Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :
I'm not meaning this with any disrespect whatsoever but I kind of wonder why some people didn't just mob the guy and beat him to a pulp? Guns or not, not much he could do against a mob; I know people would've still gotten shot but maybe not 90+ dead

Right... Would you try?

First there is the element of surprise.. It's somebody dressed as a policeman.. You do not expect that at all. Second, he trained a lot in the weeks ahead of this and used steroids for example. Besides he is quite tall and he was wearing bullet resisted clothing. I don't see a 16-19 year old take such a person out, neither two at the same time.

Also everyone is in panic around you, you have to stay very cool not to start to be nervous too.

It's all so easy from behind a computer, watching too many movies

Quote from Boris Lozac :there should've been police there

For the record, an off-duty police officer had been hired to handle security at the event. He was one of the first to get killed. You may call that level of security naive, but frankly I don't see what even 10 policemen could have done against this guy. Norwegian police is as a rule unarmed and private security most definitely is. I have a hard time imagining how they would stop a guy armed to the teeth without weapons.

Should police and security be armed in this country? In retrospect and for this particular event, obviously, but to go from there to saying any political gathering of a 100+ people in Norway should require armed security is not something I'm willing to agree to. Frankly the thought of living in a society with that level of fear and paranoia scares me more than what said security would be there to protect us from.

Also, those killed at Utøya were mostly kids. I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to try to jump a mad-man shooting at them with an automatic rifle. Hell, I probably wouldn't be able to find the courage and I'm certainly no youth anymore.
Quote from cargame.nl :Right... Would you try?

I have no idea how I would react, I don't think anyone does.

Quote :First there is the element of surprise.. It's somebody dressed as a policeman.. You do not expect that at all. Second, he trained a lot in the weeks ahead of this and used steroids for example. Besides he is quite tall and he was wearing bullet resisted clothing. I don't see a 16-19 year old take such a person out, neither two at the same time.
It's all so easy from behind a computer, watching too many movies

Yeah I was thinking more like 30-40 people, not just a few. Anyway don't get bent out of shape, I never said anything was "easy" - was just thinking out loud, nothing more.
Quote from sermilan :I don't see it as "us v.s. them", but I see them more like both groups joining forces in bringing more devastation to just simple, ordinary civilians, first of all... that's why I asked "why everybody has to take a piss on civilians". I can understand Muslim extremists targeting Pentagon, I can understand him targeting that government building, but I can't understand targeting places crowded with only civilians. Why were they to blame?

Quote :Targets which should be avoided:
- Historical buildings
- Buildings and sites with an unacceptable ratio/number of civilians.

From the book...
Quote from Boris Lozac :in Serbia i think some guys would definately tried to have a go at him..

Ofcourse...15-20 year old serbian kid running toward to a shotgun aimed at him?
(jwardy) DELETED by jwardy
ok sorry about the deleted thread before, but im really confused.com

i found this http://www.facebook.com/pages/RIP-Jarl-Teien/225800854128678

which matches his facebook, but however i checked his iracing which says he logged in at 7.52 pm SATURDAY night. and i added him on fb and i got an accept straight away. but no comunication :/.

EDIT: Its not true thank god
Quote from -NightFly- :Ofcourse...15-20 year old serbian kid running toward to a shotgun aimed at him?

Probably i was beeing a little optimistic, in real life i'm sure I would shi* my pants aswell.. i don't know how was he moving, if there was a chance from 700 people for 2, 3 to sneak up on him from behind.. but like someone said, i guess it's easy to think like that behind the monitor. It's just an awfull, awfull thought that he wasn't interupted in his 'mission' for 90 minutes.
Quote from jwardy :.

Im not dead, someone has done a prank obviously.

Dunno whats happend
Quote from aroX123 :Im not dead, someone has done a prank obviously.

Dunno whats happend

Thank god for that abit harsh for someone to do that tbh :/ but thank god your ok
Quote from aroX123 :Im not dead, someone has done a bad prank obviously.


Knew something wasn't right when you answered on Skype.
Quote from PMD9409 :Fixed.

Knew something wasn't right when you answered on Skype.

yeah thats what i thought, i added him as a friend on fb and i got a instant accept. so i got rather confused.
Quote from aroX123 :Im not dead, someone has done a prank obviously.

Dunno whats happend

you should join the group and just say ,"when is my funeral?"
anyways no comment on what happened here... just sad
i just posted on the wall, 1 min later its deleted, someone is so sad
Quote from xtraction :i just posted on the wall, 1 min later its deleted, someone is so sad

i had that problem. ive reported the group
did the same
I feel like the most satisfying thing that could happen with this dude is that his case is treated in a completely unexceptional manner by the Norwegian justice system and he's given the appropriate sentence under Norwegian law and spends the rest of his days watching multicultural television programs in his prison cell knowing that his stupid actions didn't have any effect on the way we live.
Sure, lets pay for him to live in prison.

If Norway works like it does over here that is.
I tried to read the most of his 2083 Declaration because I was really curious at what moment he went wrong.

There are 2 things striking:
First analysis chapters are really good and precise analytics of cultural marxism and EU. I am really impressed. Not so many exaggerations or fails, too much stress on cultural than simply economic factors (which then create cultural factors). Nearly all of analysis are on the spot, so in the analysis - he's got the point.

Apart from great exaggerations on islamophopia and immigration (there is a fault of assuming latest UK immigration is islamic as it is economic from Eastern Europe). I am not an islamophobic even thou when I see places like this:

where act of barbarian demolition of buddhist sculptures (and as I now found out in this paper - probably act of great massacre of millions of Hindus in HinduKush) is to be something to be proud of... This is where multiculturalism fails - not all values are equal as being proud of slaughter and damage is not a value in western society.

What is shocking is the difference of level of analysis and the proposed vulgar and naive reactions: blackmail with civil warfare for change of cultural flow of multikulti. Reactions of someone who discovered for himself a huuuuge problem and tries to create sudden complete solution, while solution can also be in culture way only.

So - the analysis: great
Answers: wrong.
First of all my thoughts go out to all the Norwegians who lost a friend, relative or family during this horrible event.

And secondly I'm happy that Jarl isn't dead like some Facebook page reported. Wtf, why would they even do this...

Thanks for the report & updates TVE l' Airbag . It's greatly appreciated !
Quote from Drifters Only :Wtf, why would they even do this...

For pranks?

Last year a plane with 100 right-wing Polish politicians crashed.
No one knows why the pilot changed altimeter pressure to QNH on approach making it useless.

Next day lots of pity for him ("was forced to land"... no evidence up today) and lots of jokes on victims aboard.

Cultural Marxism in reality.
i'd never heard of cultural marxism until this

*edit: yay wikipedia
The police have today said that they maybe will decrease the number of dead in this masacre. Due to some incorections with the search / counting it might have been a little too high.

Hopefully I hope it gets decreased a LOT, but most likely only a few =(
the one that made the jarl facebook page is a absolute ****ing retard to even have the ****ing guts to make a joke out of something like this.