The online racing simulator
Latvian translation
(39 posts, started )

Sorry, I haven't actually checked LFSforum for a while so I had no idea about things going around. Although I did translation as much as I could, there are still few areas which I just couldn't do without a huge research. There are plenty of words which don't have any translation in Latvian as far as we don't have such a great racing history which could influence language. Also a lot of technical words for car setups we would use everyday are adapted from other languages and they wouldn't count in as a part of official language. Some of them could be translated literally, but then they would make no sense.

For example, I remember I had a quite big "fight" with term- Hot Lapping, which is a button in main menu and is quite important to have a meaning when translated. Literally translating it would just sound funny. Fortunately one day when I was watching F1 series, I spotted a term what they used - "flying lap" and that was used widely used in Latvian. Although it is not quite accurate term, but that was the closest one I could get.

And there are several words which aren't translated, because they require quite a lot of research to get translated/adapted. So i did as much as I could from the interface

Of course there also some typos and literally incorrect forms which somehow "slipped" in And finally, all my English education is from high school, and I haven't been speaking in native English environment so there are way to go.

Anyways, good luck for the new translator, there is some work to be done, a bit challenging, but nothing impossible, just requires some time to be finished.
We had the same problem with "hot lapping" in Czech as well. It's translated as "timed laps", if it helps
Thanks Ferroc,you've already done the most,all I needed was to correct some mistakes and translate some terms you haven't done. But still there are some yellow lines which should (and could) be translated,but I can't find the correct translation. Also in in-game help there are 2 lines left,which confuses me,because I know nothing about graphics cards and terms about them... And - my english is also just from school and from tv/movies I have watched (same way I improved my german language).

Since next test patch will be most likely next week or even later,I guess I still have some time to finish.

PS. Hotlapping - karstapļošana?
In German, Dutch, Catalan, Castellano, Italiano, Dansk, Croatian, Japanese, "Hot lapping" has not been translated, because it sounded better in English.

In some languages it has been translated as "against the clock" or "fast laps" etc.
Seeing the activity in other translations,I've done optimization in latvian translation last and this weekend and also done the text section. Unfortunatelly I'm not too familiar with banking terms,there might be some mistakes,hopefully someone could spot any mistakes when it's activated online (seems like it has to be done manually by devs,right?) and help to fix them.
Also this morning I wanted to start translate training txt files,but found out it's supporting only ansi,while in latvian there are lots of unicode characters. After quick googling I found nothing useful about unicode to ansi "translation",so I wonder how it can be done? Will start to work on autocross and commands docs files mean while...

And some asking for help in latvian:

Lūgums tautiešiem pēc nelielas palīdzības - cerams,ka ir kāds ar tehnisko izglītību un varētu ieteikt tulkojumus atsevišķiem terminiem (kā clutch pack lsd,caster,double wishbone utt - skatīt ... ewer.php?lang=Latvian),jo man personīgi nav zināšanu šajā jomā. Kā arī jautājums par to vai vajadzētu tulkot riepu nosaukumus vai atstāt kā ir? Vēl arī ir palikusi neiztulkota in-game palīdzība - skatīt iekš LFS opcijas->grafika spiežot uz jautājuma zīmes pretī tekstūru filtrēšanai un mip bias,arī šeit man pietrūkst zināšanu,lai ar nepareiziem tulkojumiem nesajauktu citiem prātu. Zinu,ka vietējā komūna šobrīd ir tik neaktīva,kā vēl nekad,bet ceru,ka kāds atradīsies!
Quote from Eclipsed :Also this morning I wanted to start translate training txt files,but found out it's supporting only ansi,while in latvian there are lots of unicode characters.

There should be a setting, something like "Language for non-unicode programs". ... age_version.mspx?mfr=true

If that is set to Latvian, you should be able to edit in notepad (or some plain text editor) using code page 1257 (Baltic) and no need for unicode.
Eclipsed, I don't think your name is on the LFS credits screen. If you tell me your name I can add it. You can write it here or in an email or in your user account details.
Thanks,that worked,finally found some time to translate the training txt files.

I would put my last name in account details,but it says it has an illegal character - "š"... It's Rony Kronpušs.

BTW - I found a mistake in training files: in Westhill Testdrive - FO8.txt under car's description:
Quote :The Formula V8 is is the second fastest but most difficult car to drive in LFS.

Quote from Eclipsed :Thanks,that worked,finally found some time to translate the training txt files.

Thank you but it looks like there are two missing. There should be 38 lessons.

Do you know the title can be translated? Look at the Deutsch ones for example - on the first line you can put an @ character followed by the title. Then this will appear in the list of lessons in LFS. That also makes it easier to see if you've done them all and the filenames are all correct.

Quote from Eclipsed :I would put my last name in account details,but it says it has an illegal character - "š"... It's Rony Kronpušs.

Thanks, you will now appear in the credits.

Quote from Eclipsed :BTW - I found a mistake in training files: in Westhill Testdrive - FO8.txt under car's description:

Well spotted! I've put a correction in the patch folder.
Found the missing two kyoto trainings and translated the titles too! Also keys pdf file has been done. Free day of work gives some extra time! Now just autocross and commands txts left...
Attached files - 15.4 KB - 876 views
Keys_Latviski.pdf - 92.8 KB - 1036 views
Thanks! Got them.
One of latvian drivers found a mistake in one training lesson (just 1 letter missing),so here's the updated txt file. Nothing too serious,as no cursing or something like that has been made of it.
Attached files
Throttle Control - Formula BMW_Latvian.txt - 305 B - 679 views
Thanks, got it!

Latvian translation
(39 posts, started )