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S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :I guess I shouldn't have been so general. My astro van and my miata both have around 960. I shouldn't have generalized.

That sounds about right for the FF for me as well except i run 105 in lfs and 110 in the drivers

Yep I would expect something like a Miata to be small lock. The Fraizer (Lotus 7 clone my boss runs) is 900 and I am sure the JMC Works Mini Cooper S I drove for a bit was down there, the standard Cooper is a lot higher though.

you only need 101 in the drivers to get better forces, cant believe you run 105 in LFS though. You must have massive arms
S2 licensed
Has to be Bad Taste.... Any movie where the main character uses a lawn mower to carve his way through Zombies has to be right up there lol

28 [Days|Weeks] Later are great. If you like these you need to get Left4Dead as great FPS where the standard Zombies based on the the zombies from this film.
S2 licensed
Quote from runeman :One time it actually fired with the breach open, woah... was that loud even through plugs.

Take the gun to the shop so you dont kill yourself!
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :The animation shouldn't be a problem anymore, since the Scirocco seemed to have 900 degree steering with hand animation at the game convention last year.

Good news. Means we can really use all 900 rotation along with wheel turn comp 1
S2 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :most cars are more like 960deg

Most cars ar 1080 tbh. Very few road cars will have anything like 900 lock.

The other thing to take into account is that man LFS sets have max lock available set for steering while many road cars are less than this.

So couple much more rotational lock and also less turning lock and this highlights why it feels like this in LFS.

Best setup at the mo for G25 is as follows
720 steering lock in driver and LFS
101% FF in driver
??% FF in LFS (adjust to suit but 30-40% is good)
Wheel turn comp in LFS set to 1

Now you wheel turn in LFS and on the G25 will match 100%.

I asked for road cars with 900deg lock in LFS ages ago and Scawen said not easy at the time because the need for new animation along with invalidation of replays.

Now we have the major update and a real car like the VW lets hope most road cars move to 900+ natural lock
S2 licensed
Quote from shurcooL :Ok, so it is the extra limitations when you're sitting in a sports car vs. a regular street car. Because in the latter, looking almost 180 degrees behind is clearly possible (it does take some time).

Thanks, that seems to answer my question.

Edit: Speaking about the mirrors, they're a little misleading vs. real life mirrors because of the way the reflection is calculated. It's not a true image that you would see from the driver eye's POV. But this is clearly a rendering limitation.

Yep IRL you can look right back but only if your shoulder blades are off the seat, something only possible in a strandard 3 point car seatbelt.

A 5 point is designed such that you are in the seat and that is it. Try looking back IRL sat normally and ONLY moving your head and you will see what I mean

The gains you get IRL though is that your peripheral vision is far greater than in LFS, something you can only solve with a 3 screen setup

Yep the mirrors are a cheat and the wing mirrors only show the rear chopped in half. This is a render cheat to use a single rear render instead of 3 different sets of views that would all need calculation.
S2 licensed
It was limited because IRL there is no way you could turn your head that much due to the limits imposed by the like of 5points, helmet and Hans etc.

90 is not that limiting in reality because the mirrors etc.

S2 licensed
My hope is the physics update that has delayed VW will be enough to kill locked diffs as the popular physics exploit it is.

If after a while we see slip diffs instead of locked in WR we know the changes are good
S2 licensed
So we have put the wrong words on your mouth... I will give you a chance to expand so we know what you mean...

Quote from carey :Err... in real life and, other (possibly) more realistic games, you don't have the chance to correct a car if you've approached a corner incorrectly.

Please expand. I read this to mean it is IMPOSSIBLE to correct mistakes mid corner. What do you mean.

NOTE: There is an ideal line in racing BUT every race driver should be able to use the wrong line in a corner or they SHOULD NOT BE ON THE TRACK! This is the nature of racing because the ideal line is not always available!

Quote from carey :We may have to agree to disagree on this one. Formula 1 drivers (well the majority of them) seem to know when they’re approaching a corner incorrectly and, adjust before hand.

EVERY race driver preps before a corner BUT this is racing so no corner entry is PERFECT. This is again the nature of racing. Every driver MUST be able to adapt to changing situations or again they SHOULD NOT BE ON THE TRACK!

Quote from carey :I wonder what makes you a better racer overall though, the games that reward an outright attack approach, or those that get you thinking about the twisty bits before they arrive.

A good racer needs both. They need to prepare BEFORE but then adapt because of situations. Out braking and hence being off line is a standard overtake practice! So you need the aggression to out brake then hold your line and possibly give the other driver space around the corner. All requires CONSTANT adaptation through the corner.

Quote from carey :Drift cars are completely different. When other young people I know try and drift in their cars, they end up curbing the thing!

You can drift any RWD car.... ANY RWD car! This is FACT and impossible to dispute at all. If you know people who try and drift but can't that just means lack of skill/experience. It does not prove that drifting any car is impossible lol

Quote from Degats :I'll just leave this here...

Degats.. how dare you. That is just impossible lol

Quote from carey :Yes, but you also see some unbelievable driving where with one smooth input (ie; not Felipe Massa in his Sauber days), they enter a corner and exit without any drama.

Because there are differences in style on how people drive. Some slightly under drive and some slightly overdrive their cars. Both are valid techniques!

Quote from carey :Tell all the people I know who have bent chassis arms and broken drive shafts then.

People pushing cars beyond their skill level you mean

Quote from carey :Is this the quickest way?

You and Degats both need to read the entire thread, as this started out as a disagreement between myself and, Tristan where he said the quickest way round a corner was to make your corrections when you had taken a corner (and I debated that top-draw drivers try and make these before as it’s the quickest way round).

Actually the quickest way ONLY came up in THIS post. Trist just pointed out that when you put to limits you need to correct. Even if they are just subtle micro adjustments that are not really visible on cam etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :All your posts

I have to say that you appear to speak with the knowledge of someone that has not actually driven a car. If you have then someone that has not spent real time exploring the limits of grip, just driving around town which is NOTHING like the driving in LFS.

As to you saying don't drive with eyes closed... I NEVER SAID THAT. I said drive with ONE EYE closed at 60mph (Very slow speed in reality) to see what a lack of depth perception does. This is similar to driving in LFS where there is NO depth perception. If someone does this in an unsafe place and hurts themselves you could say it is natural selection at work!

Most people that complain about grip in LFS don't realise they are driving far faster than they think then wonder why it feels like ice. I real life try and take a roundabout at 60mph and see how ice like everything feels rotf

1) LFS grip IS too high. A road car like the GTi should not pull 1.1+G in a corner.
2) If you can't catch a mistake in a corner you have entered too hot. That is just driver error. Even high speed high downforce like F1 you constantly see some drivers fight and catch the car in corners.

Answer me this... If it is not possible to catch a car when out of shape how the hell do drifters drift? (This should be a great read)
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :.....

I know what you mean. Its one reason (apart from cost) that I didn't join iRacing. It is just too anal with its set race start times etc

Things like CTRA show that people want game like structures even in a sim. It controlled access to content and its ratings system acted like a big highscore table. Was most popular thing in LFS while it was active
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Sorry for hijaking this thread, but the one that said LFS is a sim and not a game.. I disagree. Even if it tries to simulate the real life racing it's still a game. I would say it's somewhere between a simulator and a game, but denying it's a game just isn't right, in my eyes.

And lol at the drug reply

It's a good point, I guess the point I was trying to make is that the goal/ideal of LFS is simulation while something like Dirt is an out and out game.

This means in Dirt things like ease of play matter because that is what sell games. Control via d-pad or keyboard matters more than supporting a G25.

In LFS things that go against sim get removed in the end. No options to turn off damage or stop tyre and clutch heat/wear. The old "perfect" keyboard system and credits to unlock stuff was gutted.

Hence why I call LFS a sim not game

BTW: Not bashing games for being games. I have been a gamer since the Commodore PET and love racing games, Wipeout and Wipeout 2097 probably took as much of my life from me as LFS lol
S2 licensed
Quote from carey :I don’t agree completely about Richard Burns Rally, as the earlier McRae games where pretty good, but DIRT was a piece of crap just created to cater for arcade racers (along with GRID that used the same engine).

RBR is thought of as one of the BEST loose surface simulations. There is nothing really better even in todays sim world for loose surfaces so believe what you want. RBR does get a bit iffy on tarmac though.

For info...The early McRae games used the standard central pivot system that has made most codemasters race titles games and not sims. Its just they used better grip levels than todays titles which cater for people with a 2 second attention span.

Quote from iFastLT :Or maybe G meter shows wrong data?

Or it could just be that your perception of how much grip there should be is just wrong!

Too many people bitch and then when you watch a replay they have recorded they are over driving the tyres then try and corner far far too fast on cooked tyres.

In real life you have G force and fear of injury to temper over driving etc. In sim racing all this is removed which leads to many newer people having poor perception of speed.

In your car in real life get maintain a steady 60mph then drive with one eye closed. This will narrow your field of view and remove depth perception. Everything will look quiet slow now (Good simulation of what you see through the screen in a sim)
S2 licensed
Quote from Juusom95 :There's not enough grip!!!
Especially RAC

You are being too heavy with you foot on the loud pedal!!!

Quote from Juusom95 :Yeah i've heard about it but in Colin McRae DiRT is just enough grip

LFS is a sim NOT a game. Try Richard Burns Rally and it will show you that Dirt is not too far removed from Mario Carts

To sum up... LFS has too much grip in the tyres. There are issues on how it breaks grip in some situations BUT on the whole it is not that far off.
S2 licensed
regex is my pet hate, like others here

I have a problem. I know I will use regex... Now I have two problems
S2 licensed
I am with a few here, this could be very good.

Who cares what the setting is, if it uses NKP physics it will make the game V interesting to race. Also zero downforce race cars are far more fun

All your standard mmo players will try an buy skill but in the end with sim racing its down to skill.

As it is free I will give it a try
Victory - The age of racing. Why NKP is quiet!
S2 licensed

Looks like this is the reason nothing happened with NKP. It ended up a showcase to sell the physics egine from!

This could be very interesting though.
S2 licensed
I used to think the same but as it is now forces you to experience different tranny types, a good thing
S2 licensed
Live track with off line loss of grip and rubber marbles build up would add more
S2 licensed
I get the feeling AVG have backed down. Their forum was being flooded and they kept removing all the threads.

Not had a nag recently so only reason must be a climb down lol
S2 licensed
I have used a number of wheels over the years. The DFP (Had for a couple of years) has reall gearing lag issues compared to the G25. Single bit motor vs 2 small nimble motors.

I never used the DFP pedals so cant comment as used ActLabs pedals and shifter with the DFP.

G25 is a great wheet though. Worth the cash if you are into sim racing!
S2 licensed
Here are some classics

NIN - Hurt - The J. Cash cover was good but this one sends chills through me. Guess the Kermit the Frog cover is the definitive one though

Radiohead - Fade Out - "This machine will... will not communicate... These thoughts and the strain I am under." From the masters of whiny

Joy Division - 24 Hours - For me one of their most haunting.

Lou Reed - Caroline Says PtII - Brutal brutal song off the Berlin album.
AVG Free has become a nag monster...
S2 licensed
AVG has decided its a good idea to nag for a paid upgrade every time I book my machine so its time to bin AVG after years of use.

Avast or Antivir? Which gives least false positives and is the most lightweight?
Speculation on current test patch
S2 licensed
Those that have been around LFS long enough to go through many patch cycles must have been struck by how different from the norm the current Z?? test patches have been.

Normally a test patch would go through a few revisions to clean up issues then the next real release would come out.

The current Z patches started before Xmas when the new car was announced and since then there have been a few patch revisions fixing minor issues but nothing else. Looking through the patch changes reveals nothing as most of the fixes have been very minor tidy ups and have not included the new car.

So here comes the speculation. Given there will be a few development streams (Current release and future changes) it appears most of the effort in now focused on the future versions. So does that mean the VW will be part of S3 and hence S3 is closer than we think.

It has been many years since S2 now and we have had glimpses of new track areas in South City etc. This patch cycle has just been so very strange in nature!
S2 licensed
If this were implemented it opens whole new areas in LFS.

Things like:

- Race series where handycaps are put in place based on position in the last race etc to balance racing.
- Spec racing where every car is known to be exactly the same.
- Things like the Baby Mini & GT series can be enforced properly and become new "car" types.
- Block unrealistic set options or only allow settings in specific ranges. Such as the V8s choice of 3 diffs etc
- Hell, even the cruise servers benefit as they could bodge a form of tuning with this via hanycaps and locked sets.