2 licensed
Wipout 2097 - Will need PS2