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Quote from Impreza WRX :How about this? If you STOP in the garage as opposed to pit lane, it takes you to the Car Setup screen. Extra realism touch, and easily doable. After all, I don't think I'm the only one that goes into the garage and then Shift-P's to the Setup screen.

Yep, thats better
S2 licensed
Yep, grab it from ThePirateBay. Trent has offically seeded Ghosts I onto TPB servers.
S2 licensed
Has come up loads of times but +1

Would also like the ability to lock only certain settings. Such as gears, diff etc to have seal engine racing but allow susspension changes etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from l3aDb0y :OK heres the thing, I know you can race with gamepads by lowering lock and playing with other settings. Racing isnt the problem for me, yes this is a racing simulator, but I also like to drift. I know drifting is an art, thats why I want some gamepad support, as it is hard to drift smoothly with a gamepad on hot tyres. Holding the stick in areas between the center and full range can be very hard. Trying to go full lock right after you initiate a drift on hot tyres straightens out your car and takes away the smoothness. Since my suggestions are more geared towards drifting, I doubt we gamepadders will get any help, o well, back to trying more thing such as using the analog stick as a mouse axis.

Why not just get a cheap full joystick off ebay or the like. You can pic them up dirt cheap and it solve your issues.

There is no way it will get added to make drift easier. Why should it be easy, its about car balance?
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Available in FLAC also though

I have to say that I tried getting this last night, eventually managed to, and that I was disappointed that it's all "movie" or "background" style music, and entirely instrumental (yes, I know they said this anyway, but still).

That's not say it's bad, because it's certainly not. I was just hoping for a little bit of some classic Trent singing and lyrics They have said that more is coming, so who knows..

I will also point out that I've actually bought it twice, since it's such a decent deal!

I know what you mean that its a departure from his norm But I love Ghosts II & III, nice and brutal. I like his instrumental pieces. There is one on further down the spiral just after hurt that I love. slow mellow and very dark in nature. First time I heard that piece was sat on the cummuter train on the way to London Victoria, just sat there watching out the window and it fitted so well with the drab greyness around me
S2 licensed
Quote from GobLox :I don't see this being implemented but, for the most part, Online racing is pretty different than a race weekend. 10-20 Minutes is a pretty long race online. Most people don't want to commit 1-24 Hours to a single race. in a two hour race 5 minutes for a recovery is significant but the driver would still opt to recover and get back in the race -- it's about 4% of the race. A 5 minute recovery in a 10 Minute race? Why bother. The delay would need to be scaled or it will never be of any use except for the guys who really do run 1+ hour races.
... That's about 25-30 Seconds for a 10 Minute race.

Should not be scaled. Should be pointless in a pickup race. Just because the race is shorter does not mean the crane works faster

Quote from The Very End :-1, but I would like to have a reset button for those cases. But it would be like when you push the buttons, it takes 2 minutes before it happens. Or, you would get a 2 minute penaltie.

Thats why put forward the idea I did. Useful in long enduro races but for pickup races you would loose to much. As it should be.

but yep BIG -1 if anything like the old reset. Was great when that went
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Nine Inch Nails - 13 Ghosts II

I have had Ghosts I-IV on loop through my headphones at work all day.

Back on form again
Nine Inch Nails release Ghosts I-IV
S2 licensed
Wow. This came out of nowhere. 36 track instrumental piece

The first disk is free in 320kbps MP3 and the rest costs from $5 US for the full 36 tracks + artwork pics.

I have had this playing on loop at work. He is back on form.

Ghosts I (The free one) is the quiet one of the 4 and there are some real hash soundscaps in the later disks.

S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :If laps completed < 3, then restart at first lap from the pits AND wait for full repairs.
If laps completed >= 3, then subtract 3 laps from laps completed AND restart from pits AND wait for full repairs.

If you can get out of the trap by yourself, then do so.

I would prefer no jump to pits. People can then use this to get a mashed car repaired. The lift should put you in a safe spot to rejoin the race near where you got stuck.

It should then be up to the person to limp back to the pits if they need a repair.

Also. If requested and you are on your side/roof you should get forced into spectate and your race is over.

Anything else allows a person that wrecked their car to continue a race they would otherwise not be able to.

All that said. The current no reset, race over when stuck is fine. The quality of driving jumped a huge amount after this.
S2 licensed
Quote from l3aDb0y :...........

You are NOT getting what we are saying. We KNOW that a gamepad stick is small and does not allow the subtle control of large JS or a wheel.

Trouble is that Windows only knows what is reported to it. So it knows axis, buttons and if FF or rumble is supported. If a wheel and gamepad both reported the same number of buttons and axis they appear the same to LFS.

So allowing the stabalise effect on a gamepad stick would allow people to use that setting on a wheel or full size joystick. This would be BAD.

LFS is designed for use with a wheel, the main website even says as much. As such the aids allowed are dictated by this.

The KB help used to be much more advanced but 4+ years ago the LFS community went through a HUGE fight (And I mean big big fight) on the RSC forum that resulted in KB steer being as it is today. It used to be too good and so wheel users were not happy.

And for info. Yes I believe, skill level equal, that the wheel driver should be able to beat the gamepad user. The gamepad does not offer the control required and should not be aided to balance this out.

Unless there is a way to make sure it can ONLY EVER be used on small joysticks on gamepads its BIG BIG NO. As stated before, all axis look alike to LFS.

Allowing is just adding another aid that wheel users would use if they felt it gave an advantage.

TBH. I can't see stabalise ever being added to axis.

Last edited by Woz, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :What if "reset car" -button has, say, 30 seconds counter (It takes 30 seconds after you have pressed the button to reset the car). Same thing, different package.

Far far too short a time penalty.

Also, if you are on your roof/side your race should be over.

If you off IRL it eats a huge amount of time if marshals and lifting kit are needed. This is what makes an off costly.

2+ minutes is fair and for me I would prefer 5+. IRL its probably far more.

Anyone asking for less is just looking for a crutch to allow them to continue when they make a mistake. Mistakes are part of racing and people need to learn to live with them.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :If your using analog inputs there should be no modification to inputs applied by LFS IMO. If people insist on using digital inputs I support simply smoothing the input, but in no way have it related to what the car is doing.

You summed up what I was trying to say better
S2 licensed
Quote from Joe_R :hey just my G25 acting normal or not.....whats going on is that when i sit idle on the track my wheel violently turns left to right and right to left very quickly and when im driving its doing the there solution of how to fix it? or is it just something i needed to change in the settings?

  • AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual-Core TK-57
  • 15.4" WXGA High-Definition BrightView widescreen display
  • NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M
  • 2GB DDR2 system memory
  • 160GB hard drive (SATA)
  • 802.11b/g WLAN
  • LightScribe Super Multi 8X DVD R/RW with double layer support
  • Windows Vista Home Premium

Not normal. I can drive down a straight and let go of the wheel and stay going straight.

How do you have your wheel setup. There is a guide somewhere, I am at work at the mo so can't see the settings.


In Control Panel: Set the wheel 720degrees. Set master force strength at 101% and all other sliders to 0.

In LFS: Set you wheel to 720degrees, wheel comp to 1 and FF to anything you like. I run with 40%.

Could be setup related. Some setups are really shite and cause a strange bounce in forces. This coupled with controller lag can cause strange effects
S2 licensed
MODS: Quickly merge this with the last one
S2 licensed
This has come up before. The no car reset was added to improve racing and it has because there is risk associated with an off..

If this were to ever happen you should have to wait the 2+ minutes for the lifting crane and crew to get into position and lift you out of the kitty litter and put you in a safe place to restart from. You don't just push a car out of a sand trap once stuck.

It should NOT be instant. If you off its a mistake that should cost you just like IRL.

No reset was one of the better things to happen to LFS IMHO. It stopped the wrecker morons and took away their fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from sickpuppy :Well woz your theory may sound correct, but i dont see how this would be an advantage seeing as a game pad has no motor connected directly to the joystick thus could not result in the perosn Actually fealing the car like with a wheel or a true FFB Joystick, aswell as having the Force Feed Back yes thats right Force Feed Back <<< what us wheel users fealing the cars position in game and linear changes, what you probably meant was Rumble a tiny little motor inside the game controller with an off balanced wieght designed to make vibrations, thats all it can do and will ever do unless you can hook the joystick of the gamepad directly to a motor to simulate what a person would feel on a wheel and in real life. so +1 from me as i cant see how a wheel user can benifit from stabalisation seeing as we already have it with >Force Feed Back< centering springs and dampers.

No. I meant FFB is not an aid it is just the wheel doing what the wheel would do IRL. While stabalised means that the countersteer happens while you still hold the steering in the direction you want to go.

The driver aids have been removed one by one so adding one back in is a backwards step. Stabalised helps with countersteer and so allowing on analoge axis is just bad, it WILL be exploited.

For gamepads you could try and ramp up steer smooth in LFS. This might be what you are looking for.

But anything more on an analoge axis is big big -1 from me.
S2 licensed
Quote from l3aDb0y :IMO gamepad/joysticks should be put in a different category then a wheel wich can turn usually atleast 180 degrees. Gamepad analog stick turns less then an inch, no way to turn as smoothly as a wheel. Gamepads dont have FFB like wheels, some have rumble support but its not wheel like FFB. From what people tell me and from what I see in videos, the automated countersteer KS does isnt so different from FFB wheels. There is no way that I know of to add FFb to an analog stick, so the best alternative imo would be to make gamepad steering stabilized like KS.

There are some joysticks that have real FFB, but most gamepads don't have that feature. Its not much of a driving aid, but if u ever tried steering with a gamepad, or tried endurace racing/drifting on hot tyres, you would see why this would be a nice feature. When drifting on hot tyres, you need to be able to countersteer smoothly/constantly, almost impossible on gamepad as it springs back to center the instant u let go of the stick. Yes you can try to move the stick real slow and progressively, but that is very hard, and it isnt really precise either, its jumpy.

Without this feature, the front tyres wear incredibly fast because of the constant lock to lock turning.( Talking about driving with XRT, the same would go for all other RWD's I assume, and other cars too probally).

Unfortunatly I think a gamepad might report the same as a wheel and full joystick to windows. Just gives axis and buttons and if FF is present. So allowing would allow on all similar controllers.

The auto countersteer IS different to wheel in that the wheel in that the wheel only moves if FF is given move signals. This is what a wheel does IRL

The auto countersteer means you can still steer left and have the auto countersteer kick in and turn right to correct.
S2 licensed
If you mean for the analoge input of a gamepad then big big -1 from me.

The reason being it could be used for joysticks and wheels as well which then becomes another driver aid.

If done should ONLY be allowed against digital buttons on the gamepad.
S2 licensed
best if you tweak to leave as High and not realtime as that could starve the OS of cycles and effect LFS in other ways.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Yep jagged, ragged, sparse (whatever you want to call them) is an old term used well before C#.
S2 licensed
MODS: Can we just merge this thread with another smoke request thread?
S2 licensed
Quote from pizza_delivery :I have a laptop and it's not the best specs. I was wondering what kind of tweaks you can do to lfs to get the best frame rate possible. I don't want to lower the resolution as it looks like ass on my WXGA lcd.

I get stable 50+ fps on my 4 your old lappy. ADM64 3000+ ATI9600Pro 64Mb gfx and 512DDR

I run at 1024*768, 16bit, dither, multi player speed up, half texture size. Not the best visuals but once its all moving its fine.

Depends on your lappy but must be better that what I use
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :I don't understand why this thread sparks so much discussion and rage. It's completely pointless.

Actually in me it did not spark any rage at all. I actually wrote what I did in a calm calculating state of mind.

The discussion part is easy though. It highlighted differences in the "cultures" present here and thats always interesting. Even when things do get well OT.

It could be that nobody here was angry. Reading back I detect frustration from Stang at what he perceives as nit picking from me, hope I clear that up later

The rest just looked like unguarded words IMHO. Cant see any rage

Quote from Stang70Fastback :STFU NOOB!!!

Juuuust kiddinggggg



Time for some zen shite now

When I write I write very direct. I NEVER sugar cost and I never worry if the words I write might cause offiense if someone reads in the wrong light.

I have lived long enough and in enough different cultures to know I will always find someone that will take offense no matter what I write, say or do no matter how I wrap it for them. That is just the downside of human language and communication.

Unless you can see a face move while talking there is no context

We have all had very different lives and so our perceptions, moralities, views on what is acceptable, right and wrong and are all different. Because of this we all read the same words and pick up a different tone

I am a software developer that spends most of my working life below the user interface level. So for much of my day I deal in very black and white mind states, things like units matter, everything has to be nailed down in meaning 100%.

When context is missing I try and get people to refine their word because english is a VERY imprecise language. Most flame wars start because people have read words in a light they were not meant. When people assume the real fights start

AndroidXP: I raised the coffee issue to highlight why TC is probably far more common in the court happy world of the US than say UK or other countries. We already know its an industry that calcuates the cost of deaths aginst the cost of fixing a car issue.

BTW: I never realised she was the passenger in stopped car. Knowing that now actually makes me feel she was actually even more stupid.

I have only seen one person spill coffee in their lap. I was at a friends, a group of 8-10 of us in the lounge watching TV. One mate all of a sudden jumped up and stripped in great panic with everyone thinking WTF.

We then found he had been sat on sofa with a coffe cup in lap, jumped at the film and emptied the coffee in his lap.

He did not sit there for 90 seconds thinking "hmmm, yep that hurts a lot". It was painful enough that he just stripped in public to get the hot liquid away from his skin. She sat there for 90 seconds in the hot liquid. I can almost hear her thoughts "Aaaaaargh, **** that hurt. What should I do. I know I will just sit here and see if it goes away. Aaaaargh. **** no. Still hurts. Hmmm what should I do. ....." goes on and on lol
S2 licensed
+1 but only if qualify session enabled