Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :

One day when people see the bigger picture and realize the only obstacles in life are man made, this world might be a place worth living in.

Exactly, overpopulation is a man made problem, because we keep saving people that have the fate of death. Maybe I am more realistic, if I am to die, I will die, I don't want to be saved, I won't take blood from anybody and I won't be put on a machine to keep me alive. To be honest, being dead doesn't scare me, but seeing it in myself does.
Quote from BlueFlame :. Maybe I am more realistic, if I am to die, I will die,

Please fucking do, as quickly as possible.
Quote from DeKo :Please fucking do, as quickly as possible.

Well you're clearly against my opinion, so you can't allow me to die, you must save me.
Let's not turn this topic into life values and veiws lads?
(When that is said, both of you have good points, but this is not the place, nor the time to take on that discussion).

The newsopapers now classify this whole situation as a nuclear disaster, and that there have been significant radiation spills allready
Quote from BlueFlame :The best thing to do, is forget about saving people, it's about time that the global population suffered numbers loss, believe me, it hurts to watch the footage of people crying and their property and family being destroyed by the tsunami and washed away never to be seen again but there's a bigger picture.

Just, shut the fu*k up... god, i hate these 'Internet Hitlers'. Go punch yourself or start with killing yourself as someone said..
Best thing now: People on facebook start hugely adding "Nuclear Power - No Thanks" in Germany which shows how retarded they are. Of course more sustainable energies are good but if we cut nuclear power sources we end up in the 16th century.
Peopel are cluless.. and, sorry rant but - why the **** does people make groups on FB for absolutely everything? The ones that makes retarded groups on FB should be killed on the spot. I hate beeing mass invited to shit, by naive stupid people that can't go outside and have a reasonable discussion with other normal human beeings.

Rant over, sorry.

When that is said, heared that either UK or Germany (can't rememer who) are closing down their nuclear plants, that are of same modell as the one in Japan. The reason is that they want to overhault it, and make sure same thing does not happend elsewhere.
Quote from BlueFlame :Well you're clearly against my opinion, so you can't allow me to die, you must save me.

I'm sure we can make an exception if it means you dying.
Quote from The Very End :Peopel are cluless.. and, sorry rant but - why the **** does people make groups on FB for absolutely everything? The ones that makes retarded groups on FB should be killed on the spot. I hate beeing mass invited to shit, by naive stupid people that can't go outside and have a reasonable discussion with other normal human beeings.

Rant over, sorry.

When that is said, heared that either UK or Germany (can't rememer who) are closing down their nuclear plants, that are of same modell as the one in Japan. The reason is that they want to overhault it, and make sure same thing does not happend elsewhere.

German will completely re-consider their nuclear-politics, which was of course a welcome way for the opposition to rant about the mistakes of the Parties in command. Ranting and blaming others - the best thing you can do in politics obviously.
Quote from baSh0r :German will completely re-consider their nuclear-politics, which was of course a welcome way for the opposition to rant about the mistakes of the Parties in command. Ranting and blaming others - the best thing you can do in politics obviously.

And all the naiv people will jump the ban train and everything goes shit ..
Bah.. Sometimes I wish people just could be friends, and that we did not need to hear the damn whine of the politicans all the time

But maybe it's for the better to not have nuclear power plants, they can produce so much harm, but at same time we need them with the current ussage of electricity
Quote from BlueFlame :Trust me, in 50years, criminals will be killed all over the world after being sentenced immediately and old people won't be kept on life support machines. Overpopulation is a major problem, that's why natural disasters exist.

Fault-lines have extreme soil fertility that's why alot of people reside there, and that's natures way of balancing the population when it has an earthquake some of those people die.

Without these disasters that have happened in the past, volcano eruption, tsunami, earthquake etc, how many people would their be on the planet right now? A **** tonne more, that's how much.

Almost every problem of humans can be traced to overpopulation. Murder is rife because when you turn around, you are stepping on somebody else for instance. Jobs are hard to find, because the economy is screwed because they is too many people on benefit schemes and too many people trying to fill ONE job slot.

Killing somebody isn't righteous, letting someone die is gifting them their fate. People are SUPPOSED to die. Just let it happen. If every person in the world is saved, we just kill ourselves. If you believe in environmentalism, then you automatically believe this theory, the more humans their are, the more damage to the earth will be created.

Shallow see a person dying and think it is sad.

Deep people realise it's a path that is to be taken
There isn't SUPPOSED to be anything humans can do to help each other in this situation, but we keep finding a way to do it, hurting ourselves in the process.

It would be like having 20cars but not having any money to run them all, only having enough money for one, but religiously keeping them all maintained because of emotional attatchment they sit in a garage because you can't even afford the fuel money but you still keep them, when they can't even function for what they are supposed to function AS.

Your words are true(mostly), but humanity inside me tells me to ignore them
Last time I checked, Germany wasn't on top of one of the biggest fault-lines on the planet, or next to the largest ocean.
His words are also ones of a sociopathic serial killer, but that's fine.

Crashgate: You missed the Great Germanic Plate in Science Class? Or the Grende Deutschland Ocean?
Quote from BlueFlame :Well you're clearly against my opinion, so you can't allow me to die, you must save me.

People are just against your existence.

So please die without us knowing.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Last time I checked, Germany wasn't on top of one of the biggest fault-lines on the planet, or next to the largest ocean.

I guess they just want to check out that there are no problematics / shortcommings with this type of power plants, that could result in a similar situation elsewhere.
Quote from -NightFly- :Your words are true(mostly), but humanity inside me tells me to ignore them

Well i don't know how people dying in Haiti or Japan will make him have more job opportunities.. he's just full of sh*t behind his little monitor.
Quote from Boris Lozac :Well i don't know how people dying in Haiti or Japan will make him have more job opportunities.. he's just full of sh*t behind his little monitor.

You refuse to see the bigger picture, it is horrible what is happening in Japan yes...but catastrophes are the way of the world to keep some balance on earth. True is that no good people deserve to die thisway yet sometimes things like that are inevitable...
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :...

undoubtedly youll find the trouble with what youre suggesting is that it requires at least an iota of intelligence

Quote from Crashgate3 :Last time I checked, Germany wasn't on top of one of the biggest fault-lines on the planet, or next to the largest ocean.

i rather doubt that an event that has a miniscule probability of happening even in japan really factors into the fault probability of one of these power plants by any significant amount
I cant believe some of you buying into natural disasters happen because of over population. The shit happens because mother nature is on her period. If you going to go with that opinion then you minds well support the nazi genocide...
Quote from baSh0r :Of course more sustainable energies are good but if we cut nuclear power sources we end up in the 16th century.

Last time I checked nuclear power has been a thing of the last half century, certainly not pre-industrial era... I also happen to know we Austrians aren't riding around on our horses in chainmail, and yet we don't have any (working) nuclear power plants...

I am all for nuclear power - just not fission... And it would have never taken off if the still unsolved problem of how to deal with the waste would not have been allocated to the general public... We will still suffer the consequences of half a century not dealing with it when we terraform our umteenth space colony...
Quote from -NightFly- :You refuse to see the bigger picture, it is horrible what is happening in Japan yes...but catastrophes are the way of the world to keep some balance on earth. True is that no good people deserve to die thisway yet sometimes things like that are inevitable...

There's a difference between accepting that these things just happen for no reason from time to time, and actually suggesting that they're a good thing.

Blueflame's argument is also flawed as well as being ****ing despicable - the 10,000 people who are likely to have been killed by this is a mere 0.008% of Japan's populaton, so as a means of 'population control' it's not made a dent.
Quote from Shotglass :i rather doubt that an event that has a miniscule probability of happening even in japan really factors into the fault probability of one of these power plants by any significant amount

Miniscule probabilies MUST be calculated for nuclear power plants. A fault can lead to a huge area being uninhabitable for centuries. If an event is so possible that it has a maybe 1% chance of happening during the plants lifetime, it should absolutely be made able to resist it. If a 9.0 earthquake happens every 10000 years in Japan (number pulled from nowhere), and the plants lifetime is 100 years (probably longer though), it should be engineered to cope with this event IMO.

There was a huge flaw in the Fukushima plant. The plant was NOT made to resist an earthquake and a tsunami at once. Probably even the tsunami alone would molest the plant. The word tsunami even comes from Japan, and they didn't know tsunamis happen with big earthquakes? Some engineers need to rethink their careers.
Well we are close to people on the planet. If we all had to live in the state of Texas which is close to 700.000.000.000 m² (695.621 km²) each one would have a property of 100m².

A simple math, but people tend to listen to politics switching off their brains Were not overpolulated and were could have enought food for everyone.
Quote :Europe's energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger said Tokyo had almost lost control of the situation at Fukushima. "There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen," he told the European Parliament.


And people wonder why everyone goes "ZOMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!?!!!?!!!?!!"...
Quote from M.Mos :Well we are close to people on the planet. If we all had to live in the state of Texas which is close to 700.000.000.000 m² (695.621 km²) each one would have a property of 100m².

A simple math, but people tend to listen to politics switching off their brains Were not overpolulated and were could have enought food for everyone.

To solve the food problem we just have to stop producing as much meat as we do today. In the prossess of feeding up animals and then slaugher them takes a hell of a lot of food. This food could be used on feeding others.

When that is said, I enjoy meat very much
Edit: Also reducing the population would seriously help, but not this way