The online racing simulator
Quote from IReallyHateBureaucracy : It's all very well watching but you have to try it live (as in live radio ) to really get it, I think.

When i was new to LFS, I would ask faster drivers if they could help me, and in an appropriate place - such as a server with only a few people messing around, and not a full server in mid race - and they almost always
were willing to help.

It's hard to believe how many people just jump into a full server, in mid race, crash in the first turn, or into someone else, go the to pits, and repeat the process until the race is over.

It would be good if the training lessons were 1) manditory and 2) included basic RACE skills. Things like joining the track when other racers are already racing, rejoining the track after going off, and so on. Maybe incorporate some of the CRC rules into a lesson that had to be completed.

I don't think it could be a training lesson, but, it would be great if there was one that taught people to not ask for restarts 5 seconds after they join a server...especially in 5 lap races....and NOT say "Hey Race Leader, can I have your set?" in the middle of the race.

This program is created to make an effort at keeping your DotA games free of notorious leavers. Thereby it offers a local database (to which you can add people yourself) to alert you when a "leaver" joins your game or someone you've kept some information about.

The program can do this in various ways:

* Play a sound as soon as a leaver is detected, or banned.

* Display a text in-game floating at the top of your screen.

* Copy a text into the clipboard, so you can view the comment by pressing CTRL-V.

Further features include:

* Synchronization with other people's banlists via the Buddy Banlist System

* Integration of clans' banlists / safelists.


So to these who are not familiar with this concept, games such as warcraft3 (and its dota mod) involve games running 1 hour or longer, and usually has several players on each team, whenever one of the teammembers leave, it kind of ruins the game for everyone else, possible reasons for leaving might be -they are losing bad, they dont like the teams, or they just cant be bothered

not this isnt a issue in LFS, but it has a similar effect as wreckers, and I think something like this can work!

so lemme go through it briefly. Whenever a wreckers shows up, people in the server can choose to 'mark' the wrecker, so next time that wrecker joins a server, and if the server is running the program, it will display something like driver name (username) (12) has joined the server. The 12 beings how many times he has been marked,that way admins and drivers can make an informed decision one whether to kick that driver or not. Maybe it is possible for servers to set scripts to automatically prevent users with a certain number of wreckin points to join.

Thats the basic gist of the idea, sorry i dont have time to get into it, and I do know there are potential flaws and ways the system can be exploited, but I think its something....
Quote from thisnameistaken :To be honest I very, very rarely see deliberate wrecking on S2 servers. I do see a lot of inconsiderate driving though, and a lot of newbies joining servers full of fast guys and not actually trying to stay out of trouble.

Even saw one clown tonight join a server wearing a vMax skin. illepall

I see this happening every other day now. Not so bad on team sever as most have been banned or kicked or will be if spotted.

What makes me laugh is the increase of idiots that like to force you off road , and then when you hold your line and they crash , its suddenly your fault some people dont like tasting their own medicene.

This ^^ so far happened to me maybe 3 or 4 times this morning already.

Its got to the point where only good races are in league or on a trusted team server or our own.

One side note it seems .. newbs are like Agent smith infecting the whole community, rather then replenishing which used to be the case.

/rant over
My comment to the discussion is that I'm perfectly fine with the current situation.
Out of 100 races 3 or 4 end because someone did something stupid, like initiate a slide on corner exit where I couldn't evade. In my complete LFS-career I met exactly one person who looked like he deliberately destroyed my race. Though I'm not sure about it as he didn't touch the wheel for 5 minutes after the incident, he might have had to go afk because of burning house or something...
I just wanted to point out that not everyone is unhappy with the situation.

I've read again through all the contributions.
1. LFS is sold as an online racing simulator.
2. All drivers have varying degrees of skill, know-how and experience.
3. For newbies to join a host where they can be sure that they will meet up with people of the same (approximate) level would be a good thing. This however will always remain a choice.
4. To have hosts which are of a certain grade and therefore more likely to give new folks a "race" would be helpful. I, personally, don't care much for the idea of "earning" the right to compete at a higher level. In my experience thus far, no private hosts, aiming purely at those hosts which are solely open to the FOX and BTi I have found the track discipline to be a bit "rough and ready". I would only say that I've been treated roughly rather than wrecked.
If folks are not willing to drive with some self discipline then some kind of order might have to be imposed, for the good of all. Regrettable but there you are. Then there comes the increased need for clubs who are available only to racers who want to be sure of a stricter kind of race.
Next comment please!!
sorry if my earlier post seemed negative , i should smile nod and carry on
nope , i think a good and helpful way of curbing behaviour is just to set the difficulty setting in accordance to experience.


on < newbie > say 0 - 1000 miles < Learner > 1000-2500 miles
< Ok > 2500-5000 miles <fast > 5000-10,000 miles <Pro> 10,000+ miles

so say you have 5500 miles on your stats , you can join newbie,learner,ok and fast servers. and i think it would help keep certain levels of the learnng curve more accessable.

A learner server .. eg.. say 15 new guys are racing , takes one Pro class skill racer to join and help with sets, lines cars etc , i think it would benefit LFS in so many ways and reduce the amount of admin currnetly neeeded and help with the existing & expanding userbase.

sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere, and i strongly disagree with masterban list thats just not neccersary and not good for anyone in long run.
Jell :bounce8:
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :on < newbie > say 0 - 1000 miles < Learner > 1000-2500 miles
< Ok > 2500-5000 miles <fast > 5000-10,000 miles <Pro> 10,000+ miles

The problem with something like that is the number of miles someone has driven really has no direct relation to how well they can race with others. It's fairly simple for new racers to join an oval server and rack up 10,000+ miles and then still be horrible at other tracks. The concept of this idea is good though, but maybe instead of miles it would use lap times? LFSWorld already has benchmark times. Benchmark times for each level(newb, learner, fast, pro, ect) could be set. When a racer is able to reach that benchmark with a certain track/vehicle combo, his level status changes and therefore can join the higher level servers.
In the past I have seen threads like this and said "stop whining, you were just unfortunate and encountered a few morons" but now you are right.

I find you get about 3 clean laps at most before someone does something completely moronic or deliberate to take you out or spoil your race in some way. I got into LFS due to the fact i could get home, turn on the pc, load up and be away racing against 15-20 like minded people.

now its about 8 likeminded people and a bunch of wreckers with licences.

Its such a shame, minority ruining it for the majority as usual. These people cant be reasoned with on the server, one incident involved alot of people telling someone they were lagging, when i suggested stopping any downloads etc I suddenly discovered that this man had a problem with my mother, for whatever reason.

In contrast, NetKar is more like LFS used to be at the moment.




"OMGZZ!! *Swearing" sake you *more swearing followed by swearing"




Something needs to be done, otherwise new racers will log in, get wrecked, and log off and then vent on the forum about how their £24 has been wasted. Which is obviously terrible. Grab these people where it hurts, confine them to the demo servers for 2 weeks as a punishement, they will soon calm down.

As an add on to the idea above - why not gauge the level of experience by average lap times over alot of tracks, something like GPLRank (sorry if this idea has already been said!!) that way, oval only racers wont rack up quick miles and it would encourage people to try different tracks. maybe guage it by the lap record on each track or some other solid benchmark
Quote :Unfortunately this approach would also target improving drivers, and this community has a good reputation for helping them. We want to encourage and help new/slow drivers...don't we?


Sorry for the delayyed responce...

Certainly you want to encourage new learners. But the point is do you want people learning basic car handling and the track layout along with 10 other people trying to race? Once you have made it a few times around a track without crashing even novices will quickly get to ~10 of the WR time. But even something like 150% of WR time would let all but the most incompetent (read crash at EVERY turn) still race.

I don't think kicking simply for a slow lap is a solution eather.
Often I am slow because I got into the grass and decided to let trafic pass or am trying to make pit settings.

But overall I have not had that much problem. If I do I just leave for a while. Just a game after all...

The yelow flag isn't perfect (often gives false yellows) but usually if I back off a bit I can avoid hitting spinners. The big problem is when the person behind dosn't slow any. (maybe they havent seen the yelow?)
And they get upset because they think your just goofing around.

Another idea... I wonder if stagered starts could be made an option... like the qualifying start?
I know i am a Demo racer, but this gets on my nerves. People can never seem to have a good race, and if they crash they will then try and ruin it for other people that are having a good race. I agree with fordman 100% on this. It is pethetic.
Quote from Snake2 :I know i am a Demo racer, but this gets on my nerves. People can never seem to have a good race, and if they crash they will then try and ruin it for other people that are having a good race. I agree with fordman 100% on this. It is pethetic.

Well done for digging up a post from 2006!

Quick tip though, get S2. No wreckers there...
Maybe, on startup of LFS, on a fresh install/or untill compleation of the lessons, there should be a must read(must scroll all the way through) document of the CRC Rules before entering LFS, to get them more well known to new users.

Edit: lol hadent looked at the date till now.
I'll close this thread, it's going to confuse too many people with the very old date.
This thread is closed