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S3 licensed
Awesome movie, its kinda old, but I love it.
S3 licensed
Sorry fo bump, but where do i even go to find these stats?
S3 licensed
IMO, the paddles are ugly. But otherwise, asside from no shifter, seems like a good wheel. But i would NOT pay anywhere near that amount for the same reason that RasmusL said.
S3 licensed
Ridin solo-Jason Derulo
Like a G6-Far East Movement
Whoa is me-Down With Webster
Love the way you lie-Eminem ft.Rihanna
S3 licensed
Nothing you can do about that, I have the same thing with my G25, apparently logitech was trying to fix or do somthing when they made that low force zone, but obviously they failed, I'm not positive, but I think I remember reading about it on this forum some time ago.
S3 licensed ... mp;stc=1&d=1294102410
I know, old, but its an awesome phone, I love it, Ive dropped it countless times, on all sorts of surfaces, its indestructable.
S3 licensed
Okay Okay chill, I'm sorry, I was bored and had nothing better to do. Sorry if you took it in a bad way.
S3 licensed
Quote from kristipops1 :nice one man

Read the date of the most recent post in the thread you are about to post in. Otherwise, things like this will happen when you post in a thread 5 years old and make yourself look like a noob (sorry, cant think of any other nicer word)
S3 licensed
Happy New Year!
S3 licensed
Sweet, great job
S3 licensed
Quote from sjava :It wasnt that bad,u understood all those words

Ye, I understand him, just pointing out some mispelled words so he becomes better at english
S3 licensed
Quote from WinterDj :@91mason91: When I post this post, you probably gonna find something wrong about the song or something and turn that against me.. I know you guys right. Anyway, the first song is: "Amanda by Aisha Duo" and the second one is "Alive and Amplified by The Mooney Suzuuki" or something..

And bytheway: Why do you guys keep thumbing my video down on youtube just because you THINK I cracked the game? Does the video really suck that bad? I do not think this is the right place for constructive critism..

Dude, there is no way in hell you did not hack the game. Unless you are absolutely amazing at editing videos, there is no way.
S3 licensed
Quote from WinterDj :@Zay: Dude, it was meant as sarcasm! Offcourse it's not me racing! I don't have any cars other than the demo cars! I just edited the clips! And the drift was never meant to be good..

Riiight, too late, nice try though.
S3 licensed
CORRECT on left, WRONG on right
am em
have haw
learned lurned
made mad
now naw
registering registarting
good god
fixed fixsed
too tu
fun funn
there ther
I may have missed some, but those are a few to help you with your english
Sorry, im bored.
Last edited by Zay, . Reason : :X
S3 licensed
Quote from WinterDj :Seriously? Yeah, thats me.. With a keyboard. I hope your'e not messing with me.

Nice knowin ya! BTW, that driving is horrible, and modding LFS cars is not allowed! (other than DDS). Therefore, you will be banned, since that is a VOB mod.
S3 licensed
Dude, is that you that was driving in that? Tell me, cuz thats really good driving!
S3 licensed
Ye, its possible. Just go into options/controls. Click on ALT + or CTRL +. First assign a wheel button, then beside it to the left type /press F9 or F10, F11, etc. You could do this with any other command to. Say you wanted to turn the lights on with a wheel button. You would assign a wheel button and beside it type /press 3.
S3 licensed
Quote from sjava :Pimp my pride

Dude! dont quote the images too lol.
S3 licensed
Have you selected your skin from the skins list? And have you saved it to your LFS/Data/Skins folder?
S3 licensed
Quote from CoolColJ :No deadzone options so far. You should have got a Driving Force GT wheel instead. I don't even think the wheel you have is officially supported

Nah, I like my wheels. And it works fine, other than the brake. But thanks for clearing that up! I guess I will just have to use the controller till there are deadzones.
S3 licensed
Got GT5 along with a Thrustmaster ferrari GT experiance.
I have two major problems.
1. When I am not even touching the brake pedal ingame there is about a 5% of brake. I have searched a bit on google and apparently this is a problem with GT5, not my wheel, as there is no deadzone options. Is this true? If it's not, where are the deadzone options?
2. my weel turns 90 degrees left and right. I have to turn 70 degrees to get any ingame responce at all? Like i said, i am wondering if there is a deadzone option.
Thanks in advance,
S3 licensed
Gran turismo 5-happy that i got it for sure
NFS hot pursuit
iPod nano(since my walkman went through the wash:P)
Some novels(i love reading)
A bit of money(incl. gift cards)
And a few other things.
S3 licensed
Haha, cracks illegal, thanks for making my day start off amazing!
S3 licensed
Hey man, any progress. (sorry, question mark isnt workin lol)