If you are a developer LOOK at the timeline I posted. If you FAIL to understand the timeline you are NOT a developer. It is a state diagram between 2 "threads" that are in different domains.
I didnt tell you anything apart from "this monkey" knows how to use a computer. You appeared to believe you are the ONLY one that understand computers so I just had to slap that down lol
NOBODY has ever said the animation will slow down anything.
Take a deep breath because once again you show a complete LACK of understanding about what we are even talking about.
We dont want a code snippet. It would be pointless. We just want to know how you stop the animation playing AFTER I have completed the gear change movements MYSELF.
The trouble is you have gut hung up on the word LAG and assumed it means something OTHER than what we are talking about. Look at the context because the mechanical side of things is simple, a control action happens which triggers an animation.
What we are ACTUALLY talking about is that the animation will NOT play until AFTER the gear has changed.
There will be a DELAY (replacement word for lag in this situation) between ME changing gear using MY H shifter and the virtual driver changing gear. The virtual driver will not change gear until the gear HAS ALREADY BEEN CHANGED.
Is it really that hard to comprehend. It MUST be because EVERYONE else in this thread understands EXACTLY what we are talking about apart from YOU!
You are just trying to back out now you have seen my timeline and realised you were WRONG!
BTW, this monkey is a software developer that started writing software in 1980. I have worked on commercial grade flight sims (military and comercial) and in places like Reuters on security etc. I not only know how to use a computer I also know how to tell it to do stuff down to assembly code level.
So COME ON THEN, explain why there will be no "lag" between my hand and that of the driver. You can get as technical as you need, I WILL UNDERSTAND YOU
You just DO NOT understand what we are talking about do you lol
Let me try this...
ME Computer Driver Move had to stick Change gear (Trigger point) Move hand to wheel Move hand to stick Change gear Move hand to wheel
This is the "lag" people are talking about. If you fail to understand it now I have NO IDEA how to make you see lol
We mean that by the time the annimation has played the action has already happened. Looks like your life as a game dev and developer taught you nothing
Last edited by Woz, .
Reason : Added (trigger point) to help ciph understand
Wow you have solved it. Beats my other idea of setting my PC clock forwards 1 second, the time to move my hand from the wheel to shifter, in a hope that the PC would be on different time to me and hence solve the lag that way. It would be on future time compared to me and so would look like it predicted when I shifted.
Unfortunatly that technique has failed to work, no matter how much I change my PCs time settings
So I am sat at my wheel. I move my had to the shifter. Change gear and while my hand is moving back to the wheel the LFS drivers hand will be moving TO the gearstick to change it.
How does LFS know I am moving my hand to the stick. Think about what you are talking about before you post lol
LFS does not know that you are going to change gear, it just knows when you HAVE changed gear. At that point it can trigger the annimation. This means as my hand move back to the wheel I would see the drivers hand moving TO the wheel.
Do you understand yet?
What could be done is that when you start to dip the clutch the animation to move the hand to the stick could start, this would minimise lag but then the drivers hand would move to the stick when you clutch kick and that would look daft.
That isssue highlighted in Race07 can be dealt with easy. When you are braking the animation would change slight to remain on the stick longer. Then when you bang down the gears the had would just stay on the stick.
The point being raised is that on the whole many cars have more than 900 degrees but as most home PC wheels have a max of 900 it makes sense to move the old 720 limit (Set before DFP even existed and most wheels were less than 360 degrees) and bump it to the logical 900 currently supported by DFP and G25
Now I see the problem. This might help, its called the circle of traction. Think of a circle where the inside represents grip and outside is where you have asked too much from the tyre in question. From the centre of the circle up is acceleration, down is braking and left and right when you turn in that direction.
You will notice that if you turn it limits the amount of acceleration or braking force the tyres can deal with before they give out. You have moved away from the centre line because you have appled turning forces. The more you turn the less you can brake or accelerate without losing grip and best acceleration or brakeing can be done in a straight line.
This circle changes size on each tyre as you use weight transfer to get the car to do what you want it to do. IRL its more an oval sort of shape but the principle holds out.
I found early on in sim racing it helps that I tried to think what I was asking of the tyres because I didnt have the other things like changes in G to tell me what was happening.
Driving a car fast on the edge is about balance. In reality you are contacted to the road by 4 small contact patches. You have to learn to manage what they can give you as best you can.
Steering lock is NOT what people are really talking about when they say setup. That is a TINY fraction of what a setup is about. You do realise even tiny changes in diff locking settings can cause or cure the effects you talk about.
Also the engines have MORE inertia in Y. This means having a lead foot (Read KB lumped in here) has more effect on car balance and weight transfer, again something you can dial out with the diff.
You do realise that the next improvements will mean you go through the SAME thing next time dont you.
Last time...
BL1 has changed its layout.
The F1 car changed because the LFS physics changed.
If you can't see that this will REQUIRE a change in your driving then you are playing the WRONG game
I am interested by the "leave the current" votes tbh.
Please show me a road car of TBO spec that would have less than 900 IRL. Most wll be up near the 108o mark TBH.
If you currently use 720 then 900 is not much difference at all and is more realistic. If you use less it does not effect you in the slightest so why vote no.
Hmm, so you agree that going past redline does damage the engine and will completly blow it, something that take HUGE effect in LFS.
The patch X engines had far too high redline, not many actually dispute that. They have been made more realistic in that respect now the redline is lower.
BTW, you can't tune your engine in LFS to allow it to rev into the redline so I ask again...
What is the POINT of allowing the engine into the redline when you can't tune it to allow it to cope with those revs? BTW, peak power is BELOW the redline. This should be interesting to say the least
Change your GEARING not the rev limiter. Who cares if you can allow revs into the redline, its POINTLESS unless you want to damage your engine.
If you bounce your car off the rev limiter IRL remind me NEVER EVER to buy a car from you lol
I get the feeling you think the engines should be able to rev as high as they could Pre Y, tough they are more realistic now. That is ALL that matters
Actually no, let these people change the rev limiter but make the engine damage more agressive. I buggered the engine on a Saab when i bounced it off the rev limiter by mistake.
Go to control panel and the property panel for the G25. There should be a checkbox in there that splits/combines the axis.
The other trick is to download DXTweak. With this you can change the clutch so that it works like a real clutch, where only a part of the travel is when the clutch is active.
Not sure if you drive IRL but if you do and do not mind the posibility of causing damage to your car try and change gear with your food planted all the time.
BTW: In LFS you do not have to lift on any car with sequentail gearbox apart from FMB. Have a look at the gearbox type in the Info page in the setup for each car to see what transmission they have
TC is a road car is even cheaper than that. When I bought my BWM Mini Cooper a while back having TC added to the car cost a massive $100GBP (Don't have the GBP symbol on my NZ keyboard )
This is because all the electronics for it, wheel sensors etc were already in the car. It made use of the ABS sensors to determine car state and then used throttle cut and separate wheel braking to implement.
The real cost was more for the switch on the dash that would otherwise have been a blank plate. The only reason I had it fitted in the end was so I didn't have an empty switch hole in the dash, I always turned off as I hated it with a vengence
Thanks for the quick response and no worries. It was a bit of a sly one bringing up here as this is normally for feedback on the test patches.
I can see there is possibility for hotlap issues etc and had forgot the driver animations etc so do understand its more work than limit changes
At least I know its on the todo stack now. I know that before the G25 it was less of an issue as the DFP didnt get the user base the G25 has managed to get. It will also give the poll some more time to play out but I get the feel the rough counts show TBO and below should increase.