Quote from poster2000 :Yo me iría en el primer ADO que salga para méxico, no se a q hora salga ni a que hora llega allá, pero pues falta bastantito todavía para investigar y ponernos de acuerdo.

Creo que hace 5 hrs.
Mañana hay Carrera de S2 del campeonato de Michelin verdad?
Aston Historic


vengo llegando
vientos, pues mañana nos vemos en la pista!
Suerte a los q corran
mi pc esta medio muerta :-/
Quote from chanoman315 :mi pc esta medio muerta :-/

mm si el problema que comentabas en la otra sección

pues ni modo, apurale a repararla para que estés presente en las siguientes 2 fechas.

No habrá skins oficiales para la carrera??? si no yo ya tengo listo el mio jejeje
hay skin?
Yo traigo uno que creo que publicó Poster para el FBM.. sirve?
Quote from oscarcer :hay skin?
Yo traigo uno que creo que publicó Poster para el FBM.. sirve?

no, ese es para FBM

Ayer hice uno para el F08, acá lo dejo para utilizarlo si es que no hay oficial pero alguien subalo a LFSW:
Attached images
huy.. hoy si ni la vi... voy llegando (como a las 11 pm) quien gano o que?? felicidades a quien hall agana'o!!

Putsss a mi se me olvido por completo, chales.
Quote from compa :huy.. hoy si ni la vi... voy llegando (como a las 11 pm) quien gano o que?? felicidades a quien hall agana'o!!


Quote from yuen_drifter :

Felicidades we!!!

No tuve electricidad, así es que me dormí tempra, es más, hoy en la mañana cuando salí a trabajar aún no se restablecía...

horrible mi carrera, espero vaya mejor la porx semana, o les toca a los demos???
Quote from Sir San :horrible mi carrera, espero vaya mejor la porx semana, o les toca a los demos???

S2, penúitlima fecha

Quote from Sir San :horrible mi carrera, espero vaya mejor la porx semana, o les toca a los demos???

hijole la mia fue peor

A toda madre logre calificar en segundo, pense que me iba a ir bien en la carrera pero desde la arrancada la regué, sali bien lento para que el coche no se me patinara y ahi vali, quedé en 5to, y a lo largo de la carrera me derrapé muchas veces, hasta que quedé en septimo lugar
Hola Jóvenes bueno pues gracias al reciente brote de Infuelnza porcina, acabo de recibir el comunicado de prensa de que la carrera en México ha sido cancelada.

Date: 29 April 2009
Press release number: 0429
Embargo date: For immediate release

A1GP Mexico City Cancelled

London, Great Britain A1GP World Cup of Motorsport has been forced to cancel round eight of the 2008/09 season, A1GP Mexico City, Mexico on 22-24 May after the recent outbreaks of swine flu and the advisory from the UK Foreign Office to cancel non essential travel to the country.
“To say we are disappointed to have to make this call is an understatement,” said A1GP Chairman, Tony Teixeira. “When the news of the health problems broke last week we made sure we kept ourselves up to date with the latest information. It soon became obvious this was not an isolated health risk, and when the UK Foreign Office put out its advisory and the World Health Organization raised the level of influenza pandemic alert that was when we had to make our decision. We must have the safety of all members of the A1GP community as well as the thousands of loyal fans in Mexico City as our prime concern,” he added.
The cargo was due to be flown out to Mexico directly after the Brands Hatch race and so this was another factor in the decision. “If we had flown our cars out and not been able to send the teams to run them it would have been a waste of time and money. However, this cancellation does not impact on the future of the series and once Brands Hatch is over we shall be concentrating on Season Five, for which plans are already well advanced,” said Teixeira.
Now this weekend’s race A1GP Brands Hatch, Great Britain will be the final round of the championship. Going into this race there are three teams A1Team Switzerland, A1 Team Ireland and A1 Team Portugal who can still win the coveted trophy. This will mean the title race will go down to the wire as none of these teams can win the title in the Sprint race.
The permutations are numerous and complicated meaning it will be a real cliff hanger and are as follows:
Switzerland will win the title if the following cases BOTH happen
* Ireland scores less than 3 points or Switzerland outscores Ireland by at least 2 points
+ Portugal scores less than 7 points or Portugal doesn't outscore Switzerland by more than 2 points
+ if scores are tied Switzerland need to maintain its better tie-break results – presently Switzerland has four wins to Ireland’s three and Portugal's one

Ireland will win the title if the following ALL happen
* Ireland scores at least 3 points
+ Ireland doesn't lose more than 1 point to Switzerland
+ Ireland doesn't lose more than 4 points to Portugal
+ if scores are tied Ireland needs to have better tie-break results – presently Switzerland has four wins to Ireland’s three, and Portugal's one

Portugal will win the title if the following ALL happen
* Portugal scores at least 7 points
+ Portugal outscores Switzerland by at least 3 points
+ Portugal outscores Ireland by at least 5 points

If nations are tied on points at the end of the season, the number of victories will determine the champion. If that is the same, it is number of second places, then third places and so on until a winner is determined.

Realmente lo lamento mucho por todos los pilotos que habian estado participando por los boletos. Dejaremos las cosas solos suspendidas para ver que resolucion nos da Michelin.

Los mantendre informados


Es lo mejor que pudo haber pasádo, la verdad es que la situación es altamente delicada.

Es de comprendérse.