Normally you will find if there is a server with people trying to race and someone feels they should just muck about drifting they will be kicked!
Drifting has NOTHING to do with racing, people should respect what people are doing on the server when they join. You don't join a race server and start drifting in the same way as you dont join a drift server and expect a race!
If you are slow it does not matter as long as you are clean in your driving.
- If you are lapped yield as required.
- If its a fight for position hold your line, you dont have to yield unless the car trying to pass is level with your A pillar as you commit for the turn.
The learning curve for LFS is big and people are hardcore. But if you are a clean driver the hardcore will respect you, no matter how "fast" you are or are not!
There are idiots in LFS as there are with any other game/sim out there. These are the people to avoid.
Where is LFS installed. If you have it installed in program files or other "system areas" you are just asking for pain and suffering due to how Windows treats this area. Vista will create shadow directories that hold your "personal" versions of files you change and this can cause big issues.
Try this.
1) Move LFS to C:/LFS or somethere in your user directory.
2) Unlock LFS
3) Reboot Vista (MEII)
Now all the files should be valid and in place. LFS should play without the need to unlock. You should now be able to hibernate/sleep ok.
If not I would say switch to 32bit Vista.
There is still no compelling reason to run 64bit and the driver support is also second rate. XP64 and Vista64 are still really "second class" releases as far as support goes, they are just not mainstream enough to get the attention required.
MS are already trying to wash their hands clean from the turd that is Vista. They have even publicly stated that Vista was a "less good" release. All work has been focused on Win7 so Vista64 really has moved to the sideline as minorty release like XP64.
I get the feeling its a stock. From things I have heard (Not direct confirmation but hints) and also now we have two ovals. It just makes sense to release the stock and the second oval at the same time.
It is a moot point if you can change the max lock with a "few parts".
1) Scawen has said if you find a normal car with big lock he might change. That was years back and nothing changed which implies no person has yet found a car with uber lock!
2) When tire body rub gets implemented then this might get relaxed because people will not be able to use uber dropped massive lock cars without issues. There is only a set amount of space in the wheel arches unless you expand the arches out and mount the wheels further apart to allow for it!
3) All the bitching about other setup options will also probably become less of an issue VERY soon. When the VW comes you might find other cars have more limited setup options as well (All I am saying on that as what I know there is hazy as well)
Its more the marshall are not allowed to aid a driver IRL.
The MRT is an Auto X car. That is what it is designed for from the ground up!
What is the real problem that anyone who asks for this reset apears to want it to happen instantly. That is what is NOT acceptable to many who complain.
The removal of the insrtant reset, as stated before, changed the driving in LFS.
If you are someone that needs it every race look at improving your driving. If its 1 in 10+ races then what is the issue?
You mentioned computer glitches and we know they happen.
Things like glitches and disconnects effect us all. I put forward the idea of back to the pits/garage because in reality it is a great solution to the whole problem that also solved the No reverse in the MRT.
1) You are placed such that there is ZERO risk the push back/teleport will put you in the path of another driver.
2) There is a considerable penalty to the action not to make it attractive. You lose all progress that lap and have to exist the pits which loses more time.
3) I did not mention any repair in the reset.
The final thing that might make it more acceptable to many would be that if you car has bad damage the reset becomes spectate and you only find out which it is after you reset. This would make its use a risk.
You see the real trouble with what you are all asking for is there is no penalty. You are all just asking for the old reset to come back but just don't want to admit it.
This solution solves all those and aswers the issue of "just getting people back in the race" so they can have fun. People that run long races would also love this solution as a disconnect after 40 laps of a 45 lap race is a huge fear.
Given all this, why is this idea not an acceptable solution?
You have been around LFS long enough to know you will not get it as a server side option. Scawen changed the reset ages ago for a reason.
Computer glitches are the same as disconnects, bad luck. How about an option where you are "reset" back to the pits with your lap count kept from the last time you crossed the line. This solves glitch caused crashes and server disconnect issues in one clean way that allows a safe restart in the race.
For people asking because of T1 crashes... If you are constantly involved in the T1 crashes it is probably a good indication you are one of the people causing the T1 madness in the first place. Good racecraft really will reduce your need for the resets in T1.
Yep. The race is NEVER won in T1. Let the morons off themselves hanging back. Now you have gained X positions for no effort and you can get on with the race.
Racing as Trist says is about racecraft.
For me there is NO difference getting stuck in the litter vs getting stuck against the wall. Both end your race. If reset is on one it should be on both. For me they are BOTH things to avoid and hence part of my thought process when I race, a risk to look out for!
RACECRAFT stops you getting offed in most situations and for the rest of the times well that is just the luck or lack of in racing.
Now we get to the real meat of the issue you have. YOU will get frustrated if you can't get all the achievements, I think you might have bigger issues then if that is what achievements will do to you.
In all the games I have played with them you find the "gotta get em all" pokemon crowd that will just play 24/7 until they have them all. So what, let them. The same counts for the real stat whores that already populate LFS as I already stated!
For the rest of the people they are things to aim for over time. Given that if you have to start and end a race to get the achievements it will take more than a few weeks to get them.
If there were a set (one for each car) as I proposed for beat baseline time for each track. That set alone will take long enough for most to get.
Over time and the many threads on achievements that hame come up there have been more than enough ideas that if you can get them all in 2 weeks good luck to you.
These examples from aoun are good for the community that encourage people to do different things. None are arcade in the slightest.
If there is real risk from an off it makes people not want to. This is a GOOD thing.
- It makes racing more exciting because there is risk.
- Makes you think about how and when you make a move.
- Makes you face the responsibility of your actions.
The change in reset was one of the best things to happen in LFS. The driving improved very rapidly after that change.
I am happy to wait for next round, that is just racing.
Here are some questions for you....
1) Is getting stuck against the wall in the MRT any different than getting stuck in the kitty litter in the MRT?
(HINT: NO. Your off has caused you to get stuck in some way that means you are unable to complete your race. They are the same, just the method is different)
2) Should the reset also get you out of the kitty litter?
3) If the reset does get you out the kitty litter should reset be allowed on any other car?
Says it all. So that is 60 seconds to do up and another 60+ seconds to undo, get out and move the car. So in reality you are looking at an imposed 2-3 minute penality.
Pointless to lose that in a 3-5 lap race which is all most MRT races will be.
Achievements have NOTHING to do with "reputation" in the same way stats have NOTHING to do with reputation. You will find that on the whole only you will be the person that looks at your own stats on LFS World, nobody else will.
The idea of achievements is not so you have them all in 2 weeks, some would only be got by a small percentage of the community ever.
Sorry. That just shows you just don't get what achievements are about. I can't be bothered to try and explain any more as I assume you will never get the concept or just don't want to.
I like the stats in LFS but they don't drive me. I don't care if there is no chance for beating my pb for example because high winds are on.
I like the achievements in games like L4D and QuakeLive but don't have them all and doubt I will.
Its nice when they come up in the same way it is whyen you beat a pb and that comes up. For me I am more likley to join a server running a combo that is not a fav if I need that one for an achievements like beat baseline on all tracks for RAC.
What achievements do is change peoples patterns and shake things up a little. BUT... Some people it is all that matters.
They are also probably the same people that will be a stat whore. You know the people... Join a server then want to change the track or turn off wind and stuff anyone else. Or just drive oval in BF1 to clock up the most miles.
Stat whores are as dissruptive as achievement whores to a community. But for the rest of us more "normal" people they just add something.
I doubt that many here would disagree that LFS would not be here as it is today without LFS World?
Achievement junkies are no worse than some of the stat whores out there TBH. Like the server that used to exist just to log as many miles as possible using oval etc.
If the achievements are only earned if you start and then finish the race/session you stop the "dive in earn achievement then leave" situation. People have to stick around and complete whatever race/session or not get the achievement. So this would encourage people to stay in races, a good thing.
If it were real life you would never undo your 5 point harness, fight your way out of the car, push the car back then climb back in and do up your harness and drive off.
This would force the entire race to yellow so you could take 1+ minutes to do it. It just WOULD NOT happen. EVER. They you just get you out of the car and lift it out of the way so yellow flag could be lifted!
If you off and get stuck your race is over, that is the FACT of real life racing. Why should it be any different in LFS for one car because people want to race an auto X car with a bike engine on a track instead of an auto X course?
If you change down early and do not blip on downshifts you are asking the engine to spin up to match revs. This can result in wheel lockup if you are already close to lockup on the brakes.
It is best to blip (heel toe) on downshifts to avoid engine brake effects and put all the load on the brakes because it is easier to modulate the brake forces that way.
If you use engine braking you might need to modulate your brake pressure as you lift the clutch to stop wheel lockup.
For road cars (or race for that matter) using engine braking will put load on the drivetrain, clutch and engine. This should not have an impact on a road car because you should not really be pushing a car that hard on the roads that you will do damage. Even a race car should be driven with some thought for mechanical sympathy if you want to finish a race.
Track driving is nothing like road driving though so engine braking is not an issue. Drive like you would on a track on the road and it will only be a matter of time before you end up in an UGLY smash. A track is a controlled environment, on the road someone will pull out on you at the last minute and if you are committed to the turn 100% you will have nowhere to go.
The reason I am nit picking is to highlight the reason put against are just as "trivial" as those people argue are the for reasons. You asked for examples then when I posted you ignored them. As it turns out you agree that all the ones put forward are suitable achievements for racing, apart from the one you dispute as marginal.
I highlighted the MMOs issue as they were put forwards by the against people as an example of not needing achievements when MMOs are built around achievements from the ground up. You can wrap levelling up in any terms or semantics you like but they are achievements, end of story.
The arguments have become circular and both camps are entrenched. As this thread will soon degenerate into the normal LFS Forum name calling and bitching there is nothing left to add.
I have said all I need to and have show that achievements CAN relate to a race sim and have people opposed to the idea agree they can relate to racing so there is nothing else to add.
I will leave the thread now to turn into a circular troll fight which is where it is heading!