@ Kev : Yes, Smax (Mike) and I were going to do it via teamspeak or MSN or something, so we can hear each other, whilst recording a high quality file locally. These two higher quality files can then be merged together into one natural sounding whole. But when Mike couldn't make it, I said I'd do it on my own. Then Becky offered, and it was decided (after I'd done my bit) that she should add something. Hopefully it won't happen again
Yeah, I noticed watching it last night I got Hepp and Galaske a bit muddled up - I just hoped I got away with it
'There', 'further back', and probably a few others stuck me as noticable, but as you say I'll get better with practice and familiarity.
I just wonder how good commentators manage so well on the opening round of a new championship - lots of research I guess, and an assistant in the commentary box.
At least I didn't do a James Allen! Would anyone like me to do a James Allen version of one the rounds (in addition to the proper version)? It'd be utterly crap, but that's more the fault of Mr Allen than me.