While diversity may be growing, the idea that someday all cultures will live together in peace, equality and harmony is demonstrably untrue. It is more likely (and is the current trend) that cultures will separate themselves and live in places where their minority culture becomes the majority in a certain town or district of a city, purposefully living apart from western culture. If they want to live in areas where they are more isolated from white people, they should live in their own countries instead of expecting us to accommodate them both culturally and economically.
DWB cannot accept that complete and total cultural relativism as an ideology is flawed. Some cultures systematically practice things like martyrdom, underage forced marriage, rape, genital mutilation, honor killings, cruelty to animals, women and children, yet he will argue that all of these practices are equal to Western society which practices rule of law and has the most complete and humane justice system yet devised that allows none of those incompatible practices for example in the West, a child's hands will not be severed for theft, whereas this is considered normal in parts of the world. That is just one example.
All people are created equal in Western society's rule of law, yet minority groups are now considered extra equal and get special protections from the law and legislation that non-immigrants don't get. Look at London, which gives everything and then some to immigrants for free, yet is known for high levels of Islamic extremism. No matter how much you want to live peacefully and equally with diverse cultures, they must want it more than you. The fact that many immigrants refuse to even learn the language of the land proves that they have no desire to integrate with the people of their host country.
DWB made a point that people must respect the law of the country they live in, yet turns a blind eye to 12,000,000+ people in America for whom their first act upon entering the country is to break its laws. That shows a lack of respect in my eyes.
Psych, I'm back in