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Holy hell houston we have a Chernobyl
Quote from Myffe :Holy hell houston we have a Chernobyl

now THATS misinformed bullshit
its a different type of reactor
it would never cause a disaster the magnitude of chernobyl, even in case of a reactor core meltdown
Natural Selection's a bitch.
Quote from JPeace :I would like to see a human that can withstand natural disasters. This isn't natural selection, this is natural disasters.

A natural disater IS natural selection, notice that it happened in one of the most highly populated areas of the world? Humans are growing 'population-wise' too quickly, it's no suprise the world is in apparent economic holes. It doesn't mean the people that died, 'deserved' to, they were just picked at random by nature.
Quote from J@tko :Sounds like it's the coolant [i.e. water] getting really hot so they need to release some. The water comes into contact with the fuel so it's possible a tiny bit with be carried along. I doubt it's a really major issue.


My bad
Quote from JPeace :Natural selection is, for instance, a specific part of the population evolving to become better in their environment.

You've been mis-informed. Natural Selection is when the human population is reduced, due to a natural or unatural disaster.
What an idiot

Latest news:
Explosion in one of the nuclear plants, watch on THIS page.
Ignore all the norwegian gibberish, click on the picture to start video loading.
the world is full of morons.... very sad indeed

Morons is indeed the word to describe them...


I fail to find swear words for those complete idiots. Many of them haven't been born when ****ING PEAL HARBOUR happened?

Amazed how many Americans are total morons. Sorry to those who are not, but there are enough sadly.
This gives the right for Japan to drop bombs on us and for their people to say "remember Nagasaki and Hiroshima?!".

Why did I have to be born here...

Reading those comments are the first times I've seen any American say that, or anyone for that matter. Freakin idiots.
Wtf has happened to the world?!

Just.. sad.
Quote from BlueFlame :Natural Selection's a bitch.

There is nothing natural about nuclear power. This is no place for your dumb, insensitive, fail jokes.
Quote from DevilDare :Morons is indeed the word to describe them...


America is gonig to hit a massive recession here in the very near future and for the first time in many years Americans (like me) will learn what the real world is about. Many people here are thin minded and simplistic, and they trust others liek the governemtn to take care of them. Very soon, though, we will have to rely upon ourselves, and I think that people here will begin to think deeply again like we had used to.

I will say that, in my experiance, Americans are unlike anybody else in the world. I'm not going to say that this is a bad thing, but it definitly causes the rest of the world to look at us differently.

I pray that the plants are able to hold up and that people are able to get to safty.

Also, did the Japanese request assistance from the US yet? I know the US had USS Ronald Regan positioned and ready for aid when ever the Japanese governemnt gave them the word. I havn't heard anything since.

Hawaii was spared and was not effected at the last I heard, so I assume that the west coast was as well. I have not heard anything further about this after 9 local time when it was supposed to be hitting the islands. ... p;lid=us&sec=features
Quote from reason0809 :and since when its our fault that the world and their plate turns, so earthquakes are a usual thingy over there ? media always making such a big thing out of it. gosh, there may been many people injured or even dead, but well, they live with the earthquakes over there since many years and got used to it, so i dont
understand why everybody is like "OMGOSH, THIS IS SO BAD!"

its called compassion you heartless tw*t, its good to see that some people still have it, unlike you
Quote from anttt69 :There is nothing natural about nuclear power. This is no place for your dumb, insensitive, fail jokes.

Well, technicaly, everything is natural because humans are natural.

However, I must say that Blueflame's 'joke' was the worst 'joke' I've heard in a while, and was entirely out of place.
Quote from The Moose :Long list of c*nts

F*cking hell, what happened when Hurricane Katrina hit those mother f*ckers?
Quote from bishtop :its called compassion you heartless tw*t, its good to see that some people still have it, unlike you

i'm not heartless, i'm realistic. now that the nuclear powerstations may turn into weapons of mass destruction i care.

but thanks for clearing it out mummie