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Quote from RasmusL :The thing is, this just pushes the world governments further on the road to censoring the internet. This episode gives them so much more motivation to control what happens on the internet, so much that you could even speculate if the governments staged this 'leak' themselves, because people will rebel against the government no matter what information is leaked.

So by leaking some pretty lame documents and blowing it way out of proportions, they get their motive for censorship and perhaps even a motive for the USA to attack more countries.

Oh my, conspiracy theories..

While this could happen it could also go the other way and people will react and stop this.

The arguments that the US gov have put forward have been heard many times before. In the 70s all the Vietnam war docs were leaked and today is sounding like a broken record.

The US has wanted to control the internet for years but people will find a way around that. The fuitile attempts to ddos wikileaks site show how little they know. The insurance file is out and there are now almost 1400 mirror sites

The city of Berkeley are looking at making a resolution that declares Bradley Manning a hero.

The backlash about how the goverments around the world are reacting is building and people who believed that had free speech are starting to realise they don't.

Grab the popcorn this has lots of twists and turns to come
S2 licensed
What I love about all this is watching the goverments who claim to champion free speech and have a go at countries are being exposed and their true colours are starting to show.

I can see this story will fast become bigger than the US leak and Wikileaks and move into control over the internet and information.

The more the US is poked the more the wasp nest will be stirred.

I have my copy of insurance.aes256, I get the feel the key will be coming out real soon. When it does the name I will grep for is Dr David Kelly!
S2 licensed
There is a command line arg to reset the game back to default settings. Can't remember off top of my head but you should be able to get from the steam forum. Try that and also validate your game cache.
S2 licensed
As others have said, dogs are not easy to predict unless you know them. All dogs will bite if provoked, some need not provication. The running at the fence barking is standard defence of teritory. Barking is a hard thing to determine meaning though.

Our largest dog is a NZ Huntaway (30Kg), a sheep dog breed based off a german shepard base mixed with other breeeds including ridgeback and rottie. It has a loud bark, loves to bark and once started will bark just for the sake of it. She will bark when happy, playfull or defence and it all sounds the same.

Our other dog is a gun dog, pointer based, and they are very quiet dogs. She will only bark in defence.

I think the key thing to look for is the eyes, followed by the back. If a dog has its hackles up you are in trouble. Also there is a very distinct look between agression and playful but can be hard to determine in some dogs.

Dogs also respond to how you present yourself around them, this helps determine how they are placed against you.

That said when down the river near us a few years back a set of pig dogs (pig hunting dogs) set on one of our dogs. The owners wife took them for a walk and had no control over them. 3 clamped onto one of my dogs back the last one circled us. No warning before the attack.

I should never have put myself at risk but fight/flight kicked in because my dogs life was at risk and the red mist dropped. I picked one up and chucked it away, kicked another in the head then was ready to start smashing skulls with a rock I found before they backed down.

I was real lucky and would never advise trying the same, it could have gone real bad.

Guess the moral is, wait to be introduced first
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I can't really understand what you're trying to say. From what I can see, it's that we can only judge on our own experiences and none of us are able to see the 'whole picture'? Which in iteself is true but if that's the case, how can anyone cast judgement on anything since none of us have enough experience to see this 'whole picture'?

Yep, I was trying to highlight that you were saying most people that use drug have bad lives because of what you have seen. While what you have seen might not have been nice it is a smal view of the picture.

Research and shared experiences is what allows us to see more than just your own world and has lead to huge strides forwards in humanity.

I have also seen a friends life ruined by opiates when I was much younger and no longer have contact with them. I also know the depth of addiction that giving up cigarettes involves after smoking them for nearly 20 years before stopping after many attempts. I also know how quick addiction can re-assert itself because of earlier failed attempts during my life.

I don't want them banned though and have no issue being around people while they are smoking, it is now simply not something that is part of my own personal experience as it added nothing to my life.

There are drugs I have used and still use for recreational use for which I know after playing with for most of my adult life that I have control over, not the other way. I know I can take or leave them without issue and do.

Even with what I have seen opiates do and know the destruction the likes of P and Coke can do I still believe being legally available is a better solution than what we currently have. Education on them is the only way, as I know you agree.

This is not saying drugs should be sold from corner shops like cigs or in the supermarket like caffine, they need to be controlled.

Places like Holland show legal access reduces issues. Amsterdam has a "drug tourists" problem because people from other countries go their to experiment and cause problems but outside the red light tourist area it is a very different picture.

Coffee shops are country wide where there is legal access to pot and mushrooms. The are low key hassle free places that are far nicer to spend time in than many bars.

Holland has lower crime rates for most of the crimes you associate with drugs problems and also violent crime is lower. They are not locking up people that do not need to be locked up and also they have tax take on the drugs instead of large man power and spending to try and control them.

For all the political trumpet blowing in many countries on how well the war is doing I can source any controlled drug in very little time if I had a desire to. In other words it is an epic fail.

Thats me done here but hope I what I have said has helped you see there is far more to the whole debate than you currently believe. Do not believe what the government says though... Guy Fawlks was the only person to enter Parliament with honest intent
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :So from what I understand you're comparing drinking a can of Coca-Cola or having a cup of coffee when I get to the office in the morning to that of taking a hard drug? If I have a few cans of coke or a cup of coffee, I'm not going to start becoming abusive/depressive and antisocial/suicidal (just examples). I'm simply going to be slightly more awake. During my caffiene trip (I don't even really drink coffee, but do like Coca-Cola ), I remain in full control of my body and mental status.

Your answer here highlights that you allow what is legal and easy to purchase to blur you view on what is a drug. Caffine is actually a far "harder" drug than you and many other give it credit for.

There is a reason fizzy drinks with high levels of caffine have become so popular with the young, they are an easy to source stimulant with strong effects and that gives a high when taken even in smallish doses. At higher doses has very strong effects

You should read up on caffine, its withdrawl and overuse etc. Caffine withdrawl can be experienced after a short duration of highish caffine use and does lead to abusive and antisocial behaviour and depression along with a whole raft of other side effects including a 'crash' similar to that of other stimulants.

Quote from S14 DRIFT :I'm not pulling my words off of a website or a publication, I'm speaking from experience and from what I've seen. Sure, alot of people who have problems don't drink or take drugs, but then equally there are those who do. It all depends on the person and how they deal with whatever stress and trauma they're going through at that particular time.

All of us have a very limited view on the world when we only take our own experiences into account. Doing this limits our view of the human condition and what that means into a tiny slit of what people are and live with and through during life. Sorry if this is a bit zen but hope you can see where I am coming from

Quote from S14 DRIFT : As for the whole war against drugs, I'm afraid I cannot comment as I am neither familiar with that side of things or is it something I want to start looking into (as in researching) because I'll just end up becoming iritated or something with the world at large.

This is a shame because understanding the issues around the war on drugs and the costs and side effects of this "war" is one of the central issues in the entire debate.

The fact that the US back tracked on its attempt to ban booze shows it is fuitile. When scaled to a global level the disruptive problems is causes are drastic.

Education on drugs and their misuse is better than a ban, less destructive on society and also provides huge income via taxes to help deal with problems such as misuse. It is a far better solution that also removed hugh income for gangs and hence much of their power.

BTW: This is not a personal attack on you. I have singled you out as you appear to have a strong view on this and also appear up for a meaningful debate on the subject in the way to respond to my posts
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :So are you denying that many drug users aren't individuals who have problems such as abusive parents/spouses, financial or personal difficulty? Sure there are users who have perfectly good lives...but still..

TehPaws, hope you aren't being sarcastic. Thanks, and same to you.

There are people who do not drink or take drugs and have problems such as abusive parents/spouses, financial or personal difficulty. That is a non argument. Would you care to back up with stats on %s on both sides or is this something you have pulled from thin air?

I respect your choice to not drink or take drugs. But some of your arguments make you sound like what I call the "reformed smoker", the person that gives something up but then trys to push their new found goodness on everyone. This is not saying you are BTW it is just the way your arguments come out.

I have smoked pot on and off now for over 20 years now. I hold a well paid software development job, enjoy my life and the drug has never effected my work or relationship in the slightest.

Lets bring rationality into this. Every culture on the planet has drugs that are used, even tribes deep in jungle have drugs available to them that they use. The drug Khat is used in some Islamic states because drink is "evil" under Islam.

Food, driving fast in a car, the gym and even computer games can have the same destructive effect on peoples lives as drugs. You are simply too focused on the word drug. If you drink any fizzy drink, tea or coffee you use the drug caffine!

As I pointed out earlier and I am sure you will agree... Prohibition of drink in the US was a deeply destructive time in history. It is why the ban was lifted, the effects of the ban were far far worse then it being available and controlled.

There are many lives lost because of "drity" gear which comes from sources where the supplier does not car. The income funds powerful cartels the world over. The war on drugs has failed and the situation is far far worse than anything the US expirenced with prohibition. If you fail to understand this you have a very niave view of the world.

Things need to change because the "war" is lost and drugs are NOT going away. Its time society grows up and faces it with rationality and not the FUD that abounds at the moment
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Well I played a bit of NFS World Online last night as it is free. It's a lagtastic game of bumper cars. Utter POS
S2 licensed

let them hear it in peace thanky you very much!

Did a few trips 20 odd years ago now. Then did one where I was "up" for 10+ hours. All was great, alice in wonder land stuff at the start. All your senses feeling like they are coming in on the wrong source etc. Then about 3 hours in we got on a train and I saw my reflection. I just saw myself normal and that was more than my mind could take and then my world fell apart.

What followed was 8 hours of what I can only describe as hell. Since then I have never been able to go back and play with anything trippy since.

Thats the one trouble with trippy shit, can be great but if your mood is wrong or something happens that sends you down it can be your worst nightmare.

Sounds like you had a good one, once you have been through the door you are never the same person again. How you perceive the world is forever changed
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :The Social Network

Fincher nails it..

Yep, just watched. Epic film that holds you all the way through. For once all the critical hype was right
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :**** you for raping me with your good arguments
(Which means on a more serious note that I agree with you after reading your post).

S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :No, I don't want drugs legalized. Now I see the irony that myself I drink alkohol pretty much, and then sitting on my high chair judging others.. well it's not meant that way, I just think that - is it really needed? Even if it's less harmfull than alcohol I don't really understand why we need to legalize stuff like that.

The reason to legalise drugs is the same as the reasons the USA gave up on prohibition. Currently we have powerful gangs the world over controlling the distribution of the substances and they do not care what they cut them with for proffit.

The US/Mexico border is a blood bath where gangs will gun down the police without thinking.

Prohibition does not work. Drugs are the same as booze, people have to take responsibility for their actions. If you go to work stonned you will get fired the same as if you go in drunk.

The cost to society with the current situation is actually worse, as it was with the prohibition on booze.

Quote from The Very End :As someone mentioned - some people gets serious issues after just one trip - is it worth the risk? Even if it's an absolute minimum of people trying that develope serious mentall issues, the risk is there, and therfor should not be legalized.

People die of alcohol due to overdose all the time, is it worth the risk?

When drugs are distributed in a controlled way the risks to people are reduced because you know the amount/quality of what people are taking.

We already have a massive opiate issue around the world but this is hidden in the form of prescription pain killers. If you have taken Codine you have taken an opiate!

Quote from The Very End :Again, alcohol is probally more dangerous, but since it's allready widly legal, it will be hard removing it. It's like smoke - impossible to get rid off.

This is the same for all the other drugs. Even people high up in most police forces around the world agree that peohibition has failed. You will not get rid of the drugs, the more they are targeted by enforcement the higher the cost and hence the more incentive to smuggle them. Demand will not go away.

S2 licensed
I have not been a hacker etc but worked at home over the wire for over 7 years writing software for a London firm while living in Scotland. (Before moving to NZ that is)

Working from home can be a real challenge, you have to have the right mind set or everything falls apart real quick. When I started you get into the whole "this is great I can start and finish when I like" until you get behind and realise it is still a job and you have to put in the hours. You have to be set a routine, does not matter the part of the day just that you set aside the time to do the work and actually do it.

I have known people who hated working at home because of the lack of social interaction. Given I am an aspie (aspergers) it never bothered me, I actually liked the space it gives you.

BTW: Aspergers and Higher Functioning Autism is the development worlds dirty little secret. In my current team we run a test and all but one of the developers scored in the Aspie or HFA sort of range.

PM if you need any other info
S2 licensed
Reggie Watts - F*ck S*it Stack

epic snipe at the characature of itself that most rap has become

(WARNING: Some strong language)

"I wear bullet-proof vests for no apparent reason
other than to create a false sense of importance
of which I could never retain on my own.
I like to create a buffer memory of incredulity
So y'all motherf*ckers could never get near to me."

Last edited by Woz, .
S2 licensed
GT5 is the new Duke Nukem Forever lol
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Looks like a good finish unless we get another safety car. All cars on limits of range for the end so have to balance speed vs fuel
S2 licensed
Talk about right ratio gears. On change up from 3-4 on Lowndes car the revs drop from 7000 to 6000
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Hehe, it showed a replay of it.


EDIT: Saying he hit the kangaroo, but surely that didn't contribute to the door falling off in pitlane.

Door came off in driver change as driver kicked it. Only small pins on the door
S2 licensed
yep, rain just starting
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WOW... He walked away from a roll that ripped the crap out of the car at 300km/h

Nasty nasty smash at the fastest spot on the track

Thats lap one done.... 160 to go lol
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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :omg that greg murphy lap was just awesome, never seen a tin top move like a v8 does, its when i watch these kind of vids i realise iracing's physics are really not realistic!

Yep, there is nothing like watching heavy cars that dont like corners without stupid front camber race around a nightmare track.

Thats the trouble. While the various good car sims are not bad they dont have the subtle shifts and slips that happen irl
It is Bathurst time again
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I was so distracted by the quake and aftershocks that forgot this weekend is Bathurst.

Time to get in the grog and book the TV for all day Sunday

Let the countdown start ...
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Newport - epic p take of Newyork by JayZ and Keys
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Quote from NotAnIllusion :Slackwax - Night Out, on

This is why I love this thread, finding new music

Great track

Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Chrispy- cockney dream

And this is epic, so dark
S2 licensed
Captain Beefheart - China Pig

I don't wanna kill
my china pig
man's gotta live
man's gotta eat