The iVibe creator has bitched here a number of times asking LFS to output a number of pointless bits of info. A number of people, myself included, have offered to develop the drivers required for LFS then he goes quiet.
I tried to get info from him about the so called vector forces. It appears to be the logical direction to go with the drivers and LFS outputs all the info to drive a full motion platform so a perfect match. He is more interested in quick bodges like what texture the car is on at any given moment so he can play some crappy effect which is just not the LFS way.
Don't hold your breath as I would guess he never gets the drivers done.
NOD does FAR worse than almost ALL AV systems out there and eats more system resources that most.
While it is one of the most popular it also means that malware and virus writers target and test against to make sure they can get past.
You nead to read some real world test. AVG (Nice and free and low system impact) ALWAYS places far far higher than the over priced system hog that is NOD.
Sorry, thought you were asking for slicks on the current TBO class like loads already have, which is pointless as they are not powerful enough
I think and have said earlier in the thread that we need some RWD in the UFR/XFR class and that would be a great class then. Right power levels to be fun for slicks and no downforce
You have been around LFS to know how online works. Be honest...
Do you use road normals on TBO setups as you know full well everyone else used supers? No, thought not!
When the BL track has the extra tarmac did you use it just like everyone else or suffer the 1-2 seconds it cost staying within the track bounds and hence lose all your races? Bet you did because we were ALL forced to before the track redesign!
Its just fact of life that people want to know they have the fastest car so they can compete. Its why tuning would be pointless, everyone would use the fastest settings.
If people want slicks why not create a set of baby GTR cars for their server like the baby UFR/XFR. The baby Rs are very popular.
The fun with the TBOs is the fact they are on road tyres and lets not forget the road supers can already hold well over 1G so they are already SERIOUS tyres compared to your normal IRL roads!
1) Salvage what you can then export into something that is not MS NOXML (Not open xml).
2) Uninstall Office 2007
3) Install OpenOffice or if you must Office 2003
4) Work without fear.
MS have made NOXML such that it is near IMPOSSIBLE to had edit anything. It is NOT safe and I would say avoid.
A great example is this. Create a spreadsheet and add a few values into cells. Now open the XML and find the values and change them. Now try to load the document and you get errors.
NOXML is created to protect MS not to be open. They dont even support the ISO standard they purchased and are going to give native support for ODF BEFORE the ISO OXML standard.
Do you have ANY coding experience at all or are you new to it. If you are new a Dummies book is your best bet.
A quick word of warning. Be prepared to read a LOT of information before you can really do ANYTHING at all. You need to have the right sort of brain for development as well or you are in for a world of pain. You need to be good at lateral thinking, like more abstract types of maths (formula based etc)
If you get problems be prepared to step away and leave the code to read and re-read more books. You see many people here trying to learn and they end up asking for help on every tiny problem. In reality you need to actually understand what you are doing or you will not be able to do anything.
Finally remember that some bugs will not even be in places anywhere near where the code finally goes bang
Powerglides and bracket racing are all normally restricted to drag racing so yep, when we finally get a dedicated drag car give it a powerglide.
Show me a circuit racing league IRL that is BASED on or allows and people use auto transmissions against people who race stick and where people actually select auto over stick. (BTW I mean ones that have tracks that require both left AND right turns in the same circuit )
Again not talking gears that are computer controlled but slushboxes
Yep and I + others over the years have asked for really restricted setup options on the lower end cars.
Not the same at all because when there is a UF1 race people would not call selecting a BF1 fair.
What it means is that if the UF1 can have slicks that you will FORCED to use them ALWAYS when you are in a UF1 race or accept the fact you will lose every race by a HUGE margin. When was the last time you joined a TBO race and selected road normals over road supers? I am willing to bet you NEVER have becaue its pointless.
Its the same thing as old BL1 track where you were FORCED to use the tarmac that was off to the side before the S to flatten the corner for speed, even though it want against what was allowed IRL, because everyone else did it. If you didnt you lost every race.
Hope that helps you understand.
-1 slicks on current road cars.
+1 for far more restricted setup options on road cars as they would never have the setup options they have
What is nonsense is that if all the cars had slicks you might as well remove road tyres from the game as they would become pointless. Can you not see that at all?
We are talking about slush box transmissions here with kickdown as seen on road cars not multi clutched geared transmissions that are really just computer controlled gearboxes that change the gear and blip the throttle and dial in more rear suspension to keep the car settled.
I get the feel you have no idea what you are talking about or have NEVER driven the same car in both forms lol. Perhapse you have never driven stick IRL so dont really understand what a HUGE disadvantage a slush box actually is
If a slush box is optional most will use manual because stick IS faster, so you using a slush box you will be left in the dust and will NOT stand a chance at all... EVER.
If its not optional there will be uproar because a slush box has NO place on the race track.
It would take Scawen a while to implement properly and as soon as it was in the sim people would soon realise that a slush box is slower to accelerate, slower top speed, impossible to balance worse on fuel.
Look at ANY car specs out there and compare acceleration, top speed and fuel consumption between exactly the same model but only the gearbox changed. The auto in the BWM Mini for example adds 1 second to 0-60, does 25mpg instead of 30+ and has slower top speed.
Now factor in the weight penalty you carry for the gearbox and extra fuel you need to cover the same distance and you soon realise its as useful as a chocolate teapot.
If you dont want to change gear then let the computer do it for you. The only place it might be "cool" (sick) is cruise servers and I doubt Scawen will implement to cater to those servers lol
Pointless. LFS is about racing and people do not use road like autos in racing because it is impossible to balance a car in a corner when you do not know when the car will shift on you.
As I said. You stated you have NOTHING against the "big" cruise servers BUT you want a limit on new ones. I did not miss quote you at all.
Or to word it in another way as I did. It is ok for me to run one but nobody else. I did not get you wrong at all
Sorry but YOU have no control over who can run what. If someone put out an open source cruise server its TOUGH. Means anyone can run one. Why should they not. MAKE YOURS better and you will rise up or stay as you are and get swamped out. This is how competition works. Adapt or fade away.
Stop bitching and calling for limits. Player demand decides who will race where.
This is not what most of us are saying. The people vocal in this thread wanting cruise servers shut down appear to be cruise server admins unhappy with increased competition from other cruise servers.
As I said, I am not a fan but anyone is free to run whatever they want. (As long as its a legal mod) Look who is bitching then post again.
Actually that is EXACTLY what you said. You are unhappy with other people apart from YOU running cruise servers and wish they would stop running them.
Anyone is free to create any mod they want. Why should YOU be allowed to run one but nobody else is allowed to create a crise server.
I am not a fan of any of the cruise servers BUT I would never want to stop people creating mods for LFS no matter what they are.
You just sound p***ed off because other cruise servers mean players spread over more servers.
STEP UP and make your server better if you want more players. That is how competition works. If someone comes up with something better you will lose the players so keep yours fresh.
MODS: Can we close this thread of existing cruise server admins bitching and trying to close others down because they cant stand the heat?
There are NO cars in LFS with 900deg lock at the moment. The highest lock are many of the road cars that have 720 lock.
When you set controller lock in LFS it does not effect the lock in cars.
So set you G25 to 720 in LFS and in CP and then wheel comp to 1 in LFS. Now LFS will make the wheel turn match in ALL cars.
900lock in low end road cars has been requested and I believe is on Scawens work list although requires incompatible patch and new driver animations before it can be done.
Scawen tends to add/remove what he thinks is right for the direction of the game. Case in point being auto blip aid was recently removed and caused loads of bitching BUT shows Scawen wanted more hardcore feel.
Slicks are probably NOT on the TBO because he KNOWS it means road tyres might as well be removed from the game because nobody will use them.
This request has come up again and again and again over the years and has ALWAYS been ignored.