U36 - it has better sounds
Honestly! I'm digging these very much, thank you sir! The terrible boomyness is finally gone! Keep those audio sliders cranked to the max, baby!

My game audio setup equals:
Audigy2 -> Logitech Z-2200 THX certified (or Sennheiser HD280 Pro) -> my ears -> brain says: "Sounds pretty good!"

EDIT: Had no auto-updater problems going from U33 to U36.
after downloading the automatic updates after U32 I get this error message.....

lfs_restart.exe has caused an error and has had to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Anyway to stop this or fix it?
Quote from AndroidXP :Haven't done much testing, but from the first impressions I have to agree with this. U36 sounds worse than U35, IMO. (But not much.)

Agree wholeheartedly. BF1 particularly sounds bad (imo). I thought it sounded ok in one the previous versions, more so from outside than onboard, but I'm starting to lose track (definitely wasn't U32 though).
I think the FZR must be more roary (like the FXR and XRR) and the TC of the BF1 makes some strange noises.

Will patch V be the final sound improvement patch or will be there more sound patches after patch V?

Someone know how to make the pitspotter sound lower, because its very loud since the new sound patch and i dont want to put the lfs sound at maximum?
Quote from lococost :screw all the clipping issues, we need clipping, if you go to a race with a full grid of LXes the same thing will happen to your ears, its natural.

if that's natural in your ears, you should go see a doc

Clipping definately is NOT a natural fenomenon. It's a mostly digital thing.

You ears compress loud sounds, but they do not clip.
LX6 - teh smex, thank you!
Quote from axus :With U35 I could close my eyes and think "yeah, that sounds like a car on a track, pretty much." Now, when I do the same, I've no idea what's going on. I can't even put my finger on what's not right. If these are patch V sounds, I'll just go back to U35 I guess...

I'm one of the few who had clipping problems and I agree with you. The sound of BF1 now feels kind of tame. It was great in U35.
I suspect that some of what occurs in the cockpit is a result of phase cancellation - is this possible ? If for example, if you are driving an open cockpit car, your head is splitting the wind ( that which is reaching the center of your visor), and sending basically the same audio data to both sides of your head, more or less simultaneously.

If that is the case there would be random moments of phase cancellation, I suspect.

Anyway, I kind of interpreted the previous patch sound deviations as this, and wasn't particularly bothered by it.

(not saying it wasn't clipping, just it didn't bother me).
The U -> U35 archive should work to go back from U36 to U35, correct?

I'd also like to add that I'm getting some weird resonance-like sound, cycling every thousand rpm or so (the cycle seems to be longer in a higher gear) with U36. Its not loud at all and hardly audiable but still there if you listen. This is pretty much in every car.

I think I can hear Scawen's roar of frustration with these patches and feedback from here... its so inconsistent.
Quote from Victor :if that's natural in your ears, you should go see a doc

Clipping definately is NOT a natural fenomenon. It's a mostly digital thing.

You ears compress loud sounds, but they do not clip.

I'm sure you've been to an F1 race, to make the example even more obvious, the sound is not compressed when the full grid leaves the starting line, your ears just cant handle it, if that sound would just be compressed, as in the amplitude would be somehow lowered, it would sound as clear as... well as lfs... But somehow I dont think anyone experiences an F1 race like that.

Could be all wrong here, maybe the LFS sound is great and i should really see a doctor.

If you ever been to I love techno, a large indoor techno event, you might have experienced the same thing...
Yeah, sorry, I really should see a doctor shouldnt I
After i installed this patch the messages saying "You entered pitlane." and "Exited Pitlane." is not shown anymore. Anyone knows how to get them back? Kinda annoying to guess when i can turn pitlimiter off. I also had to unlock LFS again, is it supposed to be like that? Otherwise a great patch!
1) You can't get them back
2) Read the release notes before installing a patch
Quote from Flycantbird :I suspect that some of what occurs in the cockpit is a result of phase cancellation - is this possible ? If for example, if you are driving an open cockpit car, your head is splitting the wind ( that which is reaching the center of your visor), and sending basically the same audio data to both sides of your head, more or less simultaneously.

That isn't phase cancellation. Phase cancellation is when, for example, you wire up your speakers opposite to one another. Ie, you wire left + to + and - to -, then the right + to - and - to +. That is phase cancellation.
Well... yes... that's an extreme example of phase cancellation. But phase shifts and phase cancellation are happening all the time around us. Actually every physical soundwave moving through the air into your big floppy ears is phase shifted or cancelled to some degree.

By nature, everything is EQd.
Doh, spankmeyer beat me to it. Regardless of everything else, I think it's time to release patch V and move forward. Just spent a lot of time reading through some of the 'spinoff' topics in here, and now have even more respect for Scawen and company, not just for their vision, but for their
amazingly thick skin and ability to express themselves ( sometimes over and over) in eloquent terms.

For what it's worth, I love LFS and I love the journey.

Quote from mrodgers :That isn't phase cancellation. Phase cancellation is when, for example, you wire up your speakers opposite to one another. Ie, you wire left + to + and - to -, then the right + to - and - to +. That is phase cancellation.

That is an example of phase cancellation, however audio phase cancellation occurs when a single acoustical source is picked up by two different microphones ( or ears in this case).

The difference in distance from the source and the microphone will cause the phase to be different, and when the two signals are combined, some phase cancellation occurs, and the quality and tonality of the sound is affected. How they are affected depends on the composition of the sound in question, but at some points, the wave forms enhance certain frequencies, at other points, they can cancel certain frequencies.
I'm not really understood what you mean there. Anyway Noise cancellation is an effect of "Destructive interference" between sound waves, and happens to occur at a phase difference of 180º (maximum cancellation). The source of this difference can be several things (distance between sound sources, wave travelling with different speeds, i.e. different matter, etc) all related to the wave path.

Anyway and coming back to the topic. The Sounds have definitely improved from last patch.
With U34-U35 and the BF1 at seven gear and maximum RPM in the Blackwood's straight I had experienced the sound very distorted. Now that has been solved, and the sound is smashing.

Regarding Xmas breaks, have the best of luck with the latest Travel Chaos.
Quote from jamvib :I'm not really understood what you mean there. Anyway Noise cancellation is an effect of "Destructive interference" between sound waves, and happens to occur at a phase difference of 180º (maximum cancellation). The source of this difference can be several things (distance between sound sources, wave travelling with different speeds, i.e. different matter, etc) all related to the wave path.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P ... fference#Phase_difference

Basic wave stuff
Quote from nmag :This is the first time I write on the forums, although I am a very old (offline)racer on LFS.

I believe that the gear whine noise should still be heard when we press the clutch and the car is still moving with a selected gear. It should stop only we select neutral. When we have a gear selected and we press the clutch the gears in the gearbox still rotate fast, at the speed of the wheels, so they still make noise.

Welcome to the Forums!

This is correct behaviour because under those conditions, there is no torque being transferred through the gears. In a manual all gears are enmeshed all the time, even in N. Selecting a gear engages one of the ratios which are otherwise able to rotate independantly of the input shaft. Perhaps in the GTRs, a tiny bit of whine should be present even when not under load just beacuse the cars are thin as metal. In this case, even in N with the clutch out you should hear a tiny bit of whine. Clutch IN while stationary in N you could then hear the shafts slowly come to a halt due to their own friction. In LFS as it is, try level off the throttle just barely maintain speed, even slightly decelerate if there is a lot of aerodynamic resistance - you shoul dhear the whine cease because the load is neutral at that point. If you then either let off completely or try to accel, you should hear whine. Again, this is correct behaviour.

Edit: Perhaps only Differential noise could be still heard, but for trans whine, what I said applies. Not sure how noisy differentials really are TBH, someone could enlighten me.
I was testing sound-equalizing in U35 via DirectX-software when U36 came out, so I had a good comparison.
And my opinion is that the FZ 50 has taken a huge leap in the right direction. It might be the very first time I have heard the hint of a functional engine in LFS! (There was a very slight roaring of an engine beneath that excessive mid-bandwith sound we already knew.)
It was pretty amazing, actually.
I liked the direction most other cars have taken too, and I'd appreciate it a lot if future patches would continue to do so.

Please consider spending one complete week of the new year only comparing real in-car footage to LFS cars until you get the dimensions of all involved sound-components right for each car.

New lfs_restart.exe work fine here...
First crash
I've just updated from U34 to U35 then U35 to U36 using the auto update feature, which seemed to go ok (both files downloaded and extracted when LFS had closed).

Started a Single Player game on KY1, chose the FZR with a setup - Inferno Valky1239 set, clicked Start and then LFS locked (car stopped spinning) and I couldn't CTRL+ALT+DEL. Had to power off and restart.

Restarted OK, and loaded LFS ok after that. Unfortunately I don't have a crash dump file (unless you know where it's located?).
Quote from tiagolapa :

To dev: Release patch V and enjoy you vacation. You deserve it.

Happy Christmas to all

I must agree with Tiago. I think is time to release what you think are the best sounds and let it go for a while. It´s the same of making a song: when you get stuck it's better to leave it for some time. When you listen to it again you´ll see it in a very different way and it´s easier to know what to do to make it better... So, have a merry christmas, enjoy your vacation and we all gonna be around the next year racing, and trying to help you make LFS even better than it already is!
Sound in U35 is better than the rest of the test patches. Obviosly room for improvement though.
Quote from chunkyracer :I must agree with Tiago. I think is time to release what you think are the best sounds and let it go for a while. It´s the same of making a song: when you get stuck it's better to leave it for some time. When you listen to it again you´ll see it in a very different way and it´s easier to know what to do to make it better... So, have a merry christmas, enjoy your vacation and we all gonna be around the next year racing, and trying to help you make LFS even better than it already is!

you agree with Tiago, I agree with you
WOW, the FOX has suddenly grown a massive set of BOLLOCKS!!!
The best sounding car there is so far!!!!!
Puts the F08 in the shade ATM.

Fantastic work

This thread is closed

TEST Patch U35 (obsolete)
(382 posts, closed, started )