Total stats:
Travelled distance:69582 Km
Fuel burnt:11092 Ltr
Hosts joined:2476
Races won: 677
Third: 405
Pole Positions:10
Drags / Wins:0 / 0
Gp - 3 sectors - 3.3 km
XFG 0:30.420 1:07.770 1:35.070 WR-diff +0:02.330 251 laps 1.17% fuel 18 Mar 2011, 21:17
XRG 0:30.930 1:08.660 1:36.680 WR-diff +0:04.320 37 laps 1.07% fuel 21 May 2012, 21:25
FBM 0:23.560 0:52.760 h1:12.660 WR-diff +0:00.970 16329 laps 1.25% fuel 2 Jul 2012, 22:08
Rallyx - 2 sectors - 1.8 km
XFG 0:36.560 1:11.210 WR-diff +0:03.250 126 laps 0.85% fuel 25 May 2012, 20:00.
I tried out many other racing sim. , but i think this is this one ... . I supose this is much more realistic than the other games . I've been playing the LFS about 3 years (2 on this account). I've spend a lot of time to improve my driving skills .
I've been playing LFS since spring 2009. I have tried to be pretty active since then. I like racing and hot lapping with my friends. Also I'm used to cruise with my friends and relax. I've met many new people and made good friends. I know that demo is just a little taste of LFS and that's why I'd like to be the lucky one and get in S1 with all the new cars, tracks and features. Thanks for reading this.
Its not about time you traveled. Its about KM you traveled.
Some people play from 5 years, but have 20,000 KM driven.
Others play from 2 years, but have 50,000 KM driven.
More KM, more CHANCE to get the prize.
BTW: I suggest you check this guy from the list, waiting for vouchers..
If by time you mean your lap times - you would stand a chance if it was very close to the world record (WR) lap times. But please note that these times have to be set in LFS' Hotlap mode and uploaded to LFSWorld...
If by "you" [above] you meant me:
That user didn't get a voucher through this competition (at least not through me). He might have bought it on his own or by some other means...
I tried to help there, plus knew he didn't win it from here..
Guess thats why I gave the second link, might explain something..
Though you'll change his colour or something, but I see no changes..
Nevermind, I guess..
p.s. Guy above asks for "total gameplay time in LFS" (1 week, 1 month, 1 year & etc)
Even if users meet the requirements to get a lissence, it's still some luck involved too. We do not have lissences for every dedicated demo user out there, but we of course try to help some few lucky ones. So just keep your eyes open in this thread and Silver will notify who the lucky ones are =)
As The Very End mentioned, keep an eye out. You will be sent a PM on LFSForum (not to your e-mail) if you have been selected for a license voucher code.
Hey , would like to reply but it says that "Silverracer has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."
Nearly every country uses the meter system (millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, etc.) which makes sooo much sense... and here in the US we use some weird system of Miles, feet, inches, and none of it is easy to convert. It also makes LFS a bit harder when everything is in KPH and I'm used to MPH. :arge:
Yeah you can use either of those but in the forums and in the game, a lot of players talk about KPH or use KPH, and in the middle of racing its hard to think of how fast 228kph converts to MPH for example. Also if I tell someone I'm driving 128 MPH, many don't understand and ask for KPH number. lol