The online racing simulator
Richard Burns Rally
(1109 posts, started )
Maybe it's better if we used the same tournament template, as you seem to have mods allowed and that's an instant mood killer...

AFTERTHOUGHT: If no-one's got a problem with it, I could make the Challenge tournaments and mix them up a bit with randomish weather & road conditions and repair times. I'd follow the single-player experience when planning the up rallies.
Yup, just default cars, please.
Get's my spankmeyer.

Quote from spankmeyer :Maybe it's better if we used the same tournament template, as you seem to have mods allowed and that's an instant mood killer...

I think it's set to Original cars only, at least that's what I tried to set it to.
Check PMs!

If it's ok, I could make the first two real (this first was a test version ) Challenges, Great Britain and Japan by monday evening with slightly variable weathers and stuff to keep things more interesting than good/dry/good/dry/good/dry stages everywhere.

I'd set the both rallies to open on tuesday midnight and stay open for a week, that way you could choose when to race them and take a few days off to recover. I'll put the SuperRally option on, so even if you crash critically you can still continue the rally (with time penalties of course).

Sounds good? See ya in the evenin and stay tuned!
Open the rally for monday. Otherwise I'll have to start yet another singleplayer britain rally. And that would be a bit too much britain for me as the challange on tuesday would then be the fourth britain rally in 3 days.

Can't wait. :rally_dri

Too bad there's no way to have more than one shot at the tournaments. Like Victor's autocross trial he had going, you could take as many laps as you wanted to best your times. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like another shot at spankmeyer's challenge hehe. I looked through creating a tournament. Lot more work than I thought it would be, but I didn't see any option like this.
Hmm, I'm confused, I tried to get into the LFS challenge 2 tournament and it said I didn't have the correct physics file. I then thought oh yea I put diff ones on so I fetched my backups and put them back in, and still got the same thing.

I also done the LFS 1 tournament fine without changes before this, but fogot I had the '06 Impreza over my '03 one, so I used the accent, hit a tree and got disqualified! illepall

If it's possible could someone take me out of that one so I can give it a go with my '03 (Changed the cars file back to that) as i don't even think I saw my 1st split. :rolleyes:
I set up the Part 1, but Ajp71 cut some corners and made pt. 2 with mods allowed/installed. We're trying to get the Ajp's current Pt. 2 Japan rally deleted (you gotta request it on their forum or wait for auto-delete if no-one finishes the race before deadline).

It's a bit tricky to get all options right, yes, so I thought it would be good idea if we'd use my template as it seemed to work ok.
I can set the option to allow restarts - which would help people who have CTD or car wrecking problem with RBR (plugin itself seems solid) - but problem is it allows unlimited restarts, which is more like hotlapping instead of racing.
I think they have a SuperRally option now, which sets you back 1-3 mins from the WORST stage time if you fail to finish. So you can resume the race, but with hefty time penalties.

I'll make the both rallies open on monday 1800 CET! Now we'll just gotta shoot down the Ajp's crippled Japan rally, don't join it!
I wasn't able to join Ajp's rally anyways. It said something about my physics file being wrong. My install is competely stock, mod-free so whatever. I definitely was enjoying your rally spankmeyer so I agree to keep using that template.
LFS RBR Challenge Great Britain is up, kickoff at 1200 CET!
If I got all settings correct (disclaimer) following changes were set:
  • Resuming tournament is now possible, but restarting stages is not. I'm not 100% sure if this is a good option but we'll test it today.
  • SupeRally rules with slight modifications. If you crash your car, you can still continue the rally - with time penalties. When DNFing a stage, you can resume the rally after the next scheduled service area. Your time for every DNFed stage is the worst time set + 60 secs. On the final stage SupeRally does not apply, so if you fail there -> DNF.
  • Tyre and setup changes possible only when you are in service area (after stages 1, 3 and 5).
  • These settings might be HORRIBLY wrong so we just gotta test them now, be patient please!
Great Britain Gravel Mayhem
Mon 4.9. 1200CET - 11.9. 1159CET
Password: otter

Japan Gravel Harakiri
(I'll add details today evening after we find out if the rally above goes smoothly)
#362 - Don
ARGH crashed 2 times -> got angry -> ALT+F4

i guess i should drive more carefully
I saw that Don.

I did my go parallel to Don. Didn't confuse tarmac with gravel tyres this time and everything felt fine. The damp Chirdonhead stage wasn't that great and Harwood II suffered from lack of concentration but otherwise a nice rally.
Only very minor damage. I had to repair the front bumper everytime because on the Peugeot that thing always breaks and I always had to repair 2% gearbox damage. Don't know where that came from.
The only disturbing thing about the 206 is that the lights always go off when the front bumper takes the least bit of damage. The damage is so few the game doesn't even allow you to repair it, but the headlights are dead...

But... what do you need the headlights for anyway? It's not like there's night in RBR.
The car looks like I crashed it when only one headlight is working. Of course I didn't and the car is actually in the best shape, with a small scratch on the front bumper where a little stone hit it, but that small scratch is enough to destroy one of the headlights and from there on the car looks damaged.
It's just a optical thing. You can't say "Yay, I'm a great and absolutely safe driver" when only parts of your car work when you finish. Definitely a bug in the damage-model.
But on the other hand I love the handling of the Peugeot.

Where's the next rally? :rally_dri

Could you test if the Superally and tournament resume works? If you DNFed early in the race, you should be still be able to continue from the next service area with time penalties. It would be nice to have more people (somewhat) finishing the rally.

Ok I'll have a go myself now, then it's Japan time!

UPDATE: Finished the rally in 2nd place. I beat Vain on last stage by a few secs, but he was faster overall.
#367 - Don
i dont see the tournament in the list anymore - but i think i should be able to rejoin it only if i leave the tournament after finishing the stage, not during it by pressing alt+f4
Oh you hot blooded Czech fella, easy with the ALT-F4 in the future mkay!
I would enter, but my arm is killing after a bit of a reaction to an injection I had earlier today Next time, though
Well, you still have time to recover till Sept 11th.
Japan rally online at 1800 CET...
Check my sig for info!

Same rules still apply (didn't hear too many complaints yet)
Password: sushi
I'll do tha Japan one this evening. Looks like a good composition of weather and service points. It's good that Noiker II with the "70 - over crest - 30 - killer fast left of evil (tm)" (the one that goes downhill with the tree on the right side, where the copilot calls the turn out so late you can't break fast enough at all if it's wet) is at the end of the rally. That's a great stage to play it safe or to go full risk to make up time.

I was hoping for rain at Pirka Menoko. That stage is evil in the wet and I love that. But that way more people finish.
Tanner in the rain is difficult enough...

Even if I'm selecting the conditions and stage orders, you could say they are pretty random as I have zero idea of what stage is called what!
You make a good random weather generator then
Hit me in the head with a baseball bat and I'm a good random anything generator.

Richard Burns Rally
(1109 posts, started )