The online racing simulator
#102 - Zay
Wow, people are idiots! lets all message that joey guy, then he will wish he had never said that. Anyway, my hopes and wishes go out to all the people involved in this
I swear the world is going to end in a nuclear war from idiots saying this stuff.
All i can say is, I'm going to Africa.
lolz dey deserve it cuz of da pearl harbor amirite guyz??
This seriously makes me angry. Americans... I'm seriously a racist against them since now. Japanese people are some of the most kindest people around with great humour etc.
Holy mother!
All of you people who say serves them right for pearl harbour deserve a good slap in the face.
How can you be so stupid and stuck in the past?
Germans invaded the Netherlands and killed many people from my family do I hate Germans because of that?

No I don't because the people who live there now have nothing to do with any of that, so would I hate them for it?
All of you Americans who speak like this of Japan should think about this why hate people who had nothing to do with it in the first place.
Its in the past over 70 FFging years ago!!!
90% of the Japanese people weren't even born in the 1940's they have nothing to do with your ****ing pearl harbour.
Every country has it's idiots, the only scary thing is that they are allowed to vote. The world will end when the idiots elect Sarah Palin as president.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Every country has it's idiots, the only scary thing is that they are allowed to vote. The world will end when the idiots elect Sarah Palin as president.

USA might end, but the rest of world might be pretty well off.
Americans have never heard of build a bridge, get over it? this was 70 years ago. no offence to anyone american btw only the people facebooking it
Quote from JJ72 :USA might end, but the rest of world might be pretty well off.

You don't quite have a big enough idea of how big a lunatic Sarah Palin really is. She really is a danger to the world if she has any element of control over Nuclear weapons.
Quote from Cornys :Well, technicaly, everything is natural because humans are natural.

So you think splitting atoms is a natural process?
It is why the sun shines. pretty natural imo.
Hard photos, veiwer discreation is advised
I know it's not appropiate, but i gotta know what car is this.. it's so bada**

Where do you even start to clear a mess like that.
Quote from DevilDare :Where do you even start to clear a mess like that.

This is what I've been thinking. It's just...insane.
Yup.. thanks.
Quote from Vendetta :lolz dey deserve it cuz of da pearl harbor amirite guyz??

WTF? That has long been forgiven (WWII?)

I think there's alot of Anti-Japanese sediment left in the US after WWII though. It's not justified, but it is there none-the-less.
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :This seriously makes me angry. Americans... I'm seriously a racist against them since now. Japanese people are some of the most kindest people around with great humour etc.


i mean i just saw like maybe 10

no 15 posts on facebook made by americans

and now i think that the entire country is just shit

****ing americans should just go back too...england?

also, dey tookd our jerbz n bombed da pearl harbor n it's their fault dat jesus is punishing dem !!
Quote from Vendetta :exactly

i mean i just saw like maybe 10

no 15 posts on facebook made by americans

and now i think that the entire country is just shit

****ing americans should just go back too...england?

also, dey tookd our jerbz n bombed da pearl harbor n it's their fault dat jesus is punishing dem !!

What the hell?