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S2 licensed
I think its just far better to have this option on the qualify session.

The admin sets the % allowed and after qualify if you are that much slower than the fastest qualify lap you sit out the race until the next one.

Better way to match the drivers than against WR
S2 licensed
Quote from sk8line69 :i know this is a bump and all but i wanna brag about my new board

the most beautiful and fun board in the world

I have only been on a carving board once. A full blown race board. OMG fast.

I prefer soft boots myself though
S2 licensed
I have NR2k3 which I don't use. I will sell for 25UKP + p&p from NZ if someone wants.

PM if someone is interested and we will sort out
S2 licensed
My dogs normally chase sheep when we keep them but we recently has a neighbours sheep in the field and they were used to dogs like those in the vid.

Look very tame sheep. We only keep ours long enough to get fat enough for the freezer
S2 licensed
I have not even tried the iRacing demo. Any game/sim that wants $20USD ($40NZD) just for the demo can go jump. I have not forgot the attack against the NR2K3 community to pay for a demo

I have no idea how much they managed to advance the NR2K3 engine but I assume its not a quantum leap.

Paying loads each month just to have a go at a race every couple of hours just to get wrecked then having to buy each car means I might never take a look tbh.

LFS players come and go. I have not touched LFS in MANY months now but once new content comes I will start up again. The trouble with LFS is burn out. The new car will help but new tracks are the key TBH.
S2 licensed
The trouble with the Skyline is the people that normally drive them. Sorry to have to be so crude in the forum but here they have the name Clit, because every cnut has one.

Not saying they are not a good car but one that comes with a dire reputation
S2 licensed
You will be slower to start with but will get faster.
S2 licensed
Quote from tonyonparas :And I don´t see any reason why some people say that the LFS clutch overheats too quickly.

Normally it is people that have never driven a car, or have only driven an auto and hence have no concept on the correct operation of a clutch. They just assume they are doing it right yet it takes a while of real life clutch use to learn how to operate one right and that it becomes second nature.

The other cause appears to be the auto clutch which sometimes "rides" when it should not and hence builds heat.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :'96 Fiesta here, the only assist I have is a brake booster, and I honestly believe what you describe is the clutch springs and the car moving/squatting (as the handbrake is still on)... If you'd feel the plates engage, the pedal would maybe vibrate (don't know if it'll be good for the material to get that sensation)... Remember that the force they exert is rotational - if any bit of that force would be transfered into the cabin the pedal would have to move sideways...

Yes you are right in that it is just the springs that you feel but because of them you do get a transition feel. If you think about it, you are only starting to work against the springs as the plates start to come apart. Same on the way back up where you are fighting the springs until the plates fully together. Because the clutch is not hydraulic you notice it more.
S2 licensed
If you have Vista run a disk cleanup and remove all but the latest restore point. With a drive that size you will get over 20+Gb back (No joke)

I have a 110Gb Vista paartition and it can eat 20Gb on restore points (Tops out around that level for me)
S2 licensed
I used to really be into Hi-Fi, before I moved to NZ I had the following.

Linn Sondek + Lingo + Naim Aro + Troika
Naim Nac 62 + Nap 180
Ruark Speakers

It was a system that left most peoples jaw on the floor after hearing it. I sold before moving 1/2 way around the world.

Now I mostly listen to music on a PC or MP3 player through headphones. The benefits of instant access to thousands of tracks is more appealing.

I do love the sound of a good hi-fi but the costs involved can get mental. I would need the better part of 10000+UKP to replace the above now. The Sondek components come in over 5000 alone now. It was cheaper when I originally purchased.

The one big trouble with climbing the hi-fi ladder is that the higher you climb the more each step costs. I listen to music more now than ever, its just I can think of better uses for the cash hi-fi requires
S2 licensed
BTW: In some cars you CAN feel the bite point through the pedal. Depends on the car.

In the world of modern over damped and power assist everything cars all you feel through most of the controls is mush. You have to use G feel to tell you want is going on. Drive an old car like an Mini where you are directly connected to what you control and you will understand
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Yeah, our cars clutch overheats every time we go shopping and my bikes clutch overheats every time I commute to work. Super realistic.

In the XXR I have done 10 0-60mph dump starts back to back with NO signs of overheat. I can do the same on all other cars as well.

I have used DXtweal to adjust my bite points so it is more realistic, only about 40% of the pedal travel on my G25 clutch actually does anything.

I have yet to overheat a clutch in LFS, I hate to thik how you drive lol

BTW: I bet any amount you want I can burn out the clutch in your real car in no time at all. Would you like me to show you how?

OP: The clutch heat is not right in LFS BUT it is not as bad as bad drivers bitch. If you drive as you would IRL then you will NEVER burn out a clutch. If you try and exploit the physics, use huge 1st gear and locked diff you are just asking to burn it out.
S2 licensed
Quote from HVS5b :Good fun, but Scotland is a harsh environment to learn in. We call it iceboarding with good reason.

I gave it up up after two shoulder dislocations in a 6 month spell.

Did go to BC for a 3 week session a few years back, what a difference! That was much more like it. Powder doesn't hurt to fall in at all

Yep. I lived in Scotland long enough to know exactly what you mean. Ice and rocks is not a fun surface to ride
S2 licensed
I started about 1994-5 and have been to a fair number of resorts around the world since then. I spent a month in Whistler years back and it has to be a favourite I would love to go back one day. I now live in NZ and have 5 resorts within 1.5 hours of me. These are small scale compared to the massive fields in US, Canada and Europe and we don't get the same number of big powder days

Powder snow is where snowboarding is really at but you need a certain skill level before you should venture "outback" without the safety a resort offers. A great untouched snow face of deep powder can feel like flying on a magic carpet.

I did a heli-board day a few years back. Being dropped on the top of a mountain is a hell of a feeling

If you don't snowboard yet it will take 1+ week of solid boarding to get to a place where you can get around. The learning curve is fast but the pain gets bigger the faster you go. You do reach a point where you fall less but I did bust a few bones getting to that point. I can now ride in near zero viz by feel but prefer not to. Its a great sport that you get more from the better you get
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :the terms "very old" and "Xbox" don't fit together well if you started gaming in the late 80ies

The first games I played were the likes of Pong, Invaders and Tank Command. First home PC game was 3d Monster Maze on ZX81

things have come a long way since ZX81 tape loading and ram pack wobbles
S2 licensed
Wipeout (PS1). It put many off with the brutal learning curve but completing a big race without a crash was a real buzz.

Wipeout 2097 made things easier and was a great game but the original Wipeout tops it

Dungeon Master (Atari ST). Great RPG game of its time.

Stunt Car Racer (Atari ST). Pure race fun.
S2 licensed
If you want a car that is cheap and great fun to drive its the old mini. You feel very close to the machine when you drive one.

They might not be "fast" by current standards but that just misses the point, the mini is all about the fun in corners
8 years ago
S2 licensed
The Onion posted this joke story about G W Bush

OMG, they got so close to the truth!
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :Note: First of all this is MY experience. Pain differs from person to person.........

I found that the first hour was the worst and the outline hurts more than the colouring in. After the first hour time lost its meaning. I just noticed the alternated between pain then no pain as the gun started and stopped.

I drifted off into a strange mental state that is hard to describe.
Last edited by Woz, .
S2 licensed
Quote from der butz :depending on where you'll get it and how much of a tough guy you are it will hurt like hell. For me the hardest bit was in the crook of the arm (sp?), that's where a lot of nerves go through. the elbow (bone) made my head shake while the needles went in, but that was quite okay. Note that there is no proper painkiller available. Alcohol seems easy, but it thins your blood and makes you bleed like a pig. I've heard of a mixture of vaseline and cocaine, supposed to muffle the pain, but well....

Anywhere that is close to the bone hurts. Mine runs up my chest, across the collar bone, over the shoulder and down the top of my arm.

I had no idea what to expect going in. As soon as I felt the first bite of the gun I questioned my sanity

3 hours if INTENSE pain is all I can say which I just had to ride out.

Mine is heavy black so most areas were gone over about 3 times to get the colour depth. The collar bone area was left bruised afterwards, felt like it was through to the bone as the skin is thin there.

NZ has one of the highest rates of tattoo per capita. I am thinking of the traditional way for the next but know that will really hurt
S2 licensed
I got my first as I turned 40. Will prob get some more at some point.

Just make sure the design is what you REALLY want. Don't pick something because it looks cool. You will have to live with it forever. Just remember that the mental space you live later in life is VERY different to where you are now. You might think you will not change but you will and it is impossible to say how.

Pick a design that you feel you can be proud of, you will have it for life. If it will be visible really make sure as it will effect how people will interact with you. Once you have a design you think you like wait and check you still like 2+ weeks later.

I am glad I had mine done!
S2 licensed
For all those that need help on ovals, here is a top Nascar coach talking about the sport and how to win. ... car_coach_reveals_winning

Sounds like the race will be the wrong timezone for me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :More people die of cold weather related health issues per head of population each year in Britain than in Siberia. If it isnt an overcast rainy day, we get confused.

Leaves on the track is enough to shut down the rail network as well remember
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :You guys would have had a heart attack with me today. Even this is nothing to sweat about....

Fun as long as you have a 4*4.

Our Subaru Legacy Outback is not too bad on in that sort of stuff as has intermediate tyres instead of road and it has a bit of clearance.

Quote from mrodgers : Edit: Here's one better. You can clearly see that I was driving slow for the conditions. Road conditions clearly show that I could have been going a bit faster as I could easily see the center lines, but I was working the camera at the time...

Yep clear enough not to be too much of an issue