The online racing simulator

Poll : Do You think there should be a mountain drift course?

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Quote from Gunn :Some drifters in this community are very very fast racers actually.

Quote from SNOOP [Drift-Era] : Ian.H
NFS is not a sim. So u make me laugh. As my friend says "NFS is not a game, more like a video, haha cause u dont have to brake, just hit the gas and turn.
...and drifting, forget counter-steering, just steer in the same direction as the turn, and enjoy. Bull$#!t!."
Drifters come to play lfs because it's real. U feel the physics.

Read my post again.. _then_ comment. I didn't say "NFS is a sim", someone asking for FnF-like stuff is nothing more than a bad joke, just like NFS hence the relativity.

Quote : Hankstar
Rally is not a circuit asphalt racing. LFS is a RACING game. So if u want RALLY game - buy "Colin McRae Rally" or "MS RALLISPORT CHALLENGE" and enjoy the action.
Sounds funny, isn't it?

Again you need to do some research dude, you're making yourself look silly... Rally is _not_ Rally Cross. There is _no_ rally tracks in LFS, only rally cross, which, to hedumacate you, consists of 2 drivers per race driving around a circuit. What's so funny about that?

Quote :Racers' crap about drifting sounds same funny...
And to let YOU know - drifting is motorsport. We not asking to convert LFS into a drift game, we asking a little support for it... Thats all.

You have support for it, you're able to skid around like a bunch of kids in a carpark realistically.

Quote :As i said earlier, U racers hate drifters(and me personaly). So keep doin that, i dont care. It just makes me more agressive to yall.

I don't recall anyone saying they hate or dislike you personally.

I realise (or at least I'm guessing) English isn't your first language, but please, try and comprehend at least some of what's being said before replying.


Quote from SNOOP [Drift-Era] :We talking about mountain course here. Not about neons etc. Neons and nitro - not what drifters need. Go to 'We want neon in LFS' thread and speak to those kiddies. (I hate 'em too)

No-one mentioned neons.. just read the first post!

Quote :About skidding around carpark. Man... It's not serious! If u think drifting is a about 'hangin' round carpark and perform donuts' - u wrong.

I see a very strong resemblance.. skid around a bit, show off, look "k00l" in riced up looking motors and get a round of applause.. much the same as we used to do when I was 17

Quote :About rallycross and rally. It was just an example. And it was my mistake about 'rally=rallycross'. I realized that. (It's just like MX and SuperMoto, diff things)

No problem.. and seeing as this thread's nowhere near the original topic now, SuperMoto is great!

Quote :And yes. english is not my basic language, so forgove me for my spelling.

I wasn't criticising your spelling or anything in regards to your language / use of English etc.. just that you don't seem to be reading or understanding even in the slightest what's being said here, whether I (or others) are right or wrong, you're just typing


Quote from Urban_Eagle1 :I stand corrected some drifters make decent people who are respected and are drifters seem noobs because that one person thinks that they are speaking for the whole drifting community well we all know thats not happaning, Most people who defend drifters myself is a hybrid i do both and they are both exiting to me, but drifters such as SNOOP [Drift-Era]seems like his speaking for all of us(Drifters) and bashing racers, personally dont pay attention to him when he compares racers to drifters coz his giving respected drifters and normal ones a noobish look because his just pushing it to far.
Proberly like i am now but still, im ready to be flamed all i know is this mountian course bring it on, im ready for a new challenge.

Granted I personally really fail to see anything in "drifting" (unless it's rally / rally cross or '60s GP), I don't necessarily see all "drifters" as idiots.. just that it would seem at least here, 90% of people that are come in talking about / asking for the most ridiculous things of which most result in something they've either seen in a cartoon or a fast and furious movie, neither of which can really be taken seriously IMO. I don't see why you should be flamed.. you haven't asked for / mentioned such things

Anyway, must grab a few hours sleep now, been a long night


Quote from SNOOP [Drift-Era] :
Rally is not a circuit asphalt racing. LFS is a RACING game. So if u want RALLY game - buy "Colin McRae Rally" or "MS RALLISPORT CHALLENGE" and enjoy the action.
Sounds funny, isn't it?
Racers' crap about drifting sounds same funny...
And to let YOU know - drifting is motorsport. We not asking to convert LFS into a drift game, we asking a little support for it... Thats all.

As i said earlier, U racers hate drifters(and me personaly). So keep doin that, i dont care. It just makes me more agressive to yall.

Um, I sure don't hate you OR drifters. I don't know where you got that idea, but do yourself a big favour and get your facts straight before treating me (or others) like an idiot, or I might to start to

FYI (again - read this bit carefully), the RallyCross you see in LFS is raced on circuits against other cars, just like on tarmac circuits. The circuits are comprised of tarmac and dirt sections. It's a popular RL form of racing. It is NOT rally in the normal sense of racing point-to-point against a clock. I'm no old fogey, but I've been around long enough to know the difference!

edit: I see you've already been "edumacated" by Ian

I mean what I say though: getting your facts straight before taking a shot at someone will gain you respect, as will disagreeing with someone without taking things personally or getting upset (everyone can dig that, I'm sure). I see you only joined the forum this month, so a rookie error or two is to be expected. Just try and avoid getting aggressive with people who disagree with you - that's one of the main reasons some people around here get shitty with drifters & newbs (and each other, for that matter).
I'd just like to ask... why is Rallying not racing? You race against the clock; at the end of it, the driver with the lowest time wins. It is racing.
all WE need is a good mountain hillclimb/drift/race track and a Nordschleife look-a-like track!!

edit: hihi
Quote from Scrabby :all weed need

drugs are bad.

and yes. we definitly need more tracks... Hillclimb and Nordschleife-style tracks are good suggestions. I hope we'll see them in S2 final.
Quote from Ian.H :I see a very strong resemblance.. skid around a bit, show off, look "k00l" in riced up looking motors and get a round of applause.. much the same as we used to do when I was 17

You're being very condescending and stereotyping far too much. Pretty ironic considering you were just posting under a demo account two days ago and commenting about how demo users were negatively stereotyped.

Just because someone likes to drift doesn't mean they "rice out" their car or are looking to show off. I'm a racer at heart, but I love getting the ass end of my car out around a corner. It's just plain fun! I don't do it for glory or applause - I do it because I enjoy it. And the car of which I speak is an American V8. No neon, no graphics, no spinners, no body kit.

Please back off the "dorifto" stereotype and look at what is being asked for. Drifters want a track where they can do their thing and racers want a track where they can play head-to-head uphill or down. A mountain pass satisfies both while opening up the game to new forms of racing. You don't have to like it, but there's no skin off your back to satisfy the people who do want it, is there? Actually, you might even see an extra benefit. Just filter out the mountain track and you'll probably never see another drifter again!

The Nurburgring is the most requested track on this forum by far. It's requested by racers, not just drifters. What is the difference between that and a mountain track that makes one okay and the other not?
Quote from Cue-Ball :Just because someone likes to drift doesn't mean they "rice out" their car or are looking to show off. I'm a racer at heart, but I love getting the ass end of my car out around a corner. It's just plain fun! I don't do it for glory or applause - I do it because I enjoy it. And the car of which I speak is an American V8. No neon, no graphics, no spinners, no body kit.

I think you can call that a 'power slide' but drifting is getting the car into a slide before the corner, carrying it through the corner and powering out to produce lots of smoke. I think?

Quote :
Please back off the "dorifto" stereotype and look at what is being asked for. Drifters want a track where they can do their thing and racers want a track where they can play head-to-head uphill or down. A mountain pass satisfies both while opening up the game to new forms of racing. You don't have to like it, but there's no skin off your back to satisfy the people who do want it, is there? Actually, you might even see an extra benefit. Just filter out the mountain track and you'll probably never see another drifter again!

Yeah lets BACK OFF with the STEROTYPE crap and lets just give the DRIFTERS a DRIFT track illepall While were at it give us some neons and spinners and bigger turbos and super BOV's, I wont be using it but its going to satisfy others so whats the big deal?

Quote :
The Nurburgring is the most requested track on this forum by far. It's requested by racers, not just drifters. What is the difference between that and a mountain track that makes one okay and the other not?

One is a real race track and the other is a public road.
Quote from Rooble :I think you can call that a 'power slide' but drifting is getting the car into a slide before the corner, carrying it through the corner and powering out to produce lots of smoke. I think?

Power-Over is a drift technique where you enter the turn, press the gas, and "powerslide" untill the turn ends
what you described next is also drifting... ALL sideways movements are drifting as long as theyre done for fun of it...

Quote from Rooble :
Yeah lets BACK OFF with the STEROTYPE crap and lets just give the DRIFTERS a DRIFT track illepall While were at it give us some neons and spinners and bigger turbos and super BOV's, I wont be using it but its going to satisfy others so whats the big deal?

For ***k sake...this is stupid... (apart from back off and stereotype..)
Everyone will use a mountain pass your Drifters and Drift track sounds just silly

Quote from Rooble :
One is a real race track and the other is a public road.

SO? have you ever been on a mountain road so fast your tyres squeal? if yes - you would know that mountain roads are one of the twistiest and unforgiving...just like a real race track Nordschleife...
now...what's the difference again?

(if I had a pound for every thread started on mountain roads I'd afford Nordschleiffe license to LFS)
Quote from squidhead :Power-Over is a drift technique where you enter the turn, press the gas, and "powerslide" untill the turn ends
what you described next is also drifting... ALL sideways movements are drifting as long as theyre done for fun of it...

For ***k sake...this is stupid... (apart from back off and stereotype..)
Everyone will use a mountain pass your Drifters and Drift track sounds just silly

SO? have you ever been on a mountain road so fast your tyres squeal? if yes - you would know that mountain roads are one of the twistiest and unforgiving...just like a real race track Nordschleife...
now...what's the difference again?

(if I had a pound for every thread started on mountain roads I'd afford Nordschleiffe license to LFS)

I think the mountain pass would be easyer to make than Nuburgring.

With a mountain pass track, theres no need for permission, as long as you make your own. Sure, you have to think of your own scenery and design, but didnt they do that for all the other tracks in LFS?

Anyways, like i quoted my self already 3 times. The idea of a "Drift" track is retarded. Thats like me asking if they can make a racetrack for front wheel drive cars. Stupid? Yes.

This thread is just going in circles.
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :I think the mountain pass would be easyer to make than Nuburgring.

With a mountain pass track, theres no need for permission, as long as you make your own. Sure, you have to think of your own scenery and design, but didnt they do that for all the other tracks in LFS?

Anyways, like i quoted my self already 3 times. The idea of a "Drift" track is retarded. Thats like me asking if they can make a racetrack for front wheel drive cars. Stupid? Yes.

This thread is just going in circles.

agree on all points....
all I cant understand is why this type of thread is always ending up in 3 groups
1) newbie drifters who say "Drifting needs a drift mountain track" and get bashed
2) reasonable racers and drifters who see that the mountain road would suit everybody
3) Racers who say "If somebody is able to drift the racetrack - it shouldnt be included...even if we can race there..." and bash the first group, while 1st group tries to prove stupid theory of drifting being a racing technique...
I think its a good idea. That type of course would be difficult and rewarding to master, for racers or drifters. Isnt that the point?
Quote from Rooble :One is a real race track and the other is a public road.

the nordschleife is a public road
Quote from boogie van :I think its a good idea. That type of course would be difficult and rewarding to master, for racers or drifters. Isnt that the point?

Blind and off camber corners with great elevation changes and scenery, it really would be one great track when made with good dedication.

Mountain roads are one of most enjoyable to drive, there is lot in common with Green Hell too, that also is public road really. (Beaten by Shotglass)

Maybe we should start to speak from sliding so nobody is not getting upset from d-word Really what it matter how anyone drives or thinks from such track, I would at least like, 15-25km lap of mountain road, it would be really a nice to drive, enough challenge to keep most of us busy for years. I'm still trying to learn Blackwood, btw
Quote from Ian.H :seeya jak.. no time for idiots like you.. go out, get a life, job, woman, whatever.

Dude, chill..i thought we were suppose to be nice in forums?
Quote from Shotglass :the nordschleife is a public road

its also a circuit...

on a different point, does anyone remember the circuit "Charade" ?
its a french *public road* that was also used for racing. I believe they stopped using it in the late 60's.
IMHO I think it would make for a better mountain course than nord. its a circuit, but also has decent elevation changes. its is a large circuit (24.3k... I think).
I have a version for GTR that I absolutely love driving on.
plus, its no longer a circuit, I dont think you need worry about obtaining a liscense.
Quote from cyanide :its also a circuit...

on a different point, does anyone remember the circuit "Charade" ?
its a french *public road* that was also used for racing. I believe they stopped using it in the late 60's.
IMHO I think it would make for a better mountain course than nord. its a circuit, but also has decent elevation changes. its is a large circuit (24.3k... I think).
I have a version for GTR that I absolutely love driving on.
plus, its no longer a circuit, I dont think you need worry about obtaining a liscense.

Charade is still being used as a circuit on a yearly base, altough they no longer use the old circuit, but a new (temporary?) circuit.

The old track was 8.055 km.
And what about Isle of Man? Those are normal roads, but also used for one of most dangerous race events, always someone is going to die. Anyway it is also circuit in some way, I think, but so is monaco GP too, all street/road based tracks are really

But Isle of Man, Green Hell, mountain track, all such share something very common, long, very lot of different corners, kills n00bs like we have never seen before, our current tracks are not even near match of challenge and enjoyment that awaits with some of these examples.

It is perfect combination of different corners and elevation changes, there have to be some kind of nice flow also not those artificial straight and tight corner at end type, rather boring, more fluent or something, wish I could explain better what that magic is in some tracks that some do miss.
Quote from Sternendaal :Charade is still being used as a circuit on a yearly base, altough they no longer use the old circuit, but a new (temporary?) circuit.

The old track was 8.055 km.


Quote :Charade, this circuit was originally designed as a 30 mile permanent road course at Puy de Dome in 1908

your right, I just checked and the track I have for GTR is closer to 5.5 miles
I think I must have gotten the 24.3 by reading it from somewhere.

I also would love to see IoM in lfs ! I just dont think it would happen
Quote from squidhead :...rant

What is it with you and your aggressive posts when people do not agree with you? You really need to calm down if you want people to actually take your posts seriously, you're just making yourself and the 'drifting' community look bad.

Quote from Shotglass :the nordschleife is a public road

Yeah but everyone that drives on that 'public' road is in the understanding that it is a race circuit, but drifting on a mountain pass where regular traffic flows is just plain stupid.

Quote from squidhead :
3) Racers who say "If somebody is able to drift the racetrack - it shouldn't be included...even if we can race there..." and bash the first group, while 1st group tries to prove stupid theory of drifting being a racing technique...

Eh? You're asking for a 'drift mountain course' and to justify it, some people have said 'both drifters and racers can use it' well great? But you have the autocross areana for that, what more do you need?

A little off topic, but you get the idea

Mountian Drift Course
(482 posts, started )