I guess I avoid regex as it can cause maint issues if you have people in your team that do not understand. At least Linq is type safe to give that protection.
Dual boot. It is pointless to try this sort of stuff for games. For the performance you get you might as well go but a cheap 6 year old computer just for games as it will perform better lol
I got TDD into place early in the project I am working on which is now in the region of 500000 lines of code. Without our unit tests we would never keep it stable. TDD is great at finding all the little issues that occur in what you think are unrelated code.
You are right in that you create 2-3 times more code BUT the offset is less manual tests are required. So the time very quickly repays itself. We even took the time to write automatic reflection based test that check attribute tagging and validators are correctly hooked on objects etc.
You just have to stop fighting writing the test code, after a while you feel a little exposed when you write code without the associated unit tests to back it up.
I hate writing code without tests now as it means I have to perform the tests that would be automatic manually. Time better spent coding tbh.
Here is a very simple basic solution using C# and Linq and a test rig that is called with data that will fail and pass the filter.
<?php using System; using System.Linq;
namespace Scratch { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] badWords = new string[] { "fOrK", // case does not matter "barstool", "aerosol" };
foreach (string toTest in new string[] { "For Forks sake you Barstool.", "Should have no bad words." }) { Console.WriteLine(CountBadWords(badWords, toTest).ToString() + " bad words found."); } }
public static int CountBadWords(string[] badWords, string toTest) { return badWords.Count(badWord => toTest.ToLower().Contains(badWord.ToLower())); }
Yes, anything that supports IEnumerable<T> is suitable as you have to enumerate the list looking if any of contained words in the text being validated.
Given that a Fixed array is best as cheapest memory footprint but List<T> cost is similar. Direct access of the words is not required.
A ROR type system might work if cut down. Make each car chassis a box. This would mean just has 16 rods. (The box edges (12) + 4 internal diagonal between box corners)
This might give enough nodes to use but still be low enough density to allow within the CPU bandwidth given the rest of the physics calcs.
It could be ISP related or wireless network (if you have one)
In NZ most connections are metered but I managed to get an unmetered acct. Over time the ISP throttled the connection and shaped the traffic of the unmetered link so gaming was not an option. After switching to metered all my lag issues went for games.
In LFS only join low pig servers. Normally the lower the ping the less computers/routers are between you and the game so less risk of ping/lag spikes etc
Given the news of the laser scanned track, could the mesh from the track surface of the new track be used to apply or simulate a "scanned mesh" effect to the existing tracks to give them more "texture"?
LFS used to have the race line that would darken based on the path people went. If it was just AI you ended up with a narrow darker line as they allo followed the same line but in normal use it was more defuse due to the differences in lines taken etc.
That is most of the battle no? Prodably far less work than the physics update currently in place.
I think that was all client side so the server would need to broadcast the paths so everyone had the same but that can be handled with a simple set of centre + width markers + grip modifier outside the region overlayed on the track that give the dynamic bounds of the "clean" region. (More points in corners and less on the straight)
A soft change in friction could be implemented as you step outside the clean region such that the grip modifer is ramped from clean to full modifier over a width based on the width of the clean region. The thinking here being a narrow clean path would soon put you in marbles far quicker than a wider more defuse clean path.
Only markers that update would be included in packets to minimise bandwidth.
The rest can be handled client side as given the region it should be possible to vary grip levels and the server can validate.
Live track along with removing control over wind/weather so conditions changed over time (Talking hours here for weather) would improve LFS no end.
Too many servers have no wind enabled because too many people care about lap times over just racing in the conditions that are present
lol, I did not say that playing FPS meant enjoying life.
Just meant that a change is as good as a rest. I prob would enjoy other race sims but as the only one worth a look at requires you to bend over and lube your arse while they rape you of cash so I went back to FPS games
And yes I mean iRacing with its pay monthly and also pay for content model I would accept monthly fee or content fee but both is just wrong but that argument is for another thread lol.
Are you trying to say that once you "copyright" a layout that nobody else is allowed to make anything similar if so this is pure BS.
This sounds like the same bitching as the "skin issue"
If you are making a track fine but all you are doing is putting some cones and other stuff on lfs tracks. There are so few environements that so many layouts are similar/the same that it is a pure waste of dev time.