Jeff, you do realize that your arguments can also be used on negroes? They're born that way, they're a minority, they have a subculture, some kinds of unwanted behavior is more prevalent among blacks, ... Everything you need to declare them "abnormal", and deny them full rights on whatever you wish.
And about the Constitution: when the Founding Fathers wrote about the rights of every man, they probably weren't thinking of women or slaves.
1. You're thinking this is the time to choose your path in life -- who to love, what studies, which career, etc. -- but you're afraid to make a choice. You feel you will get only one chance, so you choice needs to be perfect, and there's no compass telling you which way is best.
2. The path had been set out for you, either by your parents or by society as whole, but lately that has started to feel wrong.
If you are wondering about that, then perhaps it's best to not go looking for a GF. But my answer to that would be: For company. Really, really good company that may/will turn out to be love.
The operative word being "consent". If two persons have sex but one of them is incapable to decide for him/herself, then it should be forbidden. That not only holds for sex with minors, but also for people who are mentally handicapped, or drugged. But if two mature men decide to have sex because they enjoy it, then what would you have against it?
Yes, as research. I think they wanted to find out if a body can withstand high accelerations, like on an astronaut's body during launch. They sedate the pig to make sure that it won't die from stress. It may look odd, but it's not crazy.
I meant that if Billy is gay -- which is determined at or before birth AFAIK -- and he is told that gays are abnormal/sinful/dirty, then that is damaging and it might drive him into depression. But if you tell him that being straight or gay are options that are open to anyone, then he is free to discover his own feelings (at whatever age those may come).
You don't believe that it's harmful? Imagine you live in a country where being gay is the norm, and you are forced to choose yourself a same-sex partner, even though you know you can only love women.
Hank, much as I am against Proposition 8 and I can see why you're passionate about this: I think it helps if you try to understand how the other side thinks, instead of demonizing them.
Jonathan Haidt has done some interesting research on what separates conservatives from liberals, in terms of morality. Quoting from this article:
Going OT...
OK, now define "conservative estimate", if you dare.
Do they teach the kids about anal sex and darkrooms? Or do they tell stories like "boy meets boy and they love each other deeply?"
Then you probably also object to the part where Cinderella marries the Prince.
I think it is. When my kids were in kindergarten, they noticed that some kids have two moms. If your child brings up the subject, you can say that some people are built that way, and that it's OK. If you don't then your kid may be struggling with its feelings as it grows up, even to the point of depression and suicide. Or, like in the old days, the kid could deny its feelings, marry someone and live unhappily ever after.
"It is not normal" - So what? Why should anything that is outside the average be forbidden? If you want to forbid something, you need to prove that it is harmful.
"It is bad for children to grow up in a same-sex family" - We accept single-parent families. It won't harm if a kid has two loving mothers instead of one.
"It is against God's wishes" - God has been a bit careless, and has left His words open to many interpretations. Hard to say which one is correct.
"It is against nature" - You can't base your morals on things that happen in nature. Cannibalism, rape and infanticide are also natural, and even logically justifiable.
"The purpose of marriage is to have children and raise them" - Same-sex couples can also have children (or adopt them). Besides, women who are past their reproductive age are still allowed to marry, and divorce is not mandatory if a couple is infertile.
The only real reason that I can see is that you, as a conservative, do not like things to change too fast. Conservatives fear that fast change will damage the fabric of society, and lead to catastrophe. And same-sex marriage is so far outside "normal" (or what you have been brought up to see as normal) that you do not like it, instinctively.
If it is harmful to teach heterosexually-oriented kids that homosexuality is acceptable, then it is also harmful to teach homosexually-oriented children that heterosexuality is the only option.
BTW, if you think that kids can be made to doubt their orientation by "propaganda":
It does not ensure equal rights, I think. Proposition 8 also denies validity to same-sex marriages from other states. So a gay couple that moves from Massachusetts to California would not get their marriage recognized.
Before someone uses this as an argument in the debate, I should point out that infanticide is also natural: it has been observed widely among animals, and in some circumstances it makes evolutionary sense (i.e. it produces more offspring).
Yes, it is. The Supreme Court struck down Proposition 22 because it was in conflict with the consitution, IIRC. If the people of California want to ban same-sex marriage, they need to change the constitution. (Which is what Proposition 8 is about.)
The judges simply did what is their primary task: guard the consistency of the laws. This is part of the normal process of creating laws in a democracy. Calling the judges "activists" is cheap. It makes you look like a whiner.
Let me get his straight. There are two types of marriage, in which the partners have exactly the same rights? But one type of marriage is called marriage and the other not. So gay couples can effectively be married, with every right that belongs to it, except being called "married"? That's ridiculous, or rather, hypocritical. If the majority is against recognition of same-sex couples, then they should ban this too.
Looks like Window Washer removed a couple of bitmaps from the browser cache, that were used for the forum pages. Have you tried to switch off all "browser cleaning" in Window Washer?
BTW, I wonder what Window Washer can add to the privacy features that Firefox has. You've already got cookie control, clearing private data, etc.
This is according to the script, I guess. FIA wants to reduce the advantage that a big budget gives you, so it's only natural that the teams with the largest budgets will object. Especially Ferrari, because the engine is traditionally the strongest point of their cars.
Or perhaps this is an "honourable" way to retreat from F1 without mentioning the economic crisis.
If you're looking for a place to eat, try an Indonesian restaurant. Thanks to our colonial heritage <ahem>, you can get a pretty good Rijsttafel in Amsterdam. And if you dont like Indonesian cuisine, try one of the other 52 nationalities. (If you don't like food there is also a McDonald's.)
No need to ridicule the OP. He wants an S2 license and is willing to work for it. He offers to make someone a website in exchange for an S2 voucher. Any constructive replies?