The online racing simulator
GTR2 is definitively an improvement over gtr or rfactor, it feels a lot better, sure its not perfect, but its a hell of a lot better.

Never been a fan of isi based physics ffb, but i'll still buy it, anything to get the rfactor taste out of my mouth.
i think gtr2 looks much better than the 1st game its satisfactory. i turned off motec and my framerate went from 50 to 90 on laguna seca
I'll be buying it aswell - to add to my sim collection
Quote from RMachucaA :GTR2 is definitively an improvement over gtr or rfactor, it feels a lot better, sure its not perfect, but its a hell of a lot better.

Never been a fan of isi based physics ffb, but i'll still buy it, anything to get the rfactor taste out of my mouth.

I agree, GTR2 is a significant improvement over GTR and especially rFactor and joins GTL as the only ISI-engined games I can actually play without thinking 'god, this is crap'. I'll almost certainly pick it up when it hits the stores.

I am really looking forward to see the quality of games SimBin/Blimey! are capable of creating once they finally distance themselves from ISI and develop their own sim engine.
Made some tyre physics tweaks. The cars drive better, you can control slides and so forth, yet times are slower.

Give it a spin. Still not LFS though.

1. Back up the file in GTR2 Demo\GameData\Teams\ called Perelli_GT.tyr
2. Put the file in the attached archive in its place
3. Start GTR
4. Spark up the Ferrari 575

NOTE: The creator of this mod cannot be held responsible for bodily harm, injury or death of the user. Further more, he also cannot be held responsible for any damage to any property of the user.
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Did you modify the grip curves to be similar to LFS (I think they are like what Todd recommends) and drop the tarmac grip down a bit?
axus, those feel better than the default ones, but using them makes me really think that its the games error, not their little table o' physix.
Something like that. I did most of my research using this:
(with the help of Todd - couldn't have gone very far without him)

It slides more naturally but my times are way slower - about 10s slower, so I think its about right - remember I've only driven a few laps in the car and I'm using the default set.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :axus, those feel better than the default ones, but using them makes me really think that its the games error, not their little table o' physix.

Well their table o' fizix is upto 45% off at high slip so that should have gone a long way in fixing it. As for how they combine lateral and longitudinal forces, I can't do much there.
Quote from BuddhaBing :I am really looking forward to see the quality of games SimBin/Blimey! are capable of creating once they finally distance themselves from ISI and develop their own sim engine.

I'm still confused about this situation with Blimey Games. Was Blimey part of GTR2 developement at all? I would somehow think that they pre-developed it, SimBin just finished it and took the credits or something.

Probably a WTCC game will be the next one (except Xbox 360 portion of GTR2), at least they recently bought the WTCC licenses. Though no idea will it be developed by Blimey or SimBin. I really hope they would finally forget ISI engine and build a new one from scratch...
Quote from deggis :There are rumours that they would finally make a home grown own engine and ban ISI, I really hope so.

Trust me, you don't want a full engine made by people who had the slip angle vs lateral force curve and slip ratio vs longitudinal force curve with an identical shape. Its better this way.
Quote from deggis :Hmm.

No, I'm not kidding - that's the tyre physics equivalent of thinking that the earth is flat.
Quote from axus :No, I'm not kidding - that's the tyre physics equivalent of thinking that the earth is flat.

I know what do you mean, it was just a quick reply from me.

But I guess if they build new engine, it can't be worse than ISI's.
ISI sims are hugely messed up by the garbage data that's put into them by developers and modders alike. Its probable that before the April update, if an ISI engine had good data put into it, it would have handled better than LFS... although probably still having rubbish feedback.
ive only had a quick run with the mouse but i think i can already tell that axus' tyres feel a lot better than the original ones
Quote from BuddhaBing :
I am really looking forward to see the quality of games SimBin/Blimey! are capable of creating once they finally distance themselves from ISI and develop their own sim engine.

I wouldn't get your hopes up seeing as it has taken Axus a week to make the changes to the tire data that SimBin had a year to do. It's not even the limitations of the physics engine just getting the most out of it, whatever idiots may say GTR/GTL/GTR2/rFactor are basically the same with different values in a few text files
Im actually looking foward to their WTCC game now. To me ISI based games are single player games. I dont care much for the realism so long as im having fun and thats what the GTR2 demo is to me a fun single player game.
Quote from ajp71 :... whatever idiots may say GTR/GTL/GTR2/rFactor are basically the same with different values in a few text files

Quote :Heh, I just had a go in the old "GPL Mosport" and with it's 1998 textures and 3d models... well seemed to match up quite well with the GTR2 physics. It feels so 1998

I'm starting to agree. This feels like the game we fantasised about all those years ago, it's a pre 21st century fantasy. I'm still enjoying it, but I like it because it's my old dream realised. I'm having trouble approaching it in any other way. The few bells and whistles that GTR has over LFS can't make up for the fact that LFS is a higher quality driving experience.
I did some more tweaking, having researched the GTR physics engine a bit further. Here's what I've come up with - a new Pirelli_GT.tyr file, and some curves for comparison - the original GTR2 tyre curve, a curve generated by FTire and my curve. The FTire curve fluctuates a bit, due to spin (not wheelspin but the tyre's sidewall twisting when slip angle is increased and taking some time to come back to normal - I ran the test as slowly to minimize this but it is still present) and whatnot, just smooth it out in your head. It also drops off at a point, I just can't run the simulation at slip angles much higher than 80 degrees because of mathematical instabilities.

I can't adjust the lateral and longitudinal grip coeficients though because my wheel just seems to have died. Feel free to do some tweaking of your own - you should be able to use them to slow laptimes down to a simmilar to a simmilar level to those of real cars. I still need to adjust load sensitivity and the longitudinal slip curve so still loads to do, but all in good time. I can't really do it without my wheel though, hopefully I can fix it.
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GTR2 Tyre curves.rar - 209.2 KB - 390 views
Thanks axus, the new Pirelli tyres feel great. Just did a few sessions around Lime Rock Park with the modified tyre definitions and the cars feel much more lively and dynamic. Nice job!
Got me wheel working so here's another update from me... this is specifically for the Medium Compound tyres. Also, when using this tweak its recommended that you edit the track .gdb file and lower "DryGrip" by 10%.

EDIT: Updated it for usage with 1.00 dry grip value (so don't change a thing) and changed some other parameters.
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LFS community GTR2 Demo try-out?
(386 posts, started )