Out of interest I thought I would add that in a series like the Aussie V8s they only have a few final drive ratio's to select from. Then they can play with gears after that. So even in full spec race cars the choices are still limited
Depends on your card. TBH, while rF might support the DX7 code paths so much has changed since the early days that most DX7 cards probably do not have the grunt to run it any more.
Min requirement now I believe is 128Mb of vid memory which counts out almost all DX7 only cards.
Don't make text unselectable, pointless and will pi** off users.
It does not work, you just do view source and then copy from the html. If someone wants the text they WILL take it. This is where copyright comes in. If you find the text taken just contact the site first, failing that their hosts.
As a side note, If you want to see how delicate a race clutch can be you only have to look at Bathurst this year.
Tander/Scaife on pole with Tander as start driver. He messed the start, burnt the clutch and then stalled. In a later interview with Scaife he said they got lucky as the clutch came good (glaze scrubbed off) so they did not have to suffer slipping clutch all race like he has had to before.
So even a clutch made to take over 600bhp can burn and die in an instant. Just thought I should point that out
And the point I was trying to get across is that 0.9~ must equal 1 BUT only because of the round trip of the render in base 10
To truly represent 1/3 in base 10 we really need to add 1/3 of 0.0(0)1 to 0.3~ but we cant and so 0.3~ is a good enough render that is accepted to mean the same. As an infitesimal value is a value (although we need to conceed it is not) to solve the render issue.
0.9~ has EVERYTHING to do with 1/n where n = base - 1. There can be NO disputing that. It has nothing to do with mathematics itself, just the base chosen to render a given value in which causes a "mismatch" in what can be rendered well in that base. It is the compromises that is required to make maths work.
1/3 in base 3 is 0.1 which is a perfect render (George, I pointed this out very early on btw). It becomes a problem rendering in base 10 for the simple fact 3 into 10 causes a recursion which means you can NEVER resolve the carried 1 so you end up with a problem if 0.0(0)1 as it were. Does not mean that 1/3 is not a valid number it is just being rendered in the best way given the limitations.
Analogue vs digital! The render of LFS by an NVidia card vs ATI card if you will. Both a view on the LFS world but both slightly different yet no less correct.
1 / 3 * 3 = 1, it can never be anything else and as all we can render 1/3 in base 10 as is 0.3~ then it stands to reason that 0.9~ = 1 as 0.3~ * 3 must be 1.
It IS a render issue of our chosen base. I think that is as concise and I can ever get
^ Yay. Someone who actually gets the point I am trying to make
This is the last I will say on this.. I can almost hear the relief from the crowd. I hope it actually highlights the point I am trying to make because I do actually understand math.
Right... here we go.
1) The world is NOT in base 10
2) Humans currently have decided on base 10 to describe the world.
It is analogue vs digital if you will, as such 1/n where n is base -1 will ALWAYS presents a "problem".
Maths is just a tool we use to describe the around us. It is NOT perfect but full of compromises that are used to improve the usefulness of the said tool.
Let me give some examples.
Infitesimal numbers might as well be 0. Cool, yet pi has infitesimal precision and the more digits employed in the calculation the "more correct" your result. pi is not 3.14 but for many calculations that is all that is required.
It is all about the precision required for the task at hand, no more.
We accept the 0.0(0)1 from Becky maths has 0 "significance" because it allows our base 10 number system to have a “consistency” which allows it to be a better "tool" for our needs. Does not mean it is right, just a compromise.
There is actually NO 1, 2, 3 etc. They are all just markers on a line that represent a "mass" for want of a better word (thanks Becky) that we have attached a value to. Trouble is that line does not actually have markers, it is analogue. We see fit to divide it into factors of 10 between markers we have called 1,2,3... because that allows us to have a frame of reference.
When we changes from imperial to metric we also changed all the sizes of nuts and bolts etc. did 3/8" cease to be a valid size of bolt because it did not fix perfect into mm? Did 1/1000" cease to be a valid tolerance? No it is just those markers were in the "wrong" location for our new system so we discarded them.
"John, pass me that 9.525mm socket will you". Do the math
Accept, embrace and acknowledge the compromises we employ in the name of base 10 maths and it becomes a more powerful tool! Try and hide behind 0.9~ is 1 because 0.0(0)1 is so small we will call it 0 and sooner or later it will bite
If you try and travel millions of light years that infitesimal might become the difference between landing or smashing into a sun. It is all just about the precision required for the task at hand, no more.
As means of a sidetrack..... There is a Savant that quoted pi to 80000dp calculated in realtime. There were teams of people checking off his numbers as he spouted them out at machine gun speed stopping only for drinks etc. He only stopped at the 80000th dp as the point was proved, that took long enough and their books of pi didnt go much further anyway.
Luckily the Savant is HSA so is able to communicate in semi mormal terms unlike many Savants. He “sees” numbers as shapes and patterns, nothing else. I remember him saying 9 appears as a big shape. To test this they presented him with simple maths where the size of each number was opposite to how his brain worked and it caused a “number” blindness that made it very difficult for him to “see” the solutions.
Base 10 numbers are not “real”, real numbers they are a continuous stream of values in infitesimal steps that DO not fit base 10. It is imperial vs metric, analogue vs digital!
Thats me done. Feel free for the “last word” and trash what I have said
Last edited by Woz, .
Reason : corrected socket size
No, I have been around this forum for YEARS. If I wanted to troll I would have many times before. This is in OT is it not?
I started out wanting an answer and have yet to get one. All I get is the 10x-x "proof" and people saying that 0.9~ because it is ok!.
Even the Wikipedia post on 0.9~ has the follow phrase contained...
"Misinterpreting the meaning of the use of the "…" (ellipsis) in 0.999… accounts for some of the misunderstanding about its equality to 1. The use here is different from the usage in language or in 0.99…9, in which the ellipsis specifies that some finite portion is left unstated or otherwise omitted. When used to specify a recurring decimal, "…" means that some infinite portion is left unstated, which can only be interpreted as a number by using the mathematical concept of limits."
Let me repeat that VITAL part... "When used to specify a recurring decimal, "…" means that some infinite portion is left unstated, which can only be interpreted as a number by using the mathematical concept of limits."
That unstated part being my disputed 0.1*10^(-infinity) or the knifes share or the sliced cake
When you get into limit theory you accept that while 0.9~ never actually converges with 1 you accept it is 1. Again, you accept that it is really impossible to represent 1/n when n=base-1 yet there is a need to find a way to solve this problem
so 1/3*3=1 yet 1/3 can't be represented by base 10 without a bodge, yet nobody is willing to accept this yet is more than happy to break every rule in the base 10 number system to create a solution to the problem.
Where is the best place to read up on this then that does not fall back on 10x-x as the only proof?
"There are many proofs that 0.999… = 1, of varying degrees of mathematical rigour. A short sketch of one rigorous proof can be simply stated as follows. Consider that two real numbers are identical if and only if their difference is equal to zero. Most people would agree that the difference between 0.999… and 1, if it exists at all, must be very small. (WOZ: but as it exists it must be able to represent.. hence bodge) By considering the convergence of the sequence above, we can show that the magnitude of this difference must be smaller than any positive quantity (WOZ: Why?), and it can be shown (see Archimedean property for details) that the only real number with this property is 0. Since the difference is 0 it follows that the numbers 1 and 0.999… are identical. The same argument also explains why 0.333… = 1⁄3, 0.111… = 1⁄9, etc."
So that has not shown it then. Just saying the difference is so close to zero we will call it zero is not proof
Actually that if the BEST way to explain the fact that 1/x where x=numberBase-1 - 0.1~
Come on people, face it... Any 0.x~ is a bodge where the number is not easy to represent in the base you are trying to represent it. You can wrap the notion up how you like, say the limit of 0.9~ is 1 or whatever else you like but is a bodge imposed by base 10.
As I said before. 1/3 in base3 is 0.1 as nice clean number that does not need a bodge. move to another base and BANG... bodge time
1/3*3=1 fine but when you try and represent in a given base things turn to shite and you need bodges liKe 0.3~ * 3 = 0.9~ = 1
0.9~ tends towards 1 because it is an infinitley increasing number and hence DOES tend towards 1. It is IMPOSSIBLE to represent a single value because it is infinite in size.
infinity - 1 = infinity and therefore infinity is NOT a single number but an abstract concept for values that are impossible to represent.
If the concept of 0.9~ is a valid number you MUST accept that 0.1*10^(-infinity) is also a valid number.
Given this then the following is valid because 0.9~ is always 0.1*10^(-infinity) away from 1, it is impossible for it to be anything else.
1 - 0.1*10^(-infinity) = 0.9~
This means we have established a VALID way to create 0.9~ that involves subtracting a value from 1. this means...
0.9~ < 1
And therefore
0.9~ != 1
So which part of the above is NOT true. Please do not just spout the "what you learnt in school as a kid and have taken as gospel" that 1/3 = 0.3~. Why is the following NOT valid
no I am not. I am just using the base 10 number system to its logical conclusion.
0.9~ is actually 1 - 0.1*10^(-infinity) therefore 0.9~ < 1
The thing is that when you get to these sorts of numbers like 1/3 they actually fall outside what can be represented by base 10.
Do you dispute that in a base 10 system every dp is 10 times smaller than the one before? No... Good otherwise you would be wrong.
I accept that 1 / 3 * 3 = 1 it is impossible to be otherwise. It is a given.
The "notion' of 1/3 = 0.3~ is that, a notion. It is a value that is accepted to be 1/3 because it is so close as to make no difference. It is about the only representation that is possible in base 10.
In base 3 you can represent 1/3 = 0.1 and 0.1 * 3 = 1. Fine.
Someone here said not all maths is a calculator, the trouble is that the base 10 number system is what a calculator is. That is the missmatch. Do not confuse number manipulation with its representation
This is the point I was trying to make there is actually a difference, it might be so infinitely small that it is ultimatly pointless but if you do not accept a difference you do not accept that every dp is 10 times smaller than the one before you do not accept the base 10 system.
yes I have seen the proof many many times and it breaks down because you are dealing with numbers that are not actually possible to represent.
Its a bit like dealing with equations where one value is infinity, maths start to break down. Such as
infinity -x = infinity
So using the "logic" in your "proof" any value of x = 0
10 = 0
7623786 = 0
Once you get to maths based around infinity and infinitely small numbers things break down and fall apart.
The fraction 1/3 is valid number but 0.3~ is only an accepted notation within the limitations of our base 10 number system to repesent a value that can't otherwise be represented in base 10. It is a rounding fudge for base 10.
In the context of 1/3 it means that at some point it is not posssible to represent the last digit and that some inifinite portion is left unstated.
The NUMBER 0.9~ though does not equal 1. Forget the context based "shorthand" and look at the base 10 number system.
Every DP is 10 times less than the DP before it. Given this you MUST accept that
0.9 < 1
0.99 < 1
0.999 < 1
0.9~ < 1
It DOES NOT MATTER that it has a never ending number of significant digits as you must also accept that every DP is 10 times less than the one before it therefore 0.9~ < 1.
Someone said work out 1 - 0.9~. Fine
1 - 0.9 = 0.1
0.1 - 0.09 = 0.01
It will never reach 0, just closer to at each dp to 0. It only reaches zero when limits come into play!
If you accept that the NUMBER 0.9~ = 1 it means you believe every DP is NOT 10 times smaller than the one before.
This is what is meant by the number tends towards 1, getting ever closer BUT never reaching 1.
Don't confuse the NUMBER 0.9~ and the SHORTHAND REPRESENTATION for 3 * 1/3
This is all just semantics but needs to be pointed out
Yes I know that 0.9999999.... "tends" towards 1 but the fact of the matter is that it is NOT actually 1 or you would just write 1 instead of .9999......
Does not matter how many 9s you write does it will NEVER reach 1 therefore it is not 1.
It is more to the fact that it is not possible to fully represent 1/3 in base 10 hence the rounding error in the maths that allow 1 / 3 = 0.333333... when infact 1 / 3 != 0.3333333...
I dont get it. If you have finally learnt to code enough to write a complete Cruise app why cant you find a crash location and fix it? You should have encountered many many crashes and bugs by now you have had to fix writing a complete app. You have developed an app that deals with the complexity of network ccomms etc, you should have encountered many unexplained crashes to date as part of that process, some very complex.
The question you have just asked is the same as posting "My car is not working, whats wrong?" or "My PC is acting strange, what do I need to do to fix it?".
Did you just use the open source InSim app on this forum and make a change that has broken it or have you really created one from the ground up?
For those that have not encountered Sun here before... Be careful the norm is for him to ask you to write the code for him in the thread the question is asked.
As others have said, set your IDE to break on exceptions then run in debug and wait for the crash. You will now be able to look at the variables and see what they hold. This shoule let you see what the problem is.
sigh.... he was talking about H pattern boxes so I was correct in that you HAVE to use the clutch!
We ALL know and agree that with fancy electronics you can do all sorts of stuff, that is NOT in dispute!
Again you have not read everything and wanted to shout down. As you dont read everything that relates to what is going on there is no point in comple...